Attached: 157996292-352-k713433.jpg (352x550, 34K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Looks like Fancy is SOTY

Attached: D_7o66CU4AAy9Pf.jpg (2048x2048, 775K)

our blackpink girls

you are mentally ill

Attached: 1544000747141.jpg (1080x1280, 180K)

Attached: 2or4c0s0f0031.jpg (800x1200, 160K)

V mogging

fapperoni fapperoni
give us the semeroni

Attached: 1547883132209.jpg (900x1200, 242K)

wtf she's a slut

Attached: 10012398173498.jpg (640x625, 119K)

taehyung would never

Attached: 1.jpg (1500x1000, 213K)

how is she so pretty and wholesome and funny and cute

Attached: 1533782268456.png (1333x2000, 2.45M)

*sends picture to tablet*

Attached: 1554640661705.webm (720x1280, 2.51M)

Kim Jisoo likes this post.

Attached: SoulfulGrimFugu.webm (456x878, 550K)

literally took me 1 try and what even was your original point i still don't get it?

Attached: Untitled1.png (1084x841, 699K)



Attached: 1557017833103.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

oh no lia antis, what happened?

Attached: 1536964247217.png (467x804, 548K)

Attached: 1560806435834.webm (720x1080, 277K)

such a filthy and disgusting whore

she is a very sexual person

>RM mogging

Attached: D8kdP7_XsAA2HVX.jpg (2048x1536, 392K)

Attached: Twice.webm (1920x1080, 491K)

these are not real idiot

there is an actual freakin kid in that you pedophile

jisoo would be the prettier one in every relationship

Attached: 1556622989430.png (713x716, 330K)

our girls

Attached: 4548467573357.jpg (1200x800, 238K)

they definitely did

the right pic is stretched out

are you literally retarded

>barely visible abs


Attached: D_7rUjnU8AAJ2NT.jpg (2048x1366, 164K)

This post is blessed

aboslute chad

Attached: D_bsDCkVUAMolh8.jpg (900x1200, 184K)

bp are fucking pedos

show us yours

Hello friends. I'm new into kpop. Could you please tell me the exact nature of the relationship between these two individuals?

Thank you.

Attached: Mina TT Dance Move.webm (1080x1920, 983K)

pretty and wholesome and funny and cute mention

Attached: 1544048090942.webm (1280x720, 1.28M)

word haggybro

Attached: gsrw6whUezeu63su.jpg (2048x1535, 521K)

absolute chad

we wanted a ryujin thread

Attached: Tall and Handsome...kyaaaa.jpg (540x201, 13K)

Post your body

Attached: WhatWomenWant.webm (480x600, 1.52M)

what the hell are you even imagining right now

gaybros are being quite mean today even though jisoobros were being nice

Attached: 1537984211525.jpg (457x459, 36K)

You just KNOW... I mean seriously, they're not even trying to hide it.

he gets all the ladies of every ethnicity

xiumin you damn whore

if mina doesnt come back i'm breaking her ribs

LMAOOO look at this dude's ears

if 80 is the highest you can get... lol....

when are you gonna admit you literally got no idea what youre talking about?

Attached: 2019-07-21 02_03_00-Face Beauty Analysis Online Test, Pretty Calculator - Chromium.png (584x854, 914K)

based taste

Attached: 1554472572599.jpg (1536x2048, 309K)

momo please sit on my face

what's eunhyuck doin there

Attached: D_7I0RGUYAACyRG.jpg (799x553, 77K)

word and basedpilled

Attached: mbcstar-1062741603909922819-20181115_001837-img1.jpg (1080x891, 125K)


Attached: 1550458190507.jpg (706x538, 33K)

isn’t he the one who got to pipe IU?

Attached: DEUJIMmU0AAqN1d.jpg (1000x1500, 246K)

these are bad examples because dubu would get 100 every time

Attached: 35.jpg (4000x6000, 2.97M)

tangerine stands out so much

Attached: D_7zfdGU4AECICM.jpg (1307x1961, 304K)

Would you look at the time?

Attached: 32436e962c003b12f42c8f034453c5fda2d958cb.jpg (1366x2048, 402K)

jisoobros support a little of intimacy with kids idiot nothing wrong with having a wild blink

Attached: 1545841395830.jpg (1080x1080, 1017K)

why does bp have zero fappable content?

Attached: 1539529261128.gif (478x478, 1.45M)


Attached: crop (1).jfif.jpg (444x794, 23K)

I'm nice though, but V is just too OP

Attached: 345877865.jpg (1100x1650, 229K)

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

I bet Jennie is raising her as a protege for the future and already getting her used to her job by diluting small amounts of semen in her water bottle and giving her vaseline instead of sun screen.

Attached: Jennie stays smooth.jpg (1200x1199, 263K)

pedocuckie alert pedocuckie alert

Attached: 4cc129ff9175ccaa7ab37d52f73bc9e781a30cd9.jpg (800x1200, 158K)

loli time?

you are definitely not a jisoobro friend quit it

because they are pure of course

you are not nice

that is too freakin far you pedophile

shut up idiot that is not me

Attached: 1545207549880.jpg (1080x1350, 179K)

The most airbrushed picture of all time.

Attached: 34346.jpg (1200x1350, 433K)

i do it to jisoo's feet a lot

Attached: jisoo_feet.webm (1280x720, 1.5M)

Attached: tae68.jpg (1006x717, 174K)

leave my friend alone

Attached: 핡.jpg (1000x1500, 686K)

Attached: 1562972480689.png (1016x683, 926K)

stupid baby warning

just unboxed my new doll here she is

Attached: IMG_20190720_200806.jpg (1365x2048, 690K)

She's so cute. Too bad she'll be so used by the time she's 30 that noone will want her.

Attached: 1561981169700.png (1920x1080, 1.16M)


Attached: 1516931577630.jpg (1228x1291, 385K)


Attached: 1562717897499.jpg (561x850, 56K)

Attached: ryujin delivering the feetmogging of a lifetime.webm (1430x1044, 2.29M)

he doesn't care, he's only into kids

Attached: 43671993_406951753176072_2777982728356659767_n.jpg (1080x1350, 133K)

your dad brushes his dick in your mouth

always knew gordo was a pedo

hey watch it pal

Attached: 1559934804084.jpg (1850x2772, 929K)

Fucking kekld

make good use of her

based stay

Attached: bangle.jpg (300x300, 9K)

>i-it's consistent bro

Attached: 1563396323054.jpg (464x779, 117K)

your kind is the freakin worst

she's pure you idiot shut up

you did that you idiot stop framing jisoobros

don't spread lies

how you stupd idiot shutu p

Attached: 1537575328467.jpg (630x943, 90K)

i plan to scream for momo the entire time tomorrow

Attached: 15630550366562.jpg (800x1440, 124K)

deklo should post wony too

Attached: 190608 인제 러블리즈(Lovelyz) - 안녕 이미주 직캠-oyUYRm1a7Sc-[01.30.756-01.36.863].webm (720x1364, 2.97M)

post her assets

that's actually his main

based, but don't forget to take some pics

why is she meditating on stage

noone said it is though...


Attached: chaeng.jpg (1000x1500, 122K)

the yeonwootard is actually dumber than i originally thought, which is saying something

is a little controversial yes we like freaking younger not your problem

Attached: 1541378382917.jpg (1080x1349, 156K)

Attached: 49803764_2580080622008525_6319967570039734736_n.jpg (1080x1350, 136K)

Mina & Dubu,... you had ONE JOB! Ts, ts, ts,...

He only seems to like old hags. Choa and know jizzoo

Attached: 1562290919392.jpg (1125x1705, 197K)

do not spread lies please

everyone knew that the moment he tried to compare her with jisoo

Attached: 1557383620112.jpg (1080x1080, 114K)

Attached: 1562956484962.webm (394x504, 302K)

Attached: 1492142489477.jpg (1333x2000, 536K)

fucking pedo gordo

nice jiggle

did you miss the last thread?

Purely abused.

jisoo is 24 but looks 19 how does she freakin do it

that is a freakin strapless dress not freakin nude she doesn't do that

Attached: 1549751933250.jpg (1080x1350, 120K)

I take back everything bad I've said about Seunghee. I'm sorry

trace back our comments on the last thread retard holy shit

Johnny is a literal chimp

Attached: johnny.....jpg (1080x1440, 206K)

I wondered this myself, but I guess they're too big atm. Twice doesn't have much either, except for Nayeon because she wants to please the fans. I've never seen a single real feet pic from Rose, Lisa or Jennie. (and who tf cares about the hag anyway?)

you can't blast to jisoo because she's twice your age preference

Why didn't Thais support Sorn like they support Lisa?

taking cub to fancy restaurant

Attached: D_IU_frUIAAtSK6.jpg (640x640, 50K)

purely unused actually

Attached: 1537964338639.jpg (1080x1350, 121K)

of course. will try to post exclusive pics here.

shes praying for mina

Attached: 15593403677258.jpg (430x970, 75K)

literally none:
keklo: i want to fuck kids



Attached: 1558567038625.webm (1198x1264, 2.91M)

Attached: 190608 인제 러블리즈(Lovelyz) - 안녕 이미주 직캠-oyUYRm1a7Sc-[00.29.229-00.33.967].webm (480x910, 2.9M)

whats his problem

so the mods just gave up on getting rid of gordo?

Attached: unnamed.jpg (1080x715, 120K)

at least he's not an alien

Attached: 1537894802747.jpg (468x489, 13K)

because she's pure you idiot and don't talk about that

shut the hell up i did not say that


Attached: 1542710571646.jpg (1485x2048, 959K)

stop staring at me you dumb girl

nice sharkfeet

Attached: yuqifeet.jpg (800x1199, 109K)

2 am here kgentlemen
perfect time for sunmi's full moon – a classic from 2014
*sips on nero d'avola*
how are you spending your late hours?

>i was also thinking about being a jungkook poster since i look like him

Attached: Hana10.jpg (1280x1920, 1.14M)


Attached: 5fa986a49e62a3538fea10c3aae6c9ad.jpeg.jpg (1000x1333, 107K)

Attached: D_6RsQ2VAAEMZP5.jpg (2000x3000, 1.2M)

we wanted a yeji thread

Attached: 1561173482877.jpg (1200x1800, 465K)

i'm with my bitch jisoo talking loud at the movies

jisoo would never ever freakin do that SHUT UP

stop laughing at everything why do you keep laughing at everything SHUT UP

Attached: 1553861943797.jpg (1080x1350, 122K)

Attached: 1540278674747.webm (1172x1022, 2.41M)

Did Taeyeon shave her jaw at some point? The jawline looks a bit unnatural in some angles.

I was going to snag a last minute ticket for the twice concert tomorrow but I really don't think I want to deal with 105 degree heat, the average kpop fan, or the average kpop fan sweating in 105 degree heat

Why does this picture remind me of dark age of Camelot?

>he is delusional
but we can't really tell since no one knows what he looks like
he might me googie's exact twin

Attached: 1563668233715.jpg (1200x1920, 426K)

So? Fancy did better than iz*one on melon.
Also fancy did better than any gg song on melon.

whats her name looks so fucking hot here

Attached: 1560587877517.jpg (2867x2867, 1.25M)

installed some handlebars to my new doll

Attached: IMG_20190720_201733.jpg (735x918, 92K)

blackpink sold 600,000 in china

not our jisoo jisoo she's in hawaii probably a different jisoo

Attached: 1554632311698.jpg (1500x1000, 144K)


literally the gayest shit

Attached: Hana10.webm (720x720, 1.45M)


Attached: D_2DU8tVAAM3Fgs.jpg (1200x800, 121K)

i don't expect a simpleton like her to know manners, but you should not enable her childish nonsense. slap the wench

hawaii has movie theatres retard

Attached: sakx101.jpg (1086x1401, 733K)

ready for the comeback already. my boy chenle gonna go hard

Attached: 1563165580867.png (1920x1080, 1.32M)

chaeryeong and she isn't for that

Attached: CoarseGoodAsianelephant.webm (784x784, 952K)

Attached: C4822C9D-58B4-4D21-A072-07FFC715A686.jpg (1774x1150, 405K)

July Girl Group Member Brand Reputation

1.MAMAMOO’s Hwasa
2.Red Velvet’s Irene
3.WJSN’s Bona
4.Red Velvet’s Joy
6.GFRIEND’s Sowon
7.BLACKPINK’s Jennie
8.Red Velvet’s Seulgi
9.IZ*ONE’s Jang Won Young
10.GFRIEND’s Eunha
11.TWICE’s Sana
12.GFRIEND’s Umji
13.Red Velvet’s Yeri
14.BLACKPINK’s Jisoo
15.Red Velvet’s Wendy
16.IZ*ONE’s An Yu Jin
17.GFRIEND’s Yerin
18.GFRIEND’s Yuju
19.(G)I-DLE’s Basedeon
20.ITZY’s Yuna
21.(G)I-DLE’s Miyeon
22.WJSN’s Xuan Yi
23.TWICE’s Nayeon
24.(G)I-DLE’s Yuqi
25.TWICE’s Momo
26.IZ*ONE’s Kang Hye Won
27.IZ*ONE’s Kim Min Ju
28.Berry Good’s Johyun
29.IZ*ONE’s Jo Yu Ri
30.(G)I-DLE’s Soojin

She's the only one in the group with true Korean values left, which is why she's giving at least a tiny bit of feet.

that idiot definitely is not in hawaii
you idiot

Attached: 1541650686949.jpg (1800x1200, 184K)

they will be very useful

i always suspected that keklo was a gay

if you need a tester let me know

>Too bad she'll be so used by the time she's 30
She's already 34 bro.

i hope it's better than we go up, this concept looks cool

Attached: D_1IFl_U4AAj4nb.jpg (2000x3000, 783K)

wtf is a bona


Attached: 1552798562414.jpg (564x1002, 43K)

>2.Red Velvet’s Irene
>4.Red Velvet’s Joy
>7.BLACKPINK’s Jennie
>8.Red Velvet’s Seulgi
>9.IZ*ONE’s Jang Won Young
>11.TWICE’s Sana
rip twice

a feet goddess

where's my money jisoo

>3.WJSN’s Bona
i wonder why...

Attached: 1563028305719.webm (1920x1080, 2.28M)

so just some feet on national tv and boom you go up?


Attached: snow fairy.jpg (700x425, 203K)

they'll probably let people into the venue early just to get them out of the heat

Attached: 1534300110804.webm (1920x1080, 2.65M)

Umji >> Jisoo

basically, yes

my jisoolican absorbing my load

of course. feet are redpilled and patrician.

Attached: 1533866311992.jpg (1080x1350, 275K)

how the FUCK

what a fucking fag

Attached: 1546745785187.jpg (400x400, 48K)

this jisoo slut sure likes taking her clothes off, lifting her ass in the air, taking pics with black men....

she doesnt owe you anything and you owe her your life

cringe stop

stop calling her that and she doesn't do that

Attached: 1546102688737.jpg (720x705, 58K)

I love my tight little lia so much


this is why jisoolican stores semen, she looks old without her fix

So this is what SEA girls dream about?

Attached: 205fa4619d32202968cc403b2b9533b6f7a74911r1-1080-1350v2_hq.jpg (819x1024, 83K)

mina will probably be #1 on the next one just from the news of her "break"

Attached: 171231_KBS_4K_WJSN_Bona_fanca.webm (720x720, 2.94M)

and storing it for later!

Attached: 22a142397364a3f6f508496a19b6df78949d1c.gif (550x550, 3M)

nooo yejibros nooooooooooooooooooooooo

Knowing NJPAC, they'll keep people out an extra half hour and fail to maintain lines

BP sucks, what group is actually redpilled and doesn't hang out with n words?

none of this ever happened

this is cute thailand would explode

Attached: 1536121538598.jpg (921x1225, 60K)

ugly tranny

he posts exo on one of his other personalities

I could kill for this smile

she looks good here. you can tell she's had her fix


based bonar

who else would be making those edits

Attached: TK338gW.jpg (900x635, 69K)

me on the right

Attached: 67271539_1308260616023070_7288603842554363904_n.png (466x960, 630K)


can you go away idiot

Attached: 1532233552927.jpg (1500x1029, 313K)

Attached: brb.webm (1580x1920, 1.31M)

we go up was dope though. i hope its like dripping love but even more chad

>through hard-work and perseverance you can achieve anything
t. bona

Attached: 1563654258701.webm (616x850, 487K)

freaking CUTE!!!!!!!!!

Attached: ColdEveryAzurewingedmagpie.jpg (1094x1080, 256K)

slappin chichoo on da titoos lol

did they?

Attached: judging you.jpg (495x306, 44K)

that's my girl
NO... that's OUR girl!!

Attached: 1561709875854.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

when they see my ****

Attached: 1547607601575.webm (538x800, 1.31M)

>During their recent V Live, staff can be heard off-camera telling Renjun of NCT Dream to not talk about Winwin of NCT 127/WayV

what type of blackmail material does winwin have on sm? they clearly hate him but can't get rid of him?

look here
now look down
now look here again
etc etc

Attached: 190720 우주소녀 WJSN 보나 - 부탁해 & 라라러브 (LG V50 듀얼스크린으로한판� (720x1280, 2.95M)

it's not my fault jisoo needs her "vital essence" to stay forever young

now that's talent

a bunch of stupid IDIOTS here right now

Attached: 1560053387546.jpg (1080x1080, 101K)

it’s so cute we want to hold it!


Attached: 1548195756213.jpg (2000x1333, 250K)

Attached: FBI OPEN UP.jpg (3840x2160, 1.29M)

JYP got some interesting looking bodyguards for twice

she is really ruthless
look at her expression of satisfaction when she notices people are admiring her foot

kino shot

so that's what the winwin/renjun stuff was about, always knew that sm staff were nazi-tier strict but thats just dumb

Attached: D_1GXnYVUAAN9bJ.jpg (2000x3000, 1.45M)

*sly look away*

the irony is SM had to beg winwin over and over to join the company because he didn't want to be an idol.

i think SM despeartely wants to separate NCT from WayV, they're under a totally different label now. idk what it is with SM and chinks but it never works.

she doesn't do that and that's not what the song was about

STUPID not that

Attached: 1554678749564.jpg (720x720, 58K)

this proves there's lots of jisoobros

because renjun and chenle are the only chinks left in nct

Attached: D9ZWWX7UIAM6_V5.jpg (960x721, 160K)

starship sucks at marketing bona should be in charge of it

Attached: 1560515252493.jpg (1920x1080, 638K)

uhh wheres yeonwoo if she's so great???


could it be part of the thad ban?

Attached: 1563668967669.jpg (927x1200, 205K)

that makes no sense jisoobros aren't idiots

Attached: 1556837490064.jpg (750x750, 59K)

keklo probably perceive himself as the girls he post too maybe that why he reject any kind of sexual reference and talk about boys

I'm gonna do nofap for a few days so I can blast to this

>slave contracts on chinks who aren't retarded to soon learn they don't need SM to make yuans


Attached: D_88ouiXkAIfZLO.jpg (453x347, 22K)

a jisoobro with an iq of 80 is considered a jisoogenius

they really should shill her more
both her and useless lewda
maybe yeoreum too

you do not belong here

we all have at least 160 iq idiot

Attached: 1561520436097.jpg (570x697, 71K)

whats with the yeonwooantis

why is there a 0

How do you think bodyguard are suposed to look like retard

>71. WJSN SeolA
lesbians are fucking useless

Attached: 1550665375858.png (480x480, 270K)

that's what happens when you mess with queen jisoo

for 160 you idiot you can't even count or something

Attached: 1557426991412.jpg (960x960, 65K)

it was clearly a mistake and you meant to say 16

you'd think they would've learned by now to stop dicking over the chinks because it just makes them look like cunts. nct dream is the only moneymaking unit in nct, dont fuck it up.

did they change your meds recently? you are way off your baseline

Attached: D_7yd_nVUAATr24.jpg (1152x2048, 191K)

no you are just dumb you can't even count to 16

i don't need that shut up

Attached: 1541547200676.jpg (818x1236, 129K)

are you admitting to using a vpn and commenting different shit damn pathetic

johnny gives me hope

only butt ass ugly girls have been posted so far. i'll post a cute girl

Attached: [V LIVE] ❤️🎨알록달록 클레이파티🎨❤️-122948.mp4-[03.03.333-03.07.433].webm (500x702, 1.45M)

no. what you need is a beating

there's more jisoo defenders than you think
well you can't think at all because you are stupid

go ahead and try idiot you would be the one beaten

Attached: 1561469480518.jpg (1080x1350, 128K)

oops looks like you posted the wrong webm

Are you new? He's a ban evader. Stop replying to him, you're just giving him attention and might get banned yourself since mods know he'll just IP hop again

not as rapey looking

Attached: D_8q5d8WsAE4gJh.png (1326x2048, 3.69M)

lyl you can't even code a calculator

wayv is under an entirely different company so it gets complicated

Attached: D_7L96SXYAAtYgE.jpg:large.jpg (1024x681, 128K)

my arm just fell asleep kpop for this feel?


Attached: 1560045142848.jpg (1740x1720, 527K)

feel like shit bros just want edawn back xx

ok give me your address im coming

cute gecko gook

were they right?

Attached: porn concept .jpg (750x681, 63K)

If Somi was my daughter, she would know the back of my hand better than her own.

i don't need to my brain already does that

we can just meet at a blackpink concert

Attached: 1539494176266.jpg (1200x1159, 355K)

Holy shit...


but that’s not a bad thing

Attached: D_2tEChUIAE8KZ7.jpg (2000x1320, 667K)

you literally did last thread though admitted to having commented 2 times and theyre less than 1 min apart
nice VPN retard

got your fucking ass!

Attached: b44d105b68f68e54a81674a7bf38ed8e1ad91f.jpg (1367x2048, 230K)

what are you, a pussy? why are you delaying him? i didn't know jisoobros were big talking scaredy cats

>literal strippers

Attached: 1538768805198.jpg (502x583, 109K)

ironic coming from a lisa avatar

Attached: 13.webm (1400x1080, 2.35M)

alright. cya at the next blackpink concert. i'll just follow the most rancid smell and i should be able to find you

and all the ladies loved it

Attached: cub.jpg (1525x1531, 123K)

no that was not me i was just pretending

shut the hell up idiot i am busy right now

this is just a dance not stripping

you would just be following yourself idiot

Attached: 1550500738496.jpg (1920x1080, 151K)

yeonwoo posters really are the dumbest here

this has been known for years

but a lot of exo-ls if not most are at least over 18

Exactly my thoughts.

Attached: Pattaya bar dance Lisa.webm (886x1080, 2.93M)

you pussy

leave the detective work to detective chu, rookie


Attached: 1557846177929.jpg (1080x809, 85K)

wtf kind of dancing even is this

we love slutpop here

Attached: bondage shit.jpg (1200x1800, 100K)

really? twitterstans and crazy exo fangirls are kinda hags now

EXO are all built and ripped like true chads except that fat dweeb d.o. so they show it off like true chads

BTS are all skinnyfat or have dadbods except jk, they have nothing to show

Attached: 1533934844792.jpg (675x1200, 95K)

It says in the filename.

finally an attractive girl

Attached: 1563200686016.jpg (1474x1055, 607K)

choreographer watched charli xcx once

Attached: 3e8f229d65ef201b8ed1ce78c309cb852c9c41.webm (900x762, 2.55M)

you can't do that to me idiot stop

what about rm? he's been beefing

jennie mogged

I just did samefagging VPN abusing mentally ill fat piece of shit

Attached: 1563344908033.png (353x785, 213K)

cringe you would not even try it you would just run

leave idiot stop making up lies


I know it may seem irritating because she is clothed and doesn't have ping pong balls popping out like she would at home.

>admits to it

hey man

post about jisoo and not about the people that post jisoo friends


no idea that jisoobro is a homo