>finally have time and money to make album
>get tinnitus and hyperacusis
Finally have time and money to make album
just let dudes cum in your ear, it cures it : )
life's a bitch isn't it
whoa that image is spooky please do not post such things its 2am here.
Tinnitus isn't a hindrance to making music
kek ever heard of hyperacusis?
it's a death sentence for music careers op is fucked
i have strange dudes cum in my ear every day of the week and can confirm this works
I also watched the twilight zone (1959) s01e08 time enough at last.avi
was legit the first thing i thought of when i got the diagnosis
how did you get hyperacusis?
>listen to loud music pretty much everyday
>suddenly have tinnitus in my right ear
>pretty upset by this
>I knew the dangers of listening to loud music on headphones, how could I be such a fool
>stop using headphones
>stop listening to music on high volume
>also have a congested sinus but think nothing of it
>congestion clears up in about a week
>no more tinnitus
>immediately listen to loud as fuck music on headphones
i'm 23 and i can feel the ghost of it just waiting to come out, i'm quite cautious now but i know just one bad hit of feedback is gonna bring it out of hibernation one of these days. the stage is set
make noise music
Fucking cringe.
Forgot earplugs during a noise show and got btfo
then kept listening to loud music until I slowly realized there was a big problem but by then it’s too late
Don’t fuck around I will never be able to play or record music again, probably going to an hero if it doesn’t get better by next year
Just use musician earplugs they’ll save you
kys faggot
did it happen gradually? because after getting earraped accidentally by earphones i been feeling more uncomfortable while listening to music. kind of an ear fatigue feel and it's been a month since and hasn't gone away.
Yep exactly like that, kept ignoring it and suddenly my dog barking was painful and then dishes clinking together and now literally everything
The pain is different for different people, for me it’s like a very bad sunburn deep in my ear that never goes away. But it started out as just ear fatigue and an ache
Stop using headphones for a while and you should get better fast
It happens to almost every musician. Whether you play in an orchestra or as a DJ.
"For the last three years my hearing has grown steadily weaker. I can give you some idea of this peculiar deafness when I must tell you that in the theatre I have to get very close to the orchestra to understand the performers, and that from a distance I do not hear the high notes of the instruments and the singers’ voices… Sometimes too I hardly hear people who speak softly. The sound I can hear it is true, but not the words. And yet if anyone shouts I can’t bear it".
pretty sure kevin shields said by now his ears are pretty fucked up and the sound of plates hurts him a lot but he still does his thing somehow i guess, so idk its possible
Actually I have a superior suggestion. How about you take your own life, cunt bitch?
unironically autistic response
shields has tinnitus but not pain hyperacusis, you can’t play thru that you’ll kill yourself
I would rather go deaf than have permanent hyperacusis and so would anyone else with the condition, you guys need to research it more
I have tinnitus but It doesnt really bother me that much
It gets worse If i drink too much coffee
It’s the H that has ruined my life
i had a mild form of hyperacousis for some months and i know what a pain in the ass can be. My advice is to not be afraid of sound. Even if it hurts it wont kill you. Sort of get numb to it, pretend you dont care until you eventually sincerely dont. Honestly i have hyperacousis even know to a very small degree but its sensitivity has died out cause i dont actively search for pain in the perception of sound. I sort of ignored it. A dog barking or a horn would be like someone sticking a needle to my ear. If a dog barked right next to me now it would hurt but to a very small degree, so small i would give a damn. A similar thing happens with tinnitus. I have tinnitus but it doesnt really affect my interation with music in any way cause i filter it out as an unimportant sound. Your journey will be difficult but no case in hyperacousis i believe is unsolvable. Time for your ears to heal and your personal belief it will get better will help you. You wont be able to play music and have anny enjoyable outcome from it for the next months (probably) but if you think your music days are over, then you are overeacting due to anxiety
Thanks fren I needed that. I have been depressed as fuck thinking about it lasting for years and years. I have a whole album that I had to just abandon because it burns so fucking bad like literal battery acid poured into my ear
The only silver lining was that I found out about it before it got to the severe stage. I can still talk to people but music is just unbearable right now. I agree a lot of it is psychological your neural pathways have to be reconditioned to not associate sound with pain. It takes a long time and one more genuine noise injury could fuck me up for years
>I would rather go deaf than have permanent hyperacusis and so would anyone else with the condition
Can you wear earplugs to help? That sounds terrible and I'm sorry to hear that you have this.
I hope you'll be able to shift your passions from music to graphic arts/literature/etc.
Crazy thing is earplugs reduce your tolerance even more. To recover you have to slowly desensitize your ears to the increased loudness, which requires exposure, but if you get blasted by a loud noise and the hyperacusis gets worse you can put yourself in literal hell where you cannot leave your room and you just sit there with earmuffs all day for 10 years unable to tolerate any sounds at all. I’m not that bad yet thank god.
Yeah if music truly is over for me I’ll have to turn to literature and write fantasy novels
HEllen Keller bitch.