Women have bad taste in mus-

>women have bad taste in mus-


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Other urls found in this thread:


>mfw the 3rd worst album made by men is better than the 2nd best made by women

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The 150 Worst Albums Made By Women
>all of them

are there more than 150 albums made by women?

>Slint - Spiderland
This has to be a joke article

I fucking hate women. Unironically.

I'm not clicking on a fucking Jezebel link. I will make a guess as to what their #1 pick is though. It's probably something from AC/DC. Masculinity in rock music is a scary to feminists as Satanism in metal music was to old religious people.

this is just an admission of all the bad music this broad probably listened to in highschool

>Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water

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kill yourself painfully pls

nah, it's kid rock. Tbh their top 10 is actually a bunch of truly awful albums.

>just list of most popular rock albums without explanation

why did they bother compiling this list at all

>39. Belle & Sebastian, Fold Your Hands Child, You Walk Like a Peasant

>79. radiohead, Kid A

Pretty sure they needed at-least one man to make it work. Whether it be engineering, composing, etc, etc. There's always a group of men behind it.

>simply a huge list of albums is an opinion

last time I checked kid rock didnt get me too'd?

this kind of music criticism is so openly classist. just let people enjoy their budweiser sponsore events you pretentioid

>60. Sufjan Stevens, Illinois
teh absolute pleb....

>check what the 3rd worst is
yep, now that's what i call a masterpiece that women will never EVER get

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>128. Slint, Spiderland
ok it makes sense

>Bon Iver, For Emma, Forever Ago
Triggered. I though it was art-hoe-core?

>Savage Garden - Savage Garden


like i said before, these are all the albums this broad liked in highschool

>104. The Beatles, Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
>128. Slint, Spiderland
>60. Sufjan Stevens, Illinois
>29. Rapeman, Two Nuns and a Pack Mule
>26. The Doors, Strange Days
what did they mean by this?

>79. Radiohead, Kid A
>104. The Beatles, Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
pretty based desu

>Julianne Escobedo Shepherd
oof lmao it checks out

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>150 albums women and faggots will never understand


> 104. The Beatles, Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
Is there a more basic “this list needs to be controversial, or it won’t get any attention!!!” choice? Seriously, no matter how overrated you think it is, I can’t see how you can call it one of the worst albums of all time.

Sufjan is puzzling, the fuck did he do to deserve this.

fun fact: sgt peppers was picked as the worst album ever years ago in some magazine poll of musicians and the like

>Bob Dylan, Christmas in the Heart
well they're not too far off on that one

It’s too tempting a choice

Making a worst-of list of anything is ultimately bound to be just a popular-things-I-dislike list.

>no smashing pumpkins
based billy gets away with it again
even roasties adknowledge his genius

Lol the butthurt in this thread is real its just a fucking joke you guys

>that list
I don't even see a pattern, what the fuck?

>Sgt. Peppers
>Two Nuns and a Pack Mule
>Metal Machine Music

Why in the living hell did we give women equal rights?

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>The Cure, Wild Mood Swings
Absolutely shit taste, that album reflects a different side of The Cure, I find it very enjoyable.

Among other stuff mentioned above:
These bitches really hate feelings AND fun wow

Because it's literally just 1 woman that made a list of albums she didn't like. Probably an assignment given to her by an editor that knows how many clicks it will get by white male rockists looking to be outraged and it works. Every. Single. Time. Jezebel is like 90% bait for this exact demo and it's been a good model for them.

men pretty objectively make more good and more bad music than women, men just make more music, hell men just choose to make things in general more often than women

Men generally drive innovation while women raise babies but since men have 0 appreciation for female shit, females just want to be males now.

not gonna open the link cause jezabel, shouldnt even bother with this thread, but i weak to bait.
does s/h/it list why? and is the whys "its bad because of technical or quality issues" or is it just moaning because "i dont feel this album"?

Men are fucking cringe

This has been disproven many times now.

Women are incapable of appreciating art

there's no explanation. It's just a list of albums


?? so its a blog list? no offense Yea Forums but what is this thread about other then pointing out once again the jezabel website is nothing but hack writers that relies click bait? is the author famous or worthy of critique?

albums women will never understand

If you pretend Japan doesn't exist.

No it really is just a bunch lf retards taking the bait

I dont think i could name 150 albums made by women. I mean I could name women that would cumulatively have 150 albums but i cant name them individually

lol gg

>141. Kanye West, 808s and Heartbreaks
opinion rejetée

I really hate women now

Based Jezebel laying down the b8 of the century. Holy fuck did you guys take this literal joke article hard

o well slow night get i got got. nice dubs btw

>76. Korn - Korn
dont let the nu-metalfags see this

Not to mention the ones who invented the instruments

Neither for music, nor for poetry, nor for fine art have they any real or true sense and susceptibility, and it is mere mockery on their part, in their desire to please, if they affect any such thing.

This makes them incapable of taking a purely objective interest in anything, and the reason for it is, I fancy, as follows. A man strives to get direct mastery over things either by understanding them or by compulsion. But a woman is always and everywhere driven to indirect mastery, namely through a man; all her direct mastery being limited to him alone. Therefore it lies in woman’s nature to look upon everything only as a means for winning man, and her interest in anything else is always a simulated one, a mere roundabout way to gain her ends, consisting of coquetry and pretence. Hence Rousseau said, Les femmes, en général, n’aiment aucun art, ne se connoissent à aucun et n’ont aucun génie [Women have, in general, no love for any art; they have no proper knowledge of any; and they have no genius] (Lettre à d’Alembert, note xx.). Every one who can see through a sham must have found this to be the case. One need only watch the way they behave at a concert, the opera, or the play; the childish simplicity, for instance, with which they keep on chattering during the finest passages in the greatest masterpieces. If it is true that the Greeks forbade women to go to the play, they acted in a right way; for they would at any rate be able to hear something. In our day it would be more appropriate to substitute taceat mulier in theatro [Let woman keep silence in the theatre] for taceat mulier in ecclesia [Let woman keep silence in the church]; and this might perhaps be put up in big letters on the curtain.

Nothing different can be expected of women if it is borne in mind that the most eminent of the whole sex have never accomplished anything in the fine arts that is really great, genuine, and original, or given to the world any kind of work of permanent value.

on their top 10 female albums they listed lemonade. fucking lemonade.

Yuki Kajiura composes, arranges, programs and writes her songs. There's engineers after that, but she does most of the work herself.

Are we still pretending Japan doesn't exist?

All correct except Two Nuns and a Pack Mule.

Fucking based

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>Strange Days is the 26th worst album of all time
This proves that women have shit taste

Can we make a comprehensive list of albums women will never understand based on this list, basically a Yea Forums version of pic related

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>open article
>first album i see is spiderland
guess i’m an incel now

>bunch of incels whispering over shitty drums
woah, album of the century

>no Metal albums

>Still getting click baited after 2 (two) years

>albums women will never understand

The Devil and God...
Isn't Anything
Icky Mettle
Trompe le Monde
The Glow pt 2

>no metal albums
Only because women don't have the stomach to handle an entire metal album, no doubt they look down upon the entire genre though.

>It has Illinois by Sufjan Stevens on the list

Wow I'm shocked women have bad taste

>Skinny Puppy
What? How the fuck did a classic Electro-Industrial album get into this list
>Korn, Korn
Of all the Korn albums, you pick their best?
>Metallica, Death Magnetic
What an odd choice, Death Magnetic is such a "it exists" album.
>The Strokes, Comedown Machine
Underrated tho

eat shit and dilate tranny

That's a lot of good stuff mixed in with a lot of dog shit.


i know these exist to generate outrage and thus clicks but fuck you anyway

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ITT: triggered onions boys who can't understand high humor

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Point Break was directed by a woman. Maybe it was put on the list as a joke.

>What? How the fuck did a classic Electro-Industrial album get into this list
Odd choice as well. It'd be more accurate with NIN's Pretty Hate Machine or even TDS, but why Skinny Puppy? The whole list is fucking weird.

go away roastie. tyronne is waiting for (you)

no we gotta teach them
teach the rednecks
teach them python too

> 86 replies
> 55 posters
> b8 article

>no archive link
>giving fucking JEZEBEL clicks
Everyone in this thread needs to die a horrible death.

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leave this board and never come back, newfag

She didn't understand what she was making.

hey check out this cool content farm Content
*wipes dirty ass on the board*
like um omega yikies right gamers
poast ur reacts after u click thx

(i'm going to fuck op in the ass)

there is worse mexican music out there, literally entry level shit

Sgt. Pepper received a big backlash in the late 70s with the rise of punk: it was blamed for birthing the excesses of prog-rock.

As user notes here the perception of Sgt. Pepper is an interesting study in itself.

>76. Korn - Korn
>dont let the nu-metalfags see this
Don't let the Scaruffi-drones see this!


holy shit i want to hear what the author thinks is good music

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Not getting Metal Machine music is surely like a musical in joke at this point right?

Yikes get that feminist trash out of here

>i want to hear what the author thinks is good music
Vagina Sessions IV: The Best of Feminist Improv Screaming

Sure, just not any good ones.

Still pretending Japan doesn't exist, I see.


>Vagina Sessions IV: The Best of Feminist Improv Screaming

>Relapse instead of Revival for Eminem
>Silver Side Up instead of All The Right Reasons for Nickelback
Honestly this isn't an awful list but it's definitely written by someone that doesn't know shit

Relapse is Eminem's best album since his return easily. It's corny to some extent but it's the only record that is actually entertaining to listen to.

>mansplaining metal machine music


>Arcade Fire, The Suburbs
Literally the best song on this album has a female lead

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>anything by the doors
>fucking 26
cool joke article

I'd consider the soft parade but obviously not the one of the worst ever

neck urself

>no Taxi Driver
What a terrible list. No, I'm not gonna help you either because this is just a terrible idea.

>29. Rapeman, Two Nuns and a Pack Mule
they never listened to it and just offended at the name, didn't they?

Men are bad. Men are bad. All men=evil. I hate men. 2019. Men bad. Women good.

I think that all people are equally good...

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Realistically, a true "worst albums list" would feature 150 completely unrecogniseable albums.

Like you'd go to a garage sale, raid the 1 dollar vinyl section and whatever you came up with is guaranteed to be shittier than everything on this list.

feminazis owned

trash list desu

808s is a decent record but it's pretty cringe that's the one you picked out

Yup, I was totally attempting to accomplish that!

So do I, but I guess some people think differently.

>#22 barenaked ladies: Stunt

women have shit taste

>anime poster
>thinking he can judge humor in any way


>79: Radiohead, Kid A

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I always thought the "women will never understand Spiderland" meme was just that, a meme. Holy shit.

The face of a childless broken woman. Many such cases. Sad

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kek why does this cunt look so sad

>taking this article seriously
Is every /r9k/ reject this fucking retarded?

I’m just picturing her nyc apartment strewn with empty bottles of wellbutrin, prozac and xanax next to overflowing litter boxes.

Taxi driver is on the list

Did she not actually write it? I'm clowning on what journalism has become and how little effort she put into this article.

literally have a woman in the band, this list is terrible


She is empty inside, never knowing the beauty of a mans love or the joy and pride of giving life. Dont fall for the memes gentlemen, become complete people.

Should I feel bad for liking this one
It's 21st on the list

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That's a yes, then.

I'm not offended, I just wish I could get paid by Univision to shitpost instead of doing it for free like a chump

I don't necessarily believe that these are the only ways that a woman can find happiness but they certainly are routes to wholeness. This cunt obviously has no dreams if she's writing uninspired pap like this to make ad revenue for her employer

Not really, it's just entertaining. I'm not legitimately worked up or anything

Strange Days isn’t even the worst Doors album, what the fuck

good job contrarian!

Eh fuck the dude put and alt poster w/e

I'm sorry but Metal Machine Music and Kid A? Whoever wrote that article is retarded

kind of random and boring

Did she got paid to write this?

>Metal Machine Music
I don't know why people say that this is a meme and he meant it as a fuck you (to the record company I believe I read once). I listened to it for the first time a few weeks ago cooked and there are some very interesting moments. The whole thing leaves you in a hypnotic haze

I mean, it’s not like they just write shitty bait articles for free

buzzfeed is not a reliable source

Not very nice, but funny regardless.

Holy fuck you guys took this bait hard

100% a kike

>they're still seething

it may be interesting but its true that lou made it as a fuck you to his label. He also said something like "anyone who listens to that entire album, is dumber than me"

The outsiders was literally written by a woman.

Isn't this just a list of less-popular albums from popular artists in no particular order?

but did she understand it

I think that all people are equally bad...

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>Typing the reply

>Creed, Nickelback, Matchbox Twenty.
It's a fucking meme list
Imagine actually thinking these bands made some of the worst albums ever
But of course you can't expect a "journalist" to do their job properly
Nickelback shouldn't be on the list at all

this but unironically

>Should I feel bad for liking this one
Fuck no. The dumb bitch just picked bands that are popular to hate on.
Matchbox Twenty are great. Not every band needs to make super underground experimental stuff.

>22. Barenaked Ladies, Stunt

You fucking what.

that article is the prime definition of clickbait. the author just took popular and acclaimed albums made by men and claimed they were bad for controversy. (although most of them are bad/mediocre)

Matchbox 20 are ass, Rob Thomas can't sing for shit and the writing is weak


>talking shit about 808s

no, they're a guilty pleasure of mine

>make two albums in your adolescence and early adulthood for fun and vanish off the face of the earth for 20 years
>lands on this "list"

What did Slint do to her?

Of all the Kanye albums to seethe about, she gets booty blasted by 808's...

Needs Beau Travail (1999) for the same reason.

Anything that has a guitar in it. Women today listen exclusively to nigger beats and electronic music.

God she is ugly.

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Prog is way better than punk though


>They didnt include the shaggs on the best female albums list

I doubt she is, look at that man face

You know this article was specifically made to get outrage clicks, you are giving them exactly what they want.

Dont click, dont give any attention.

Thats a man

wtf all of these are good

Based Schopenhauer poster.

Wtf these are all my favorite albums now

Does that make you feel better about clicking on all of her bait

Mean and false but humorous nonetheless.

I can't believe this thread is still up. You retards are literally sitting here making jezebel money like always. Why does Yea Forums take such obvious bait every single time? Even reddit isnt that stupid

They have womens unions there

thats a man, baby

Is there a music chart version of this? because there definitely should be.

this is the most based thing I've seen in a while

let's be real here, their s/t is better than public strain

>lol dis is bad cuz men dumb haha
C’mon man... this isn’t even humor...

>150 worst albums made by women

oh wait women have never made anything without the help of men

>includes Metal Machine Music AND Lulu
is Lou Reed the ultimate plebfilter?

what did sufjan do to earn this scorn from jezebel

lmao this fuckin thread is still up

>76. Korn, Korn
i thought those “albums women will never understand” threads were a joke

women dont like music

how did they put Illinois. what the actual fuck

what other things do women like other than a Chad's dick

pleas be bait

Slow Deep and Hard would be a must be for a Yea Forums chart of this same concept

Whatever Chad likes

>hounds of love worse than blondie, adele, beyonce, and amy winehouse

It's neonumetal by now

>people getting trolled hard by an obvious bait article

this shit is too funny

this is the kind of beast who posts on r/childfree

>16. James Taylor’s greatest hits

>Sufjan Stevens,Illinois
legitimately caused me to punch a crater into my wall, the fact that this hole breathes the same air that i do is infuriating.

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"The 150 worst albums made by women" article when?

>The Devil and God...
>an album made to appeal to teenage girls

Please explain why you thought this was a good idea to include.

not enough music to collect

We need an album that sounds like Funhouse, Lyrics like Dr. Dre, beliefs like Ted Nugent and musicianship of ELP to piss off the bitches like for real.

Yeah, because the Metallica & Lou Reed album was critically acclaimed

He never mentioned Lulu.

but those are shit-tier albums, you absolute pleb
t. not woman

They put that shit above Horses as well, what a pisstake.

>awful opinions
seems like she would fit in on Yea Forums

>The Suburbs
>Sgt Peppers
>Kid A
I'm not a big fan of those albums, but come on, that has to be bait.