I have this fantasy where I book shows in two venues facing each other, for the same night at the same time, in a city like Glasgow. In one venue I book Panopticon, Martyrdöd, and Dawn Ray'd, and in the other I book Goatmoon, M8L8TH, and No Remorse.

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Other urls found in this thread:


both fucking suck but NSBM is even more obnoxious

I have heard plenty of good NSBM, but never good RABM
Why can't commies riff?

idk, I like Panopticon a lot, and while they aren't RABM, Summoning are politically far left.


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why can't racists rap?

I don't think I've ever heard fascist rap, care to post some examples?

since when the fuck are no remorse and martyrdod black metal?

yes, THAT Peste Noire

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if u don't like nsbm u can fuck off

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Peste Noire have only been getting more racist, and now they're experimenting with trap rap, if that counts: youtube.com/watch?v=zFlBE6gus94

Apparently Russian Nazi Rap is a thing, but I haven't heard it.


my currently favorite bm album is by a nsbm band. shit brought me into a serious identical crisis. but it's just too fucking good.

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look at his cute legs and round, fertile hips, user

Is there any good NSBM? I feel like the only reason people like it is because it reaffirms their political views

is it Kaevum? I bet it is. That shit is pretty good especially for some fucking twink affluent norwegian nazis


This is really good. The lyrics aren't really political, but apparently everyone still considers it NSBM.

see how the fuck did you do that? but yeah, natur is insanely good, i haven't been listening to much else for days now

>how the fuck did you do that?
because it is by FAR the best album in a musical scene dominated by mediocre, derivative, tryhard bullshit that is way more concerned with spreading a political narrative and ideology than actually making decent music


>in a musical scene dominated by mediocre, derivative, tryhard bullshit that is way more concerned with spreading a political narrative and ideology than actually making decent music

That's a common phenomenon in leftist hip hop. There's a shitload of people who rap just to deliver a few political lines, and just a handful of actual good rappers who prioritize music over message

Grand Belial's Key is probably one of the greatest black metal band.
early Goatmoon riffs hard.
Absurd's first album and Asgardsrei EP is a weird black metal punk that grows into you the more you listen to it
Clandestine Blaze also riffs hard

also Fanisk, Circle of Dawn, Spear of Longinus and Lust are absolutely essential black metal bands as well

They don't really have any black metal aspects. And that dude who founded it, the brother of the current singer, is just too big of a disgusting piece of shit. Varg is a highly sympathetic man compared to him.

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As I said, their early material is fun to listen to.

really makes you think...

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This is peak Aryan greatness.
A true warrior of Thule, a descendant of our brave ancestors.

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I always thought than Möbius gave me this weird Heinrich Himmler vibe. That's what I imagine what that one looked like at that age.

The weirdest thing is, even before becoming a full out national socialist, when he was still just an edgy satanist, according to his girlfriend at the time he was a very extreme elitist. THAT guy was a very extreme elitist.

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That's what I don't get, Nazi types like Aspa talk about being against degeneracy and all that. But then he plays the ugliest, noisiest, most blasphemous black metal he can, and he starts a noise project literally discussing pedophilia.

It's almost like people like him are just projecting how disgusting they are onto vulnerable groups they can attack, as surrogate targets since they really want to attack themselves, since they hate themselves. As well they should, they're disgusting and they know it.

If you showed me this picture, told me it was someone famous, and asked me why, I'd be absolutely confident it was a picture of a school shooter.

because they both have weak chins and compensate for their low test by convincing themselves that they are genetically superior than others

>It's almost like people like him are just projecting how disgusting they are onto vulnerable groups they can attack, as surrogate targets since they really want to attack themselves, since they hate themselves.
hit the nail on the head, user

political extremism = cope

There's a book about that.

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>Nazi types like Aspa talk about being against degeneracy and all that
again this childish strawman people pull out of their asses so often
most nsbm and black metal bands in general do not give a fuck about larping some non-degenerate gentleman or whatever image you have in your head
they just don't like immigrants, like the idea of nationalism and centralised power and like how edgy nazism is. who exactly is pretending to be some shining example of non-degeneracy, exactly? aspa certainly isn't
i just find this idea that for example fat or disabled people can't be neo-nazis so fucking stupid. people are hardly ever ten toes down for whatever ideology they subscribe to

well he did strangle a class mate of his, with the only reason being that that guy was a dork

reminder that him and his friends (18) killed a 15 year old and then put his grave on one of their shitty demos
very brave

They're censored from youtube so I have to link from other sites.

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It's implicit. The entire notion that they're superior to homosexuals, blacks, Jews, communists, liberals, etc. is built on the premise that those people are all degenerate, unlike them, the great inheritors of white genes.

if i say i'm superior to blacks because i'm white it's not implicit that it's because i'm not fat or don't create degenerate music where as they do. it really isn't implicit at all

reminder that they recorded that shitty demo in a german jail for youths. the judge decided that they were to be held in different locations, in the end they ended up in the same jail and were even able to practice as a band and record two (iirc) demos.

>European prison systems

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Mikko Aspa is fat. KRS-One and Q-Tip do not make degenerate music. What you're saying is incoherent and nonsensical.

>in a musical scene dominated by mediocre, derivative, tryhard bullshit that is way more concerned with spreading a political narrative and ideology than actually making decent music
Similar to what happened with the 90s riotgrrrl scene, Sleater-Kinney finally emerged out of a very weak genre by being good musicians and keeping the message largely under wraps. Speaking of which, this Kaevum is really good so far.Thanks for the link.

I just realized I supported a NSBM band by recommending it. Please forget everything I said, keep it secret and don't tell my polit-commissar

new super bario mos

Their later material is actually music.

Maybe they just find them annoying.


nsbm about national pride and paganism is good shit, RAC and white-power NS is usually a pissy coliflower making shitty punk music with shitty blast beats and calling is bm.

Nice argument, faggot.