Attached: 1544343063946.webm (1280x720, 1.35M)


You can't post that here.


he just did tho

me horny

frig the fuck off



ai cute

>tfw no qt jav gf

Attached: 1552164152677.jpg (1280x840, 145K)


you guys just cut to the chase i can respect that

Cute feet.


vey cute

Attached: 1552164379682.jpg (1280x840, 200K)

very nice discussion, unlike kpop shithole

Attached: 1545757209236.webm (640x360, 2.56M)

pussy smell weird tho

is this allowed on a blue board since its censored

Attached: 1526835659534.webm (908x680, 943K)

I need to resist fapping right now

me want asian woman rape


Attached: 1556180857815.webm (640x360, 2.26M)

hello op can you stop trying to make me fap please i'm trying not to be a slave to my impulses

Attached: 1449721606524.webm (498x372, 2.58M)

Then hide the thread
Stay strong, resist

Attached: 1539310408501.webm (1080x606, 2.83M)


don't fight the feeling, invite the feeling.

Attached: 1539310601427.webm (1280x720, 2.7M)

what a cute phase

me want pussy me want ass

post more porn LETS GO

Attached: 1556959797857.webm (648x364, 2.97M)



Why the censoring? And don't say laws, because how do you explain OPs webm?


what's her name? not going to fap


>blacked thread lasts for 3 hours last night
>this has been up for 30+ minutes now

we need to start paying jannies

>pay the jannies
Who do you think is pulling this shit

t. janny

I think i saw that dude in an airplane

Ai has my ideal body, bros. Down to the pink nipples. How do I find a girl like her?

what's her name?

Ok I liked every webm until this one. That's some nasty shit

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 9K)

why did she retired

what's ween's best live album?

Fuck off, zoomer. If you don't know the queen, you don't deserve her.

Ai Uehara, thanks for nothing you FUCKING INCELS

reporting thread now

What the fuck is wrong with japan?? Also what the fuck is wrong with this board, how the fuck does this have 60+ replies???

Congrats. You had to use google to find the name of the most famous JAV idol. Your generation is fucked.

come get your rep, zoomers, this is a bad look

lol, go suck a dick

I guarantee im older than both of you niggers. Come to Cali right now and ill knock both of you out at the same time. Fucking try me.

Ryou Harusaki is my favorite. Perfect shade of brown


Ok gonna need sauce for this





Attached: 6638aa08cabedfc4659c96e1e229049b.png (514x342, 97K)

read the rules if you're new to this site

where in cali are you? baldwin park here

Based, thanks

wow you're really a fucking boomer if you're still posting these rage comics memes in 2019

Uehara is a goddamn succubus. Imagine trying to make this bitch cum? Impossible. Sad thing is she's one of the very few JAV idols with an actual respectable ass.

Np. It's on spankbang right now in 720p.