Why was grunge music so fucking good?

Why was grunge music so fucking good?

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God level powerful vocals
Catchy chords on guitar
Heavy technical drums

It's basically everything cool about rock combined

It was cringe, wtf are you talking about

ah yes, rock with bass, very groundbreaking

God I miss bass

I have one that's mounted on the wall and sings when you press a button. Grunge as fuk.

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How is grunge any different from punk rock?

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yeah rock wasn't cool until the artists started dressing in ripped jeans and sweaters and crying about their ex gf into the mic

more technical, which i know is a meme, but listen to Aic-Frogs and tell me punk rock could get that type of vibe in a song

AiC > Soundgarden > Pearl Jam >>>>> Nirvana

switch Pearl Jam and Nirvana, you know I'm right

Soundgarden>AiC>STP>Mudhoney>Nirvana>>>>Pearl Jam

Is there any post-grunge that's actually good?

>How is grunge any different from punk rock?

grunge musicians have to be good

Fuck off incel

fuck you, Eddie sucks.

Chevelle is pretty good.


If you havent noticed everything is cringe for you faggots nowadays


This, but only the first album and White Pony. (Digital Bath is their best song)

Considering the fact that this EP is literal acoustic rock, I'd say grunge is apparently quite versatile.


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What's the appeal of this album? It's boring as fuck.

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Grunge reminded people of how good and substantive rock could be, by bringing the sounds of the 80s underground to the masses.

A lot of great music happened in the 80s, but it was all in the underground. The 80s are when there really started to be a huge division between the mainstream and the underground.

In the 50s, rock was really just about making blues music for kids. They were marketing old blues music considered cool by young people, and turning it into pop.

In the 60s, the kids who grew up on that continued playing it. Some made it more aggressive and angsty, like mod bands like The Who. Some of those kids were really amazing musicians, like Jimi Hendrix and Jerry Garcia. Some were great songwriters like Lou Reed and Bob Dylan.

The 70s made it big business. The edgy bands codified their sound into metal and punk. The virtuosic musicians led to prog. The showbiz guys made glam.

By the 80s, it was about making it product. It was about streamlining things. Punk shouldn't be ugly and noisy, it should be poppy and fashionable, so new wave happened. Metal should be about rockstar fantasies and big stadiums, so there was glam metal. This led to a counterreaction in the underground. The punk bands started getting even harder and noisier, hence hardcore. The metal bands were having none of the flashy bullshit, hence thrash and doom. Going past rock, Hip Hoppers like Boogie Down Productions and Public Enemy said fuck the glossy R&B and disco, let's make hard hitting, political, real stuff.

By 1990, kids had gotten the message that this mainstream shit music was bullshit. The real genuine stuff was in the underground. Then came the Seattle scene, fusing sludgy noise (Tad, Melvins), punk (Mudhoney, Seaweed, Babes in Toyland), indie/alternative (Nirvana, Love Battery), 70s rock (Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam)... and visually it was a total rejection of 80s pop's bright colors. Most importantly, MTV and record execs saw they could cash in and make it a product.

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Nirvana>Soundgarden>Pearl Jam>AiC

Oh I get it now, it's one of those "i-it's boring/bad on purpose so it's good! You're just too pleb to get it" kind of situations.

It's beautiful. The songwriting and Jerry's guitar work were never better.

>metal band with harmonised vocals
>psych metal/rock led zeppelin band
>classic rock band but with ripped jeans
>pop punk band
>these are all the same genre

Veruca Salt. Though the line blurs on them being grunge or post-grunge I'd say.

>How is grunge any different from punk rock?
People get hung up on Nirvana and Kurt's charmingly anti-music guitar solos.

The other bands from the big 4 were anything but punk. AiC and Soundgarden were heavily metal influenced, Pearl Jam was a 70s rock band. Stone Temple Pilots were uniformly solid musicians playing 60s-70s style rock, the aforementioned Veruca Salt was basically the Breeders crossed with Led Zeppelin, Smashing Pumpkins was more influenced by metal and shoegaze than punk, and so forth.

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It's not. Grunge is just watered down radio friendly punk rock

no one said it was groundbreaking you fucking mong


Britpop was much better honestly. I used to love Grunge in my teen but today I realize it was just moody "wah I'm a loser" gibberish. And it was heavily Punk influenced, which doens't do any favor musically.
Britpop was more uplifting, each band sound different. Lyrically and musically. And it was heavily influenced by Glam Rock. Glam Rock is better than Punk Rock.

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Would love to see how he looked in early 2000. Poor guy. Based MGS shirt tho.

It isn’t, it was just the alt rock to hair metal, which is 1 million times better in comparison to that fem boy glam shit (Guns&Roses the worst) so it made grunge seem a lot better and something fresh.

It was a more marketable version of thrash metal and hardcore punk. Drizzle some nihilism on top and you've got a recipe for depressed gen x faggots.