What's Yea Forums drinking tonight, and what's your go-to music while drinking?
Drinking + listening to
water because I want to be healthy and hydrated
henry hard sparkling water, king crimson
It's 6:19 am and I'm out of drinks for the night. I'm listening to that Lingua Ignota album for the 4th time. It's pretty great.
6:19am, impressive. Did you send it tonight? Or just drinking at home? No judge, drinking by myself desu.
Drinking some vodka tonight. Here's some drinking-core:
>Titus Andronicus - The Monitor
>Modest Mouse - The Lonesome Crowded West
>Matt Elliott - Drinking Songs
>Andrew W.K. - I Get Wet
>Songs: Ohia - The Magnolia Electric Co.
>unironically drinking toxic estrogen water for muh buzz
not gonna make it
Fucking jealous, I love Kopparberg but we only have the 4% version in the UK. Little too pricey and the low ABV puts me off of getting it all the time.
Tonight I'm drinking some Punk IPA. Really can't go wrong with it. If I'm broke I'll usually just drink some bottom shelf vodka, or whatever the cheapest lager is in my local shop (usually Tyskie). I usually just listen to depressing shit when drinking because I like to wallow in self-pity/loafing I guess. Stratosphere is probably my most visited.
i bet you are no fun
I take real drugs like acid and ketamine pleb, no time to waste destroying my body and growing man titties
bro you take ketamine and you've never drunk while doing it? alcohol + ket is a god tier combo
also you're destroying your bladder doing ket
enjoy accidentally ODing on fentanyl
All of a sudden the degenerate alcoholic is concerned about my health. Cute! Maybe spend some time worrying about your raggedy liver and germinal stomach tumors lol
I have a high IQ so I actually get good shit instead of buying from blacks in the ghetto. But thanks for your concern :^)
get real bros, i enjoy getting hammered from time to time myself but you gotta admit it's so fucking bad for you
of course it is, nobody is arguing this
i agree. that's why i watched what i eat such that i can get sauced 1-2 times a week.
also, i can say i am a semi-majorish player in the opioid epidemic in north america.. i know what's up
so why is everyone getting so wound up?
because you came into the thread and came across as one of those obnoxious healthfags who only drinks water and kale or whatever. there's no point in stating the obvious
drinking kava tea
brother i literally professed to getting hammered on occasion, and not once did i mention kale or water