Falling out of love with my gf bc she’s been with too many guys

>Falling out of love with my gf bc she’s been with too many guys
Songs for this feel?

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any midwest emo song

It's 100% hurts to hear how many other guys have laid their seed there before you.

tim heidecker - i am a cuck

>not being turned on by your partners previous experiences
literally gay

Unless there are red flags that could be somewhat attributed to that fact, it sounds like this issue is much more about you than it is her. You sound insecure, which a lot of people struggle with. If you really care about her and like her, you should look at yourself, make evaluations and resolutions, and put that aside to truly love her.

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literally cuck

Jude Law and a Semester Abroad

Classic internet got your back OP


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i understand you man. it sucks. how to not feel like this at a more mature age? literally just have enough sex so that it feels like your sexual experience is on-par with your partner? it feels like a decent plan to me

try learning that information from your mom


Why are so many young guys so insecure and mentally ill now wtf?
You all realize how fucking rare it is for married couples to have only fucked each other, even literal boomers. Stop being obsessed with virginity and be obsessed with getting a loyal woman instead desu

men really are dumber than women

Promiscuous women are much less likely to be loyal though


Thanks Doc

Roasties detected. Men value exclusivity. We don't want our partners to have been pre-selected like women do with men

men really are dumber than women

No man will ever truly love you, whore

the opposite is true. people who were promiscuous when they were younger are usually more loyal because they aren’t “curious” - they’ve seen it all and done it all. The ACTUAL unloyal partners are the conservative, condescending fuckers like you, who barely got any & decides to have a mid life crisis 10 years into a marriage. I’m a guy and I turn down thots left and right because I went into college a virgin and hooked up with 13 girls by junior year. I’m past it now. I don’t even go to the bar anymore.

This isn’t always the case. If SHE had a bad/nonexistent father, or HE had a bad/nonexistent mother, then these types of people might be cheating for life, simply based on their subconscious need for approval from the opposite sex (that was never given to them from a young age).

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It's different for men and women. Women only become promiscuous in the first place if they have mental problems. Women with their shit together find a good quality partner early as possible and settle down

stop being delusional. girls like to fuck too. if you’ve ever actually been ”in the field” slaying thots, you would know. here’s a secret: men brag about who they’ve fucked. women will take their body count TO THE GRAVE. for example, I fucked a girl named Gabriel & she never told a soul. I see her all the time at parties and shake hands with her boyfriend.... little does he know, she got BLACKED 2 years ago by me on St. Patrick’s Day. If she was a guy, she would’ve told a few of her friends. Stop believing the lies women tell. I can tell you’re not getting pussy on the regular. Keep being naive though, that’s just more coochie for me bruv

shut the fuck up virgin

men truly are dumber than women

so low effort, but I’ll let you have this one.
I didn’t know virgins knew that much about women and their desires in general. I’m out of this thread though. have a nice life, faggot.

>can’t come up with a rebuttal or dispute his claims
>”stfu virgin”
you look like the real virgin here, user

The thing is, when it comes to casual sex men tend to be willing to fuck women below their physical standards for an actual relationship, and this means women actually end up getting accustomed to being fucked by guys above their league and then when it comes to finding a partner, the only guys who are interested are less attractive and sexually potent than the other guys they've been with and the woman starts to feel like she's settling, leading to an increased likelihood of infidelity. And all she has to do to get fucked by someone hotter than her bf is open up Tinder

>Yea Forums - Music

This is retarded after a certain point. Women also value exclusivity because it assures them that their security and livelihood and won't be ripped away by another female and their offspring. There's a big difference between that threat and some old girlfriend he had sex with years ago. Obviously it's ok to prefer that your first gf turn into your wife but most people start dating seriously as teens before they have any real idea who they are or what they want and that's just life. You don't have to end up being stuck to your teenage gf because you got her pregnant anymore and that's a GOOD thing.

You also value exclusivity because biologically you want to make sure any possible offspring is in fact, yours. If your wife had sex with a couple of dudes in her teen years but hasn't shown any disloyalty to you then you likely have a real problem. We can't just keep pretending boys aren't having real issues with insecurity about sex because you don't want to talk about it or pawn the problem off on the girls. Jealousy is natural but looking back at someones past and being resentful really isn't. Unless they were like.. a huge whore and you're worried about patterns of bad behavior or something but that's not usually the problem.

Why shouldn't women hold some accountability for how their behaviour has caused an epidemic of sexual insecurity in a generation of men? The cause of this phenomenon that no "sex positive" lefty actually wants to confront is the fact that without the social institution of monogamy women trend hypergamic which effectively leads to harem-like situations for high status men and complete sexual destitution for low status men

Stop believing everything you read on mgtow reddits lol


Keep your head buried in the sand then. "Incels" aren't sprouting out of thin air

It’s because they spend their time on mgtow reddits, reading articles and posts by angry/lonely men who can’t bare to think that they themselves are the problem and need to blame someone else. Same reason dorks go on /pol/

>You don't have to end up being stuck to your teenage gf because you got her pregnant anymore and that's a GOOD thing.

Why? Our grandparents' generation seemed much more romantically fulfilled than the current one. When you are forced to stick with one partner, you have to (a) be more selective initially and (b) work hard to resolve any problems that arise instead of just dumping them out of convenience and looking for greener pastures. It will undoubtedly be significantly more common for Millennials and Zoomers to spend their twilight years alone and their fading memories of meaningless one night stands in their 20s and 30s will be no consolation then

>tfw girlfriend and I started dating in high school as each other's first partners, and are now mid 20s and love each other more than ever
Neither of us have ever even kissed another person before and we are set on marriage. Feels FUCKING good, lads.

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Nah, you have the cart before the horse. Those communities are just an unfortunate byproduct of wider social trends. Saying "Reddit and Yea Forums are creating incels" is a total cop-out and shows that you have no willingness to actually confront and solve this problem, only to use it as a stick to beat your political opponents with

Actually I kind of think they should.. but I wish men would recognize themselves as enablers as well. When young girls see men falling over themselves for a reply from Belle Delphine or drooling over Nicki Minaj they're obviously going to try and copy what they see. The problem is by the time most people see the damage that kind of destructive behavior causes, it's only after they've been through it themselves and the damage is already done.

Women aren't damaging themselves the same way everyone seems to think they are anyway. They can still get a husband in their 30's regardless of what they've done in the past. It's just too hard to draw lines between a decade+ of sex for validation and unhappiness in an underdeveloped woman later in life.
Male friend was telling me the other day that there are actually hot girls on tinder with links to pay them $1 or $5 to even talk to them. I mean who the fuck is actually paying them?

Based and monogamistic user
You’re living the dream

I don’t have the same problems as you so I’ve never felt the need to willingly brainwash myself to make myself feel better. There has always been lonely, bitter people but there’s never been a better time for those people to congregate and circle jerk with half baked/false theories and utter disdain for the opposite sex.

Good luck. I married my wife at 18, she's 34 now and it's been pretty perfect. She had sex with two guys before me but bad teenage sex isn't memorable enough to really matter. I also fucked around a bit before her but I'm a few years older

>She had sex with two guys before me

She thinks about them every couple of months, I guarantee it.

Lol what a pathetically bitter post

You're probably both half right desu.
Women can be complete cunts to guys on the bottom or even middle of the ladder and get abaolutely no backlash for it.. sometimes they're even celebrated for it.
..But then have you seen the standards of most of the incels? I kinda think it's hilarious that I as a pretty but chubby girl have easily married a nice looking nice mannered guy with a decent job and I probably couldn't even get most incels/neets to give me the time of day. Instead they literally think I deserve rape just for having a vagina and genuinely believe that I can't experience real love outside of motherhood because they compare every female to the most vapid tinder girls they can find.
I really think everyones standards and expectations are just completely out of whack. I'm lucky to not have had to date in the past 10+ years.

>not knowing how bad teenage boys are in bed
I'm 100% certain he spends more time thinking about the women he watches in porn or the ones that he fucked around with in the past