What is the first album that comes to mind when you see this image?

What is the first album that comes to mind when you see this image?

Attached: soy.jpg (1200x800, 73K)

Attached: download (4).jpg (225x225, 9K)

The money store

Fantano’s twitter

anything by the cure or radiohead

Also Radiohead lel

Merriweather Post Pavilion

Anything by Azealia Banks

Steam Powered Giraffe.




I don't really think about albums when I see drinks. Are you OK user? Let's unpack this.


Weezer - Weezer (the teal album)

Came here to post this for the background alone.

Attached: 2276ED0F-0148-4555-B8A2-8B02ABED2F49.png (1100x1100, 485K)


anything by Ladytron

>who hurt you?

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Attached: to-pimp-a-butterfly-2015-03-11.png (640x480, 547K)

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excellent, true answer


For me as well

Anything by Mumford and Sons

literally just a cheap mass gainer with zippy packaging for desk jockey "tech" worker class traitor faggots who say they don't have time to chew a fucking sandwich at their desk like they're actually doing something while they're there
i fucking hate this beverage and everything it stands for
When I Get Home
ca-ching! criiiin-gy! B+, go fuck yourself

Anything related to millennials

nothing because it's a fucking drink

Attached: meme.jpg (293x300, 35K)

>objects can’t have secondary meanings or cultural context

cardi b

>Let's unpack this.

Attached: 2f3lul.jpg (1511x2015, 176K)

how proud do you think he was of that shirt while his mom was taking this photo for him


>white, black, red-yellow

The Dilated Peoples, of course.

Attached: Dilated_peoples-01.jpg (220x223, 15K)


came in to post this

But I'm already dilated- by capitalism and discrimination and shit.

Attached: Dilated.jpg (2880x1917, 354K)


Attached: 220px-Mac_DeMarco_Salad_Days.jpg (220x220, 12K)

based schizoposter

twin fantasy

One of the most universally hated figures in contemporary music. This answer makes no sense.

more like sneedlent

Attached: 71-J4jMNfCL._SX355_.jpg (355x319, 16K)

any sòyrap

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