So what's next for music? Do your think that Jazz/Classical music is having a Renaissance in the next decade? Are we gonna have new genres? What's gonna happen to streaming music services?
The future of music
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I think streaming is our last stop.
>Jazz/Classical music is having a Renaissance in the next decade?
why not? are you trying to stop a woman's choice?
ive been listening to a jazz-ish band but nah they not making a comback
Sissy Hypno dubstep with squeaky vocals
thinking that far into the future is weird and scary
I think “hard” music is going to continue to decline because everybody’s a big softie who didn’t get the appropriate levels of hormones in the womb because we’re multiple generations into women ravaging their reproductive systems with birth control.
It's just going to keep getting shittier and shittier until we all kill ourselves.
It's an industry so it'll only get easier to produce and more impulsively consumed, kind of like fast food
my guess is the 20's are gonna be the decade of whatever you call that slowish elctro crap that has 4 lyrical themes (drugs, girls, more drugs, more girls) with rap on the side
Feel like we're in that now already tho
didn't that only start a few years ago? so it's building up to the 20's? truth be told i don't listen to any of it so i'm probably talking out of my ass
>Do your think that Jazz/Classical music is having a Renaissance in the next decade?
>Do your think that Classical music is having a Renaissance in the next decade?
I don't know; do you think the masses are going to start listening to stuff like this any time soon?
Or even this?
I know what it is and am going to do it. Its unlike anything you have heard before even though its not something new in itself.
More garbage indie for the masses. Honestly "soft" and "light" music has always been popular and it's not going to stop lads. But I am really sick of indie rock because honestly apart from bands like the Pixies most of it is God-awful crap. I doubt Jazz or Classical is going to make a comeback, but maybe that's for the best. As when anything gets enough popularity you get a massive amount of crap music. See hip-hop and rock for reference
Hopefully we hear more classical stuff
But there already are modern classical composers that you can listen to, they just aren't as popular as those from the classical or romantic era
Nice, are there any contemporary classical music composers?
Middle-class white people are going to appropriate hip-hop and turn it into basedshit. Hopefully poor black people will then come up with something new and exciting again
If we're talking about popular American music, it'll become even more primitive and dumb.
It's called soundtrack music now.
No, soundtrack music is just a rehash of previous classical music most of the time
That's often (but not always) been true in Hollywood, but Hollywood isn't the entirety of soundtrack music.
That's called something else, sorry.
I don't think I've ever seen a compelling reason why they should be thought of as different things.
Classical music is a part of classical tradition and institutions such as academia, concert halls and so on, simple as.
Also festivals, educational institutions etc. You can't just write music with an orchestra or a few violins and call it classical music because it's not a matter of form or a simple genre, it's a matter of tradition and functionality as well.
fuck people who like classical and jazz
they suck
Doesn't seem like a compelling reason to me, and as far as I know classical music wasn't even an "academic" thing before the 20th century.
See and it's not limited only to academia, it definitely however is limited to a certain tradition and the continuation of that. Soundtrack music doesn't fit into this sphere, not aesthetically, not philosophically, nada.
at least they have good taste in music unlike you, faggot
This is too vague to mean anything.
It's really not. You're either a part of these institutions and you write classical music or you aren't and you don't.
So there's really nothing more to it than just some institutional circle-jerking? And then they wonder why people are going to video game concerts instead.
Every click is a circlejerk in the grand scheme of things, soundtrack music has its own circlejerk.
>why people are going to video game concerts instead
Because video game music is easy listening compared to classical music and it appeals more to the average neckbeard/weeb tastelet.
What's up with her face?
More like this
She's 12
Soundtrack music doesn't have any institution or special criteria. It doesn't even have to be orchestral.
You mean it's actually enjoyable music as opposed to having only technical value that only makes sense to those relatively few people who studied music in university.
Wtf guys why are people going to video game and anime concerts instead of listening to our based classical circle jerk for euphoric intellectual such as ourselves???
>Soundtrack music doesn't have any institution or special criteria. It doesn't even have to be orchestral.
lmao looks like the weeb got offended by the truth again and posted some loaded nonsense. Enjoy your low IQ muzak.
Then what was your point?
The point was in my original post; that whatever clique soundtrack music is, it has its own circlejerk, just like any other music. And yes, classical music has a special criteria.
Where did I say or imply that I'm a weeb? What "truth" was I offended by? What nonsense did I post? What "low IQ muzak" are you referring to?
It doesn't have any circlejerk like classical music does.
>And yes, classical music has a special criteria.
A shitty and retarded criteria.
This. Look at Brazilian baile funk to understand the future of american music. Also more depressed whiny meme rap and other stupid internet normie meme crap
>It doesn't have any circlejerk like classical music does.
>A shitty and retarded criteria.
Looks like you were once offended by a classical elitist so I won't open that emotional wound.
Looks like you've been reduced to making things up because you have no arguments.
IDM and hip-hop fusion.
Reverse nu-metal. (Black guys doing metal, like that one Denzel Curry cover)
In general rock will start to deep into pop and rap again
The new fad electronic genre (like dubstep, chillwave, vaporwave, synthwave) will be cyberpunk
I wish we could have more music like Rock
Man shut the fuck up Brazilian funk is so interesting, it's amazing favela's can be into so much experimental and weird sounds, truly patrician shit
Folk / Americana revival, and more general movement of playing acoustic instruments in person (perhaps in all kinds of genres) not simply listening music but as an activity. It's the only thing that can't be offered by the internet music age.