Good at making beats

>good at making beats
>good at wordplay
>god awful voice

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you're probably not. post some demos or fuck off.

Even if you have the worst voice, I'm sure you can do it. Look at Danny Brown.

Become ghost rider.

everyone hates their own voice. everyone has the wrong idea of what they sound like. hearing yourself resonate is like a vin diesel filter.

So many rappers have ugly voice and they're still well regarded. If it's the "right" ugly it can actually be better than a pleasant voice.

Send a snippet so we can see what we're dealing with here.

Sounds like it has everything u need to be a rapper

>hearing yourself resonate is like a vin diesel filter.
Wtf does this even mean

Dean Blunt

he has a really deep, cool sounding voice, and you sound deeper and cooler to yourself internally than when your voice is actually out and recorded

>creating obstacles for yourself in the way of your dreams

No one will care about how your voice sounds if the music is good. Just give it your all user, i'm sure people will resonate with it

Do you have some short demos to share?
If you say you can compose good music people won't care about the voice. Is the delivery what it counts.
Just look at musicians like David Byrne or Gary Newman. There's alot of music legends that don't have great singing voice.

Yup! Exactly. Doesn't matter, you gotta find your sort of "swag" (idfk) with music. Then everything goes together like a dick in a pussy.

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post some snippets

>Look at Danny Brown

As if you needed a good voice to be a rapper.
Even if you had an Elmo voice but sick flow you still would make it as a rapper

>good at making beats
>good at wordplay

I seriously doubt this

just be someone's producer and make bank on royalties / producer / writer credits

billy corgan

yeah, just look at madlib ffs

>god awful at making beats
>god awful at wordplay
>god awful voice

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Even /r9k/ raps circles around Yea Forums. Is this board good for anything at all?