Yes goy yes
>bro I thought we were allowed to say the racial slur my bad please don't hurt me
>racial slur
yeah singing along to the same song as everyone else is the same as calling someone a dirty nigger
Why is it normal for black people to tell white people how they're allowed to speak and to meet defiance with violence? These niggers have some serious black privilege that needs to be taken away from them.
redneck dipshit
lol which one of yall did this
enjoy your ban fuckface
racism has no place on this board or in a civilized society. fuck you. i hope your mother cheats on your dad with a black man if she hasn't already
>racism has no place on this board
do you know where the fuck you are? you couldn't sound more like a plebbitfag. stop it with this moralfag shit, it's so goddamn annoying. and this is coming from a black man. you're not going to convince anyone on Yea Forums anything, so shut the fuck up about it. also check'em
do people really get banned for racism now on this board now? that's wild
Who the fuck is trolling who
stop bro don't let these people win and get the upper hand call out their bullshit behavior when you see it, it's not cool or funny
>racism has no place on this board or in a civilized society
That's why we should deport blacks so they can't perpetrate these black supremacist attacks.
lmao i say nigga all the time but i'm cool so no one cares. redditors say nigga with a distinct uncoolness that outs them as fake bitches.
Woah user! Read the rules if you're new to the site.
great post yet again reddit!
>another young white falls for the hip-hop meme and thinks he can say "nigga" and fit in with blacks
you make me ashamed to like nigger music. fuck you crakkker
Imagine being white and singing along to nigger bop. Like how low and contemptible must you to be to desire to be more like those apes? Have some goddamn respect for yourself
spoken like a true redditor.
go back there if you like safe spaces so much.
>this whole thread
Words are words.
And somehow you are even less cool and less funny, so it's more important to shut people like you down
justice served
Yep. The world was made a little better today because the guy who used the enward was banned
Fuck off nigger. Come get me tranny mods
Make sure to dilate the gaping wound that you call a pussy
bye felicia
How did the blatant anti semitism on the first post go unnoticed as well? Come on, wtf Yea Forums
Lol the absolute state of Americans
my god where the fuck are these people coming from
kys monkey enabler
black people are sacred, they're beautiful people with a lot of soul and creativity, i love them like my brothers and will fight for their humanity
I'm going to say nigger. NIGGER.
i n c e l
if you're white you have no business using that word just stop
they smell though
it's not like their main opposition on here isn't just as new. in fact a portion of it is these fucking election newfaggots getting baited by people here longer than them, and biting everything because they're brand new teething little babies.
>tfw you're so rockist I have to deal with nothing related to this
feels good man
can vouch for this feel
Society will never be civilized until all niggers are sent back to Africa
howd that bbc taste faggot
lmao. i remember my friend got jumped at a concert. nigga was talmbout elbowing people because they were touching him. dumbass probly deserved it. ur at a concert front row idiot of course people are going to be touching u
all niggers must fucking hang
>she said the forbidden word, lets beat her up!
why the fuck do these white yuppies invent these ridiculous Phantasy novel settings in which their cringeball author self insert improv characters their napoleon dynamite wes anderson twiddly fuckboy Weird Twitter comedy improv characters don't know enough to not say racial slurs around other people why do they insist that this is some kind of monumental and macro-level societal problem or something that's constantly happening all the fucking time
"white people be like they tryna be singing the n word like lmao umm yikies!!!" shut the fuck up becky
wash your pussy out becky
go outside
why is almost everything they make a fucking goofus and gallant cartoon who do they really think they're reaching with this stupid shit
fuck every twitter user and fuck every redditor
fuck their slimeball retard parents
i will fuck jack dorsey in the ass
louder and faster
>all these newfags falling for bait like this
Absolute state of this shit board.
>le cool Kitano shoot head pic / / /
People like you who larp as beatniks on the internet have been around longer and are way more annoying
>omg i’m ee cummings.
my god, white niggers are pathetic
>only reddit nu males listen to plaboy carti
omg what a surprise