Hahahaha lol

hahahaha lol

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the velvet underground should be number 1

hahaha, lol, lmao, rofl!

I agree.
Radiohead's Ok Computer shouldn't even be in top ten, it is a decent alt.rock album.

This should be number one.

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RYM is the most respectable music databse there is. Your laughter is an insult.

DSOTM should be first, followed by WYWH.
Kid A doesn't belong there at all, most overrated album ever holy shit.

WYWH should be higher, yeet Kid A out of there and put ITCOTCK in it's place and it's fine for me

if you love rym that much then go back there, and fucking stay there

I agree OP it should all be rap albums

An Accurate RYM List Would Be:

1. A Love Supreme - Coltrane
2. Trout Mask Replica - Beefheart
3. Free Jazz - Coleman
4. The Velvet Underground & Nico - The Velvet Underground
5. Faust -Faust
6. The Parable of Arable Land - The Red Crayola
7. Bitches Brew - Miles Davis
8. Soundtracks for the Blind - Swans
9. Blonde on Blonde - Bob Dylan
10. Desertshore - Nico

Should be
>Rock Bottom
>The Doors

Coltrane’s drug-addled hippy theology is a disgrace to boy music and god.

You realize that a love supreme was about kicking his heroin habit and finding faith in god right?

Absolutely based

did you just start listening to Swans this week or something? they don't belong anywhere near the top 10,000

A hippy new age conception of it inspired by previous drug use. It’s a vile record. I used to work down the street from the place it was recorded, felt disgust every time I passed the studio.

Okay I got you

1. A Love Supreme - Coltrane
2. Trout Mask Replica - Beefheart
3. Free Jazz - Coleman
4. The Velvet Underground & Nico - The Velvet Underground
5. Faust -Faust
6. The Parable of Arable Land - The Red Crayola
7. Bitches Brew - Miles Davis
8. Spiderland - Slint
9. Blonde on Blonde - Bob Dylan
10. Desertshore - Nico

Dude hate to break it to you, but most rock/jazz musicians have a history of heavy drug use. Albums like The Parable of Arable Land were basically made while the guys were on LSD

>This should be number one.

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More like he just started listening to Jazz last week and just posts "the classics"

This is just the jazz equivalent of the dadrocking retards at RYM putting Dark Side of the Moon and Velvet Underground & Nico as the greatest of all time.

Based boomers

okay Mate Post the real Jazz classics

Julius Eastman - Unjust Malaise

I don't often think highly of hippy silliness, but there's just something about Coltrane's aspirations that make it so disgusting.

The Velvet Underground & Nico is the best rock album though....if you disagree you shouldn't be on this board

I read scaruffi too bro

>no mention of black saint
>free jazz over shape of jazz
>tvu&n still on the list, let alone that high
>not even the best red crayola album
>bitches brew over in a silent way, kind of blue, any of his second great quintet recordings
>fucking SWANS lmao
>desertshore over marble index
still pretty pleb ngl

what a pretentious mixture of shit jazz and Yea Forumscore... hate to say it but you are totally gone


If you think that Dark Side of the Moon is better than The Wall, you are retarded

The true winner.

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>3, Free Jazz

>pink floyd after meddle


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No because it upsets you. Spirit of the chan

>album - artist
opinion immediately discarded

>pink floyd

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Imagine being this based

There should be at least a Beatles in the top 3, VU & Nico should be in top 3, Radiohead shouldn't have 2 releases in top 3 and should be lower generally. Other than that I don't really have anything to say.
Black Saint isn't even a top 10 jazz album

sup piero

My top 3
>White Album

I unironically do enjoy many of these albums
but this is amazing

What the fuck do you mean reddit? I thought this was exactly what 95% of people here listened to. Have I been going to a wrong Yea Forums or something?

t. boomer

Replied to the wrong guy
Anyway, I had the impression, that this was exactly what people around here considered best music there is (minus that MBV record). Doesn’t disagreeing with the majority just mean that you don’t belong here? Because I know that it sucks, but if the site’s overflowing with radiohead and TDSOTM fans, maybe you just have to admit that THIS is what this site’s become and there’s nothing you can do about it except disassociate yourself.

On that note... wanna tell me what’s wrong with MY chart? I need the attention (hence the nametag)

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I think the point is not that these are bad albums, but that they are 'typical' and that naming them as your favorites is indicative of not developing your own distinct taste yet.
The phrase "entry level" come to mind.

This chart is a joke right? I refuse to believe anyone would put this together as a sincere portrait of their curated favorites.

Never said they were bad, it’s just that I always found it extremely ridiculous how so many people have the same opinion on a thing as subjective as music.

Sometimes I even like to play around with the idea that I don’t understand jack shit and all these people are way smarter than me and I just. don’t. get it.

It’s kind of old and sure, there are some albums I’d most likely remove from the list entirely, but I feel like it’s a pretty good description of what I like in music

WPSIATWIN is a good pick, TBHAC is not.

They’re my two favorite AM albums, actually. I’d say humbug would be my third favorite but I feel like those two in particular are SO different and have their own distinct vibes, that I love listening to the them equally

Also here’s my 4x4 from the past 6 months. What I tend to do is I just pick one artist and listen to one or two of their albums on repeat. That’s how I get the most out of music. Sue me.

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t. Scaruffi

Should be:

1. Trout Mask Replica
2. The Velvet Underground & Nico
3. A Love Supreme
4. The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady
5. White Light / White Heat
6. Spiderland
7. Loveless
8. Ascension
9. Faust
10. Tago Mago

Gtfo you pedo

you guys are retarded contrarians. The list is made by aggregating everyones' lists.
>OK Computer
a little overrated but probably top 20
fantastic not overrated, you're not cool for hating something popular
>Kid A
deserves to be there
deserves to be there
deserves to be there

TPAB no way, Love Supreme no way, Kind of Blue no way
ITCOTCK yes, LYSFLATH yes, Revolver yes, Black Sinners yes

you people have 0 critical judgement skills stfu

OK Computer: #424
Kid A: #407
The Velvet Underground & Nico: #2
A Love Supreme: #3
Kind of Blue: #12
In the Court of the Crimson King: #19
Lift Yr. Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven!: #381
The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady: #4

DSOTM, WYWH, and Revolver aren't even top 500. The Piper at the Gates of Dawn / A Saucerful of Secrets / Ummagumma are far superior PF releases, and Abbey road is the best Beatles release. Also, what do you mean by "yes"? OP was talking about top 5 and you've said yes to 8 albums

is this an all-genre-top5-of-all-time? i disagree anyway, fuck everything, yo.

I fucking hate all of you

imagine thinking you're superior for contrarian opinions that are garbage.
Revolver and Abbey Road are both fantastic, however Revolver has the edge. Name an album with as many perfect songs as Revolver?

>0 critical judgement skills
>doesnt see how retarded it is to say every album by a colored person doesnt deserve to be on the list

Where was your critical judgement when you decided to post anything at all besides fuck niggers

>wannabe contrarian has babbys first jazz album at #3
why am I not surprised

imagine being so autistic you A. have ranked 500 albums and B. have this shit blatant contrarian taste. you enjoy ummagumma so you should be shot on sight

imagine thinking race gives you points towards artistry. Black Saint as well??
best albums by non-whites are 98.12.18, Madvillainy, and MBDTF

what the fuck is this post lmao

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