Cannot believe I just wasted 2.5 hours on this shit
Fuck you guys
ITT: Memes that Yea Forums made you fall for
Other urls found in this thread:
>*deletes Volcano*
Ah, that’s better. me a normie, that's one of the only songs i really liked
i can list the other passable ones if you'd like
you gotta listen to it louder bro
>listen to loveless
>waste an hour of my life and get tinnitus
what a piece of shit
turn it down retard
That's the whole point of the album senpai
>*deletes everything else besides Helpless Child and The Sound*
ahh, that's better.
Why all the retards? Did they introduce Yea Forums to a special ed school somewhere?
Why do people shit on Volcano, it fits perfectly, like a pop song that wandered in and corrupted in the albums atmosphere. yum yab killers is the one that doesn't fit at all.
the reverse drum pattern on volcano is annoying
yes I am cognizant of my plebness
I remember a thread for this album where it was just people repeating the first reply. Happened earlier this year, I think.
Did they start doing it in other languages? I think I still have the screenshot saved somewhere. top kek thread
I still don't really "get" SFTB. I like Helpless Child and Empathy but so much of the album meanders. I like other post-rock albums, and when it comes to Swans I do like some of their other albums but god, SFTB has so much filler.
>this is unironically 2.5 hours
I can't believe some people sit for 1/10 of their day listening for noises of someone running and a baby crying.
post it
Yeah, they did.
lemme try to find it, if i do i’ll post.
>*deletes everything besides Yum-Yab Killers*
Ah, that's better!
Well fuck.
I just don't know what to say
Swans more like Söywans
>tfw you are more fucked up than me
have sex
This, but I like Yum-Yab too much to ever cut it.
>have sex
fuck off tranny
This. How is it considered one of the all time classics? It lacks cohesion, consistency, and compactness wayyy more than any other album of its supposed caliber.
>he thinks swans isn't pleb
first year on Yea Forums?
lmao literally the best song
says the one defending swans lmao
it has the same "le epic difficult album" status as trout mask replica but it's a lot easier to digest so people latch onto it pretty quickly, it's literally all hype
Eventually one realizes that every album that could be categorized as "difficult" is actually bad and moves on with their life.