AOTY Thread

AOTY Thread

For me it's pic related

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For me, its Goldgazer

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Literally not 1 good album has been released all year.

Yet to be out-riffed

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What's this expression supposed to convey?

I would love to post something more obscure but nah, it's gotta be this, I've been listening to it non stop since it came out, not a single bad song. I don't even really like hip hop

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>AOTY Thread
>For me it's pic related

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it's earthquake and a bunch of filler

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both good choices

Iggy Pop - Free

Jesus fucking Christ. Like how dull do you have to be to have this as your favorite album. Did you ever even consider thinking for yourself? Or do you need fantano and a bunch of other sellout hacks to tell you what music you think is good? EXPAND YOUR FUCKING HORIZONS. Even if for just 1 hour a day. You will end up with better music taste and look less like a total fucking pleb when you post on Yea Forums.

this but less angry.

to be fair it's just his favorite, he didn't post a chart

no contest, for me

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Steve Lacy's Apollo XII. Haven't seen a single thread about it since its release and it's at least 8/10

Cant you just accept that he likes it without fantano or other's influence?
IGOR is great

I hate Fantano but I'd just be a faggot if I decided I hated Igor just because he liked it

you sound like a massive faggot

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That album was some midddd

I honestly liked Flower Boy a lot better than this album.

nirvana nevermind

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nothing has really stood out so i guess its this one

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For me it's pic related

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it’s a 5/10 at best

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My fridge made a cool hum for a few minutes last month, haven’t heard any sound cooler than that all year.

Can’t wait for the album

For now it's
The St Pierre Snake Invasion - Caprice enchanté

Runner-ups (the rest of top-10):
Thank You Scientist - Terraformer
Tenta - W.E.I.R.D. Subtopia
Devin Townsend - Empath
Billy Woods & Kenny Segal - Hiding Places
Anderson .Paak - Ventura
Joliette - Luz devora
Motorpsycho - The Crucible
The Claypool Lennon Delirium - South of Reality
Little Simz - Grey Area

I'm hoping Tropical Storm Fuck and Deftones (if they release it this year) will be worthy contenders too.

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LOVE this one

cringe i know but this is it for me

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Gibs me dat, muhfugguh

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Unironically. It just sounds so good.

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what As came out T Y? my sense of annual time has been shot

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Having a favorite isn't cringe.

Went through all my catalog and this was it I guess

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bunch'a lil piss babies in here

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Imagine being so insecure about your taste that you lash out at people for liking popular music. You even sound offended

Great songwriting on here, but this chick is really grating on me

haha in what way?

that's because it wasn't that good


>fortnite core

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What're the albums on the middle top, middle bottom and bottom right? I've seen them mentioned here but forgot the names

New sunn/Earth/Drab Majesty


my taste is shit I know

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For me? It's pic related

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both good

100% agree
fuck the underage normalfags who actually like that shit

For me it's this

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Out of curiosity, how many albums released in 2019 have you listened to so far?

Imma have to disagree

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36 so far

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great rebuttle, faggot

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A strong contender imo

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This is pretty awesome

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So far but there's a lot that I've really enjoyed this year as well, so it could potentially change but it'll be tough to top it for me.

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