Any good music about rejecting the normalfag lifestyle?

any good music about rejecting the normalfag lifestyle?

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>self improvement

The pilgrim

Listen to Charles Manson’s album.

>wagies literally can't conceive of improvement other than monetary gain

The Offspring - Smash

>all energy gets sucked out of you
>no time for fulfilling projects and activities

The only downside to being a neet is not having money

Yeah, they’re improving alright. Improving their aim in the latest Call of Duty that is!

Yep, just put on your bootstraps and work for Mr. Goldberg 8 hours a day for $12 an hour filling in TPS reports or you are worthless.

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NEETs are depressed parasites who live a miserable apathetic and nihilistic existence that is reliant on the good nature of other human beings and society - if the welfare state stopped tomorrow, NEETs would commit mass suicide since they wouldn't be able to survive.

Human beings were made to work, it allows us to create value and meaning into our lives and helps contribute to society and also keeps our minds occupied with something to avoid the existential dread of existence and forces us to socialize with other beings.

You can't be happy without work. Get a job, stop being a parasite.

Yer having no money is a huge down side alright. Imagine not having the money to own your own house/apartment or to have kids and provide for your kids, or go on holidays, or dine out, or buy nice clothes, or buy a nice car, fund your hobbies, etc.

You can't be a NEET and raise a family and no self-respecting woman would ever date or have a relationship with a NEET. Men were meant to provide and build and contribute to society through work and toil.

Goddamn I hate this snowflake generation. No wonder why you're all sick in the head.. depressed, lazy, apathetic, insecure..

Ur a fucking loser hahahhaha

peak boomer, choke on your tv dinner already

The energy isn't sucked out of you if you have a good career, I can understand the sentiment if you're a janitor or a gas station attendant or retail worker, etc. but most people in real careers like medicine, teaching, nursing, engineering, science, I.T. etc. love their jobs. Even then though it's better to be a gas station attendant and contribute something than just leaching off the government or your parents, at least you'll have your self-respect and pride.

I'm 24. Not a boomer. Just a responsible adult who is 3 years into my career and loving it. I'm in web development. Try and get into a career job and you won't hate it so much.

Work is important but the truth is that a lot of jobs these days are completely soul crushing. It’s not hard to see why some people think NEETism is a preferable alternative.

I'm neet, have a wife, a kid, go to the restaurant twice week, buy my clothes at zara and h&m, have a car, own 3 houses and is the biggest failure in the world. Beat that.

I know you live your entire life fearful of being considered a loser and that you act out most of your daily activities based on shame and guilt rather than desire but those kinds of judgements and insults mean nothing to the neet mind

Yeah, you’re improving alright. Improving your aim in the latest Call of Duty that is!

>call of duty
Nobody plays that anymore bro


you became a NEET because you worked for it or someone else worked for it - how did you make your money? you either inherited it or you made it yourself. so you can thank hard work for having the luxury of time that you have now.


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because NEETs are apathetic. NEETs are losers because they don't try not because they're poor or because they don't have anything. if you don't even try or attempt to make a good life then you're a loser by definition. a guy who is poor as fuck but is still trying and has goals is a success in my eyes.

Why would I be up to date on video games? I’m too busy trading and investing in stocks... NEET!!!

Pure luck and some hustling. Never worked hard in my life.

what will wagies do when automation takes over and their one source of self esteem that is monotonous tasks is completely obsolete?

NEETdom is the biggest cope of all. You try to cope with existence by trying to escape it and run away from it instead of facing it head on. Workers accept reality which is why they accept responsibility. We have to work to eat.. we have to struggle in this world.. this is life in general. Why complain about it?

I genuinely feel pity for you. the idea that you perceive the entire myriad of life through acquisition of currency is quite depressing

Fuck jewish robots. I will destroy them all

hustling is still work. even drug dealing is work. people who flip stuff on ebay also work because they are flipping value.

i don't even think you know what being a NEET means.

work online selling bootleg jerseys from china at marked up prices to niggers on craigslist/ebay and don't be subject to a boss boomer cuck, i made a lot doing that last year

you are the archetypal good goy.

That's entrepreneurship, that's still work.

Get a job that involves doing the automating and working on robots. Get a job that requires more personal human interaction (nursing, aged care, etc.). Improve your people skills to a level where a robot can never compete.

Automation always creates more jobs than it destroys (as can be seen throughout history).. less people work in agriculture and manufacturing than they did 100 years ago but there's so many more people working in the service sectors.. in business.. in marketing.. in IT.


No.. so if a thousand years ago you were born into a tribe and you had to go out to hunt for food would you complain about it? Feel sorry for yourself that you have to go out to eat to survive.. no because you'd fucking die. We need to work to survive. Simple as.

hunting is genuine work. "working" in the 21st century is slavery

You're a wage cuck in denial.

yer genuine work that's fucking incredibly difficult and dangerous. imagine actually thinking an office job is slavery lmaoooo, most jobs are piss easy where people only work for 2-3 hrs at most.

i get paid $90k a year to basically fill out spreadsheets, research some demographic statistics to put in a small report, and browse the internet

How is that not parasitical? You assholes get paid to do nothing.

wagies literally cannot stop raging

if wagie life is so good shouldn't you be gloating instead of getting angry at neets for not working?

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>but most people in real careers like medicine, teaching, nursing, engineering, science, I.T.

"Most" people work shitty slave jobs just to make ends meet

that's most jobs because its human nature. humans are lazy and want shortcuts.. hence why most people are only productive for like 20-30% of the time when they are at work.

Oloff - Doing It Stealthy

NEETs are the ones who are gloating all the time.. wagecucks don't need to brag about wagecuckery because wagecucking is normal and expected of you. A normal well adjusted healthy adult male works for a living.

Also NEETs literally live because of wagecucks so its annoying to see NEETs shitting on the people who are responsible for their existence.


yes thank you almighty job man yes

fuck off fag

yer as opposed to being a parasite who needs other people to sustain their existence. keep being a drug addict consumer. i like work.

All of Oloff's music. Literally the only properly redpilled artist

You're welcome. Have fun dying alone in a gutter somewhere and not being remembered by literally anyone.

>who needs other people to sustain their existence

oh you mean like the people who built your office, your boss, the people who built the programs and computers you use like a cog in your cell all day? the police who keep you safe at night, the people who built you car or public transportation?

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>wagie thinks he'll be remembered because he was a good little goy


While in theory neets have more time for self improvement in practice they just waste their time indulging their hedonistic desires

pretty much, it's a condition of man
something something agent smith monologue

archaic society is basically the antithesis of late capitalism

Yeah, I understand how that wouldn't make any sense to someone who has never been outside and doesn't have any friends.

in 100 years nobody will even know you ever existed

>muh wife and kids
>muh values
>hard work must pay off
>yes hard work certainly pays off
>TV and brewskis never felt so good after a day of toil

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Nobody knows you exist now.

yer those people work.. you don't.

>Wagie, Wagie, Wagie, Wagie
>Wagie, Wagie, Wagie, Wagie

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Good. I'm not deluding myself into thinking I'm some important human because I piss my entire life away trying to conform to a system that cares about you as much as an ant.

>Yeah, I understand how that wouldn't make any sense to someone who has never been outside and doesn't have any friends.

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consume till your doom
waste your days away,
never ever leave your room
waste your life away

>sitting in my one bedroom apartment watching anime, getting high, eating like shit and listening to music all day is better than going out into society and being productive and making money

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>>sitting in my one bedroom apartment watching anime, getting high, eating like shit and listening to music all day is better than going out into society and being productive and making money

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Wagies COPE
your ultimate goal in life is to be a NEET
to retire

Giving up all pretense and just posting Wojaks, the NEET's final defense when all resources are exhausted

That's not a very good song, user. You'd think that, since you sit at home alone all day, you'd have more time to work on lyrics. Very disappointing.

Yea Forums is a neoliberal board. NEETs need not apply.

>Giving up all pretense and just posting Wojaks, the NEET's final defense when all resources are exhausted

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>having friends and experiencing new things is soi
We're reaching levels of cope I didn't think were possible.

fuck no kys

>We're reaching levels of cope I didn't think were possible.

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NEETdom is a mental illness they literally think being a normal well-adjusted adult is a bad thing. They're snowflakes who think that work is beneath them.

>NEETS = have either no money or very little money
>Retired people = have a lot of money
Yeah, you're right; They're basically the same.

t. altright incel

wagies use those things as a crutch to avoid the existential terror of slowing down and having an autonomous thought. wagies need to keep moving as to not drown. where as the neet has become completely comfortable with the state of existence and is not a slave to external stimulation

>t. altright incel

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>Neet vs Wagecuck

when will you fuckers realize its all the same
life is suffering either way

>having thoughts is "existential terror"

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>life is suffering either way

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jesus christ stop with these fucking wojak memes get fucking new material

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You are in hell

you got time to self improve for sure. when i was a NEET i started reading nonfiction and philosophy, trying to understand the world i wasnt fitting into. but you're missing out on so many other essential experiences. if you go out there you'll grow a lot more as a person. learn to deal with people, with rejection, learn to deal with disappointment and failure. even just growing intellectually works a lot better if you're not just reading books but have likeminded, educated friends to have discussions with. and going to uni and getting educated for forces you to learn things in a much more detailed manner than trying to learn it yourself.
money isnt an end in itself but it enables you to reach other goals and also frees up your mind from worrying about things that would be not a problem if you had money. even just small barriers can hold you back substantially. having a car can make or break your plans of hitting the gym. of course you could just walk there but its easy to see who will statistically be more likely to succeed. you can probably afford to buy a book as a neet, but you'll think twice about it or decide you'd rather spend the money on something else while theres no second thought if you have money.

i'd just call that early retirement and not being a NEET

to be fair, if its a choice between working a job that's not interesting, you get no respect and no responsibillity, and you are only payed minimum wage, its honestly pretty much the same either way. even if it pays the money to move out and buy a car and shit, still nobody will respect you. your confidence will still be shit. girls won't care for you. you're not even working for your future because min wage jobs are dead ends with no chance of moving up and you dont make enough money to save so you have money down the line. so what exactly are you working for then? working such a job for like 10hr/week is okay since it leaves you with loads of freetime and you can NEET and still have a little money, but fulltime is just soulcrushing.
to substancially improve your life you need a careerjob.

You haven't transcended normiedom until you prefer 30+ minute drone tracks. Dr. Patrician (me) prescribes six discs of Natural Snow Buildings.

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>having a car can make or break your plans of hitting the gym. of course you could just walk there but its easy to see who will statistically be more likely to succeed.
imagine not living in an awful burb where the only redeeming feature is the gym being a 5 minute walk away

>NEETS taking pride of being a NEET
You all should be gased you worthless pieces of shit.

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>not having the best of both worlds and just working casually when you need
Fools, all of you I work and I still have plenty of to do shit I want and make money at the same time fuck being a wageslave

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being a neet isn't good but pozzing about work ethic on Yea Forums is unbelievably gay and you're not fooling anybody

gg allins pretty good with his scumfuck lifestyle and outcast attitude expose your self prolly some of his best tho

Oh, you know. Weird Al Yankovic, Tenacious D, Steel Panther, Spinal Tap, The Lonely Island, They Might Be Giants, Barenaked Ladies, The B-52’s, Oingo Boingo, Devo, Mr. Bungle, Primus, Ween, Frank Zappa, Captain Beefheart, The Shaggs, Daniel Johnston, Wesley Willis, The Residents, Butthole Surfers, Anal Cunt, etc.


This. Also, don't pay attention to the lyrics for Semi-Charmed Life by Third Eye Blind.

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Anarchopunk. Yeah it's got a lot of antifa cringe but what do you expect?

the middle ground is to completely fuck the system over and work 20 hours a week for a liveable wage. if you're smart and have some sort of rare skill, you can do it.

most of the 'happy countries' on earth only work 6 hrs a day