Need a rap name my guys this my aesthetic and general vibe i'm going for doing 100 gecs kinda shit but with some yung...

Need a rap name my guys this my aesthetic and general vibe i'm going for doing 100 gecs kinda shit but with some yung lean bladee stuff thrown in yeah ya know man need that rap name tho

Attached: 1522025400292.jpg (960x958, 150K)

asking the internet to decide your rap name is a horrible idea. just think about the kind of music you make and any words that could vaguely describe it. don't pick something that'll make you seem like a complete joke but its okay to pick something sorta silly

NBA S*yboy

Lil Soi

"unoriginal faggot" rolls off the tongue

fuckin kek


Tell me your real name and I’ll plug it into a Wu-Tang name generator for you

Young blecs 1000

Sex Offendah

Good bait

most boring aesthetic i’ve ever seen jesus christ
synthwave is so boring

Lil Cock Sucker

For real though you're the type of guy I'd pick up on grindr to suck my dick



my real name is joshua

lakehead university

lil organic almond milk

"Karl with a K"

You're welcome

stank vagina

To elaborate, it'd be karl like Karl Marx which incorporates ur communist shit + Carl is nerdy sounding name that fits your look (no offence). The "with a k" is just stylistic.

i can't wait until the communist shit is over 2 years from now.

Lil Yung Gulag

holy shit kys if not b8

Ok you've got my attention. How is this "communist"?

im gonna let you look over the picture again and not immediately call you a retard because it happens

Oh fuck I missed the sickle lmao disregard

Vasectomy Vince

and the text, serves me right for not expanding the thumbnail

"dumb faggot"

At a glance I thought this was a bladee thread. Now I'm disappointed. Fuck you

a tribe called steve miller band