this is the only metal related image I have saved - edition
Other urls found in this thread:
melodeath sucks
explain how the thread past the bump limit is in front of this new one in the catalog
explain now atheists
melodeath rips
is there any good non-cheesy Christianish bands? like that talk about Christian themes but might not necessarily be religious themselves? Seventh Angel and Solitude Aeturnus for example. can be any sub genre
Also, Black Sabbath
Go back to church.
does /metal/ like the new exhorder song?
fool, your god is dead
First five albums replying to this post. Lemme have 'em.
Neoanderthals - Ebu Gogo Gutting the Child
Already heard it. Pretty good but not as riveting as /meal/ claimed it to be.
Still first five.
Kampfar - Mellom skogkledde aaser
I am a punkrocker and i hate everysingle one of you metalheads... Your all THIEFS unoriginal faggots... I hope everysingle one of you metalheads die.... You fuckin stole our battle vest shit you fuckin stole ou r leather jacket stuff you fuckin stole the low quality production on purpose and you fucking stole moshing... I hope every metalhead die a slowly painful death... Fuck you all \retard/
>Punk was rubbish
>The closest the art establishment ever came to embracing metal was through punk
>The reason they embraced punk was because it was rubbish and the reason they embraced rubbish was because they could control it
>Oh yeah, we’re punk so we can sneer at everybody. We can’t play our fucking instruments, but that means we can make out that this whole thing is some enormous performance art.” Half the kids that were in punk bands were laughing at the art establishment, going: “What a fucking bunch of tosspots. Thanks very much, give us the money and we’ll fuck off and stick it up our nose and shag birds.” But what they’d really love to be doing is being in a heavy metal band surrounded by porn stars.
easy boy, metalheads only borrowed some punk stuff to make metal even cooler instead of some lame radio pop like iron maiden. just as punk borrowed some to make crossover stuff. they go hand in hand.
I don't know what's wrong with me. I love metal visual aesthetics and concept, i love the culture that surround it but generally i cant seem to enjoy metal as music at its fullest. Can you rec me some metal, no onions garbage please.
Metal is very broad, you need to be more specific on what you are looking for.
fuck off poser
Spectral wound -Infernal Decadence
this is how I feel but about death metal
I wanna like it but just cant get into the screams *shrugs*
I'll list bands i like
Morbid Angel
Manilla Road
Crimson Glory
Iced Earth
What kind of metal is this? Currycore?
Paradise Lost
I don't get it, all those bands are fine, what the fuck do you even mean you can't enjoy metal to the fullest?
You know what faggot, just blast Lost Horizon like the meme loving fuck you are
I like the bands but i don't love them, like i love Drive Like Jehu or Fugazi, if you know what i mean
Try some of these. And when in doubt there is always the obscure, underground and less known stuff if you care to do some digging on your own. There are also other genres of music or different styles of the same thing (findeath vs burgerdeath etc.) worth digging into that might reignite your love for metal.
What you really should do imo, is listen more to the deranged gory groove that is C.U.M.
haha funny skelet
This is gonna be in my top 3 for 2019. I didn't even realize the vocalist is female until I saw a pic of them.
can i download it?
it's all yours my friend
Based... Fuck metal, punk is true underground
Judas priest started the leather jacket tho....
What do you guys think of clean vocals in deathcore?
This two might be my favorite songs of 2019
What a poser
No pls go back to the growling stuff.... This is even worse than regular deathcore
Weeeeell Manilla Road have some lyrics/themes that are clearly based on Christian literature, but then again they have lyrics about a lot of other histories/mythologies as well.
Nothing wrong with deathcore
whats their best album
What the fuck is even Post-Metal?
For that matter what the fuck does the prefix Post- even mean in practical terms?
What makes something "Post"? Where's the supposed turning point of adding things (or removing them?) that it makes things "Post"?
it's supposed to mean post-rock or post-punk influence but now it's being used to describe all of those gay hipster bands
If you don't understand why riffs and solos are no longer needed, then you are a part of the problem
Post-metal is metal that takes influences from mediocre 2nd and 3rd wave of post-rock bands, resulting in even worse music.
this is fucking gay what's wrong with you dude
>If you don't understand why riffs and solos are no longer needed, then you are a part of the problem
a misnomer for atmospheric sludge metal
>tfw /meal/ bantz has ruined your IRL interactions
I somehow ended up in a group of mostly unknown people yesterday and one of them started talking to me about metal, but I was kinda fucking with him like a jackass. The rest of the group thought it was hilarious, but he didn't talk to me afterwards.
post riffs
What would Post-Grindcore sounds like?
"post" came from post-punk, as in trying to pose as punk and be like "cool kids with piercings and leather boots and shit", but devoid of all the testosterone and fun and injecting it with estrogen, jewish avant-garde, "diverse influences" aka African ooga booga rhythms, and epic criticism of society.
it's also related to hipsters' favorite meme that they're so "beyond" and "past" everything, and that they take music "forward" from "backwards neanderthals". what they mean by that is they take away what they see as "toxic masculinity"—riffs, aggression, energy, etc.,—and turn everything to boring s o ylent, while still saying, "hey guys!! we're totally metal except we took and made it smart!! if you think it's shit it's 2deep4u and you're a bigoted neanderthal".
hence why caveman core is the most high test genre that is, it's literally neanderthal and proud of it. it is "pre-metal" so to say.
Chrome is possibly one of the most high test punk bands and they're considered post-punk though
no, it's the other way around: atmospheric sludge metal is a misnomer for post-metal
there are exceptions to every rule. also I fucked up, I meant post-hardcore
"post" came from post-hardcore, as in trying to pose as hardcore and be like "cool kids with piercings and leather boots and shit", but devoid of all the testosterone and fun and replacing it with estrogen, jewish avant-garde, "diverse influences", and epic criticism of society.
it's also related to hipsters' favorite meme that they're "beyond" and "past" everything, and so they take music "forward" from "backwards neanderthals". what they mean by that is they take away what they see as "toxic masculinity"—riffs, aggression, energy, etc.,—and turn everything to boring s o ylent, while still saying, "hey guys!! we're totally metal except we took and made it smart!! if you think it's shit it's 2deep4u and you're a bigoted neanderthal".
hence why caveman core is the most high test genre that is, it's literally neanderthal and proud of it. it is "pre-metal" so to say.
>not ruining your metal social interactions by constantly citing Manowar lyrics
cringe poser band
watch out, they might sue you
fucking based
this. Atmosludge has basically nothing in common with sludge metal, pretty much only the doom metal influence, but both use it in a different way
>cringe poser band
I like Thief
Whats some good metal for this feel? or maybe I should just try some dungeon synth?
Are there any albums better than this?
Gimme some metal THAT FUCKING STINKS, metal that you can smell through your headphones.
I love how these songs sound
And the intro on this
Would love it if you guys posted more like this
Post cavemancore
imagine being a poser...
Quit LARPING, this is not 1970 and you're just posting what you think sounds "punk"
Post riffs
brazilian edition
Sick, I'll be seeing them in a few months
holy fuck
>tfw i fucking missed them in my country
its bretty good
Really? or are you joking?
It's my favorite album
That riff in track 2, makes me feel like I'm on coke.
track 5 is also god tier dm.
They're playing in Europe in september, maybe they'll come to my town.
Saw them live not too long ago, fucking insane
Blut Aus Nord comes to mind, some of their songs have that same ambient industrial vibe
So Darkthrone changed their style when abandoning Moonfog Productions after releasing Sardonic Wrath and going back to Peaceville to release The Cult Is Alive
It's pretty obvious they changed from black metal to the derivative shit just to be able to be signed back on the label
Pathetic, if you ask me
Every album of theirs after Sardonic Wrath has been shit, while their previous ones were excellent black metal
nice, hope you get to see them user
Fucking zoomer
post your weeks lads
I have been trying to get Glory of the Ancient Gods for ages mate, where did you find it?
Also, based taste
its on soulseek
That's a lot of Bathory, friend, pretty nice
Feels lonely at the top.
Why so many people ask for albums that are either on soulseek or rutracker, it should be the first places they check.
I was talking about a physical copy
thats a harder nut to crack
Some faggot made a Raw Black Metal chart the other day, anyone have it?
>dude saor is so good!
Christ what a shitty band. Listened to their 2019 release and it was just soft wank.
how do i get into dark funeral?
You listen to them, maybe you'll like it, maybe you won't
By listening to their albums in chronological order
did we have a chart? I thought we did
Why do I always get the urge to listen to early Dimmu Borgir when I'm drunk?
What do we think lads?
mindless/catchy music is always the best to listen to whilst drunk
rec me shit like Jesu dod
Porque se te moja la canoa
The one time I listened to it on youtube thought it was pretty alright, but I only listened to it once on youtube so.
For better or worse Filosofem is an unique album, I can't find anything that sounds quite like it.
watch this video, listen to Vobiscum Satanas
is actually a good debut album but it needs something else maby they got better in the next album
metal like this?
metal like this?
>mfw blasting black metal loudly through speakers while a christian rock band plays at the church community center across the street
Listen to Altars of Madness until you like it.
>tfw blasting black metal on the highest volume with the windows down whenever im driving in a city
Almost entirely fun/10, but Hate Me and ETID are crap
FFDP tier buttmetal
>i love the culture that surround it but generally i cant seem to enjoy metal as music
fuck off poser actually kill yourself. can't stand all you trendy faggots
full pic please
its a very fun album indeed, and alexi fucking shreds! and beautifully so. the title track solo in the end is just pure NOM!
>blasting loudly
Is it possible to blast quietly?
I bet your "friends" try not to invite you to gatherings and talk shit behind your back
what's the opposite of Live Laugh Love? Die Weep Hate?
shit piss cum
I dare you analyze these lyrics, smartass
>Enraged and full of anger
>Through boiling clouds of thunder
>Faster then a laser bullet
>Chromium plated boiling metal
rate the corpsepaint
from left to right
doing it wrong/10
stopped trying/10
Andrew WK/10
0/10 what the fuck happened to black metal
What corpse paint
>Genre: Ambient Post-Black Metal
>Lyrical themes: Nature, Melancholy, Existentialism
into the trash it goes
looks great!
somehow worse than carach angren
this is elende right
shame their most recent record sucked
The whole point of corpse paint is to look like a corpse, not a goddamn circus clown.
Fucking plebs the lot of yous.
pretty shit bro not gonna lie
tech death sucks
Tech thrash is pretty good shit to me but I can't seem to get interested in 99% of regular thrash bands. Am I retarded?
if it's the technical aspects that you like then it would make sense that you don't like regular thrash as much
>tech death sucks
okay paco go back shitting up the thread with some no name black metal or goregrind band from brazil nobody listens to
>Tech thrash is pretty good shit to me but I can't seem to get interested in 99% of regular thrash bands. Am I retarded?
It's just fact bands such as Voivod, Coroner, etc were always much better than most other thrash bands.
whats some FUCKING FAST thrash metal
I'm so tired of all these thrash bands writing these middling and lethargic records
let me guess, americans?
Austria, where else?
The Paysage d'Hivers incorporate the main riff from Jesu Dod into this frozen epic - but it's not really like Jesu Dod!
Paysage is more Hvis Lyset'ish, generally speaking.
Orator - Kapalgnosis
Ratos de Porão - Brasil
dank /metal/ memes inbound
Chad metal is Five Finger Death Punch, Bullet for my Valentine, and Metallica.
Did you enjoy the nu-male posting as I was gone?
Look at what I created while I was gone.
I think I am a Schizophrenic. I'll stop posting now. Sorry.
Please I... need more... the riffs
Actually, one more signature. This one is very grim.
>I think I am a Schizophrenic.
ya think?
Oh fuck.
I just read the rules and signatures are not allowed.
See you in three days!
Has it been 3 days already? I guess that perma is never going to happen
Do you guys rather see this or the soi boi memes? I can't tell if you are being serious or not. I sure hope it's the latter.
One more picture and I am out. I will never understand you people.
Imagine missing the point this hard
>Youtube BTFO'd the Militant Zone account
Congrats you killed the thread with your advanced autism once again. Ill be back later when this idiot gets himself banned again
Why do you guys stop posting as soon as I post? I don't get it.
Can you reply to people? You aren't being cool by doing that.
Well, I don't know what to say. As soon as I post, the thread dies. What the fuck?
Nazis continue to get BTFO'd
I do the same thing. While going through the downtown of a tourist town. Fucking illinoisians go home.
>woohoo i love when daddy google and corporate america shares the same values as me, it means we are anti establishment!
nice strawman, nazi incel
Do you use Photoshop, as well? I am fucking hooked on it.
you took the words right out of my mouth! thanks user. fuck militant zone
Awe sweety
Truth hurts faggot
Nothing but grim pictures here. I can't get enough of them for some reason.
I love Devourment. All metal should sound like this.
I would suggest looking at this. These are my personal favorite bands. Can you list them all?
>wow youtube banned the people that are hated by the mainstream BAAAASED!
Once again showing how the right is the new punk rock, well done. Fuck jannies and fuck your gay society faggot
Imagine being so buttblasted that your favorite metalcore group was banned
Get better taste and maybe go outside once in a while
I dont even know who they are but i know i want you dead
have sex
lose weight
get a job
etcetera etcetera
So you're willing to put up arms for a group you don't even know just because they're NS?
Kind of cringe bro
Stay seething
>Being so obsessed you spend your 3-day ban making oc, so you can spam more stupid shit as soon as you get unbanned
Do you spend every single waking moment of your life planning out your "troll attacks" (or whatever term you use)? Cause this has been going on for a more than a month now.
>expecting logic from a legitimate schizo
Just because it makes you seethe i know they are HEROES of the people
I'm having fun doing this. Wasting time on doing something you like to do isn't wasted. Do you understand?
ok LARPer
Start the war pussy
Some of you obviously care about me. I've read posts regarding me in previous threads.
If you really didn't care, you wouldn't mention me in the posts.
go back to Yea Forums
I like the energy of early maiden, nothing pumps me up like Prowler or Purgatory
I really should seek more of Di'Anno
>we're the nice, open-minded people fighting against corporatism, for the people!
>ahaha the opposing point of view has been banned! haha are you upset? are your feefees hurt?
>say what? oh sweetie, it's THEIR platform so they can ban whoever they want. yep! no it's not cyberpunk, you just have incorrect opinion.
That's a good idea, honestly. You guys need to learn how to take a joke.
Yeah, I understand; you had so much fun when no one liked your shit chart that you've been acting like a retard for a month. Also, if you read the thread, you'll understand something as well.
>>we're the nice, open-minded people fighting against corporatism, for the people!
>>ahaha the opposing point of view has been banned! haha are you upset? are your feefees hurt?
>>say what? oh sweetie, it's THEIR platform so they can ban whoever they want. yep! no it's not cyberpunk, you just have incorrect opinion.
I like acting Ike a retard. It's fun to do! That's why I spent a month here.
Why would I stop doing something that I like to do? That doesn't make sense.
>if you read the thread, you'll understand something as well.
What do you mean? Stop beating around the bush.
Yeah... good luck coming up with an answer.
>we're the nice, open-minded people fighting against corporatism, for the people!
>ahaha the opposing point of view has been banned! haha are you upset? are your feefees hurt?
>say what? oh sweetie, it's THEIR platform so they can ban whoever they want. yep! no it's not cyberpunk, you just have incorrect opinion.
Let me guess. You are going to insult me now since you have nothing to say? Typical.
Charts are now tabboo because of him as well, eat shit chartfaggot
this is so sad siri play kathaarian life code
You guys are acting retarded. You CHOSE to hate the charts. It's YOUR fault for hating them.
So not only do you think that "spamming=trolling", but you're also a master of the ancient "I'm pretending to be retarded" trolling technique, you're gonna go far kid. Also, you still haven't read the thread. Don't post here again until you understand what I'm referring to.
Alexa this is midly annoying
play Meliora
I am about to post the Badass Drumming chart again. Don't get butthurt over a chart please. It's really fucking stupid.
You can't tell me what to do. I'm just going to ignore you now.
Besides, you don't fucking reply to people. Eat shit.
They dont hate the charts, they hate YOU.
A) The nonstop child cartoon spam
B) Literally begging for people to fill up the charts for you
C) The flooding and replying 5-6 times in separate posts
You are a buzzkill and its no wonder threads die when you enter
you're going to be banned soon, just stop while you're ahead
google home this is based please play blizzard beasts
Here is the Badass Drumming chart in its current state. We need more BDM snares added to it.
le updoooted xD
Leftist get the fuck off of meal
have sex
lose weight
get a job (especially this one)
etcetera etcetera
I don't fucking care what other people think. Some people don't seem to understand this and get butthurt.
Learn not to care.
cortana this post is cringe please play undying fear by immortal cringe
Follow this advice and you will become a Chad in no time.
>The irony of that post
The only reason you've been doing all this shit is because you're still butthurt
No! I like doing this.
Did you even read the posts I made?
>reddit meme
you have to go back
Sure, keep seething kid
I actually enjoy having this conversation with you. I'm not butthurt at all.
we're already here
We can talk about this all day and /metal/ will die for sure. Just stop talking about me.
Unless you enjoy trolling. I feel sorry for you. Stop getting so butthurt over one person.
t. 2016 migrant
I'm done. This user is beyond saving. Time to post RIFFS
I really like Mayhems logo. There is something very grim about it.
Yeah, nobody wore a leather jacket before the Ramones. Good job.
it's the dragon wings
I really like this logo, too. It looks like a bunch of veins.
how to corpsepaint?
Legendary logo right here.
>Thinking Di'Anno was the driving force behind early Maiden
>Imagine having principles haha just believe whatever CNN tells you to believe
We should be posting more shit like this. Not numale pics. It's not funny
always been a fan of the Trist logo because it looks sad
didnt mean to imply that tho
Listen to these guys immediately.
>y-you can't hate the nazis because the corporations don't like them either
Legendary logo from a legendary band.
i know only gore
These two bands are great
Are they actually nazis though or is it your lose definition of "right of chapo" nazi
These posts might not be considered spam. However, it is considered flooding.
I'll stop posting for a minute.
You already ruined chartposting now you're going to ruin logoposting?
>this confuses americans
Wym? my gf loves this crap
This is what a chart is supposed to look like
What's worse? Me posting these picutres or the soi boi posting?
You need to stop beating around the bush and be more specific. Unless you are trolling.
Absolute UNIT
hey how did you get a pic of me
other than godsmack, that's not bad at all
Fuck soi bois. Replace them with metalheadz
Should someone start a metal roll chart thread?
Here is the chart. Someone start the new thread.
I just realized i forgot deftones
I hope you're pretending to be retarded
I honestly didn't know. Believe it or not your kind labels basically everything and everyone as a nazi (plus you want to kill my whole family because of their skin color or who they voted for) so i apologize for having to take everything you say with a grain of salt
Nevermind, then.
Thoughts on BDM? I think it's the best genre along with Grind.
Nice job outing yourself as a tourist
You got me! Black metal sucks
Which locations are most popular when it comes to metal?
latin america
New thread. This place is too slow.
Fucking kid making the thread before the bump limit. Someone make a different one.
What the fuck are you going to do about it?
I agree. someone else make
You guys are too lazy to start your own thread.
eh a broken clock is right twice a day i guess
I was just waiting to hit the bump limit, as I should. But now it feels kinda cuntish to make a second thread. I guess we'll lose another thread if he gets banned again.