Attached: 2019-07-20 22_38_08-Face Beauty Analysis Online Test, Pretty Calculator - Chromium.png (587x740, 733K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 49906842_522778324876711_1502766486758754544_n.jpg (480x480, 35K)

Attached: Dqwvp_2UwBMEIut.jpg (1366x2048, 304K)

Attached: 1563392717118.png (659x861, 802K)

Attached: 1537154678637.jpg (843x1024, 145K)


Attached: Immagine.jpg (659x946, 129K)

>thai tranny thread

our freakin girls blackpink

nice thread friend we love lisa here

Attached: 1558127741648.png (1500x844, 2.86M)

*sexualizes your waifu*

Attached: DqLR2WYU4AA0GJI.jpg orig.jpg (1276x1910, 256K)

egg for breakfast

Attached: shameful.jpg (796x733, 74K)

He's also my maid.

July 29

Attached: DzZ4xY5WsAcAu3Z.jpg (1024x753, 158K)

Attached: koreanet_37524001374_US_First_Lady_Habib_House_02.jpg (4867x3107, 1.42M)

Attached: 1562041575204.jpg (726x655, 181K)

they are cute and pure daughters

Attached: koreanet_38180229206_US_First_Lady_Habib_House_03.jpg (4427x2689, 1.36M)


Attached: 1546731020316.webm (720x1280, 2.51M)

minho mogging so hard..



ah yes this will work well

Attached: koreanet_38235219711_US_First_Lady_Habib_House_06.jpg (1659x2127, 459K)

Attached: 1562192347066.jpg (1365x2048, 254K)

mmmm imagine sliding it right in

is gaypop finito?


Attached: 1543999093181.png (662x746, 716K)

STOP looking at that you idiots

she's multiple 90s already

freakin LEAVE

Attached: 1534915921124.jpg (1080x1350, 246K)


Attached: 1563494077482.jpg (922x1229, 196K)

why does the trump family love k-dick

Attached: D-Ot69pU4AAKNLn.jpg (2048x1404, 314K)

hahaah what the fuck

finally some high-quality feet

Attached: 65453139_2319162618403227_4588059501688772620_n.jpg (1080x1349, 246K)

china just can't stop copying others

Attached: 61493709_2760420150639896_4005991670007988224_o.jpg (2000x1333, 541K)

another good one

thanks for the help

>mentions nayeon

Attached: D_056wVU4AY3-th.jpg (1364x2048, 344K)


Attached: 1562719705201.webm (700x562, 2.72M)

Who's secretly playing with manager-shi?

don't be sexual she's basically a child still

freakin tired of you go away

Attached: 1539286027093.jpg (720x900, 71K)


Attached: fangirls.webm (1280x720, 2.83M)

Attached: 1563341831053.jpg (768x960, 80K)

she is perfect

Attached: 56344627_2304648499782643_4807814603492237908_n.jpg (480x600, 41K)

>People such as Jackson Yee – with their delicate beauty, dyed hair and haute couture wardrobes – have a massive following among women in the country. But China’s state-run media condemns the young idols, calling them “sissy pants” and “young fresh meat”


Attached: 1556825659293.jpg (1049x1152, 210K)

i think you're helping us on purpose now

Attached: 1549697852401.jpg (1080x1080, 173K)

Attached: 65485981_176774416683732_30512430466900344_n.jpg (1080x1080, 1.02M)

>that arm rub

you just know


Attached: 1367c188b60ecdf6ef33afe79c070b1d574baa0f.jpg (4762x4913, 3.41M)

Aaayyy... looking for kpg in the catalogue and couldn't believe my eyes at first. YG cut the surgery budget it seems.

Attached: vomit fountain.gif (300x286, 272K)


she's just wearing a pikachu hat you idiot

Attached: 1563253345284.jpg (1536x2048, 309K)


a feast


What about Jackson Wang

Literally the ugliest shit (and everyone agrees)

Bacontranny on suicide watch!!!

Attached: 1560306284396.png (852x667, 637K)

mogs jipoo

I wonder what she'll do after Twice ended?

Attached: nayeon RICED.jpg (1080x1349, 142K)

yep another good one, you are definitely helping us

thanks bro

aka Fendi Man

Attached: bef9d61716551ad503ce41a749e9aa67[1].png (966x542, 383K)

apologize to jisoo and never call her that ever again

when are you going away you dingus

Attached: 1539031620776.jpg (570x697, 71K)


work at an asian massage parlor
i will be her number 1 customer

Attached: 1562542176285.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

I didn't know Koreans can be this ugly

China is backwards af. Don't forget the intelligent city population is what they want you to see, but in reality over half of the people are still shitting on the street.

this nayeon definitely does not help

When I first heard K-pop I was shocked because I thought they were saying nigga instead of naega and I thought "dayum, these Asian girls be racist af"

that's jisoo you blind idiot and apologize to jisoo

Attached: 1535628568973.jpg (1080x1080, 114K)

we love them...

Attached: DzL6GNMUwAEJ6Vr.jpg (540x370, 42K)

Attached: jizoo-4.webm (620x836, 724K)

Nothing wrong with trying to reduce the influence of those faggot twinks on society you subhuman roastie

Attached: 1549684204942.jpg (2048x1365, 345K)

ohhhh yes

thinking about tickling yeji's feet


cuuuute don't call her that please

STOP you are not allowed to look

Attached: 1555258581976.jpg (1080x1080, 125K)

Attached: 1547061734662.jpg (1200x1800, 225K)

bunny mogs jisoo

>young fresh meat
what did they mean by this..

YejiChads have we all seen this? What do you think?

Attached: 1534781330816.webm (1280x720, 2.68M)

it's LIA's birthday, say something nice about her

Attached: 1554299877854.jpg (736x920, 97K)

JISOO DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Attached: Hko24A8Vgno.jpg (1200x1697, 411K)

>the world revolves around me (America) [minority: black america] {minority nugu: urban black america}
where's the worldwide supercut of every phonetic sound that you think is a racial slur

nobody does that to jisoo sorry

Attached: 1543424759006.jpg (1536x2048, 452K)

nice view mmmmmmmmmm



Attached: D_8gwZxXYAk6En5.jpg (1080x1620, 176K)


Attached: 67588147_578905019597964_7232681412057382621_n.jpg (1080x1080, 63K)

you should be in prison

Attached: 1560531681644.jpg (1024x683, 78K)

*posts that yeonwoo pic*

yup this going in my dubu folder

Attached: dubu camera.jpg (418x723, 101K)

hana is pretty cute

Attached: pretty cute 8.webm (1920x1080, 2.86M)

Nice hairline.

Attached: recession.png (243x296, 154K)

dont hold her back

Attached: 9tg1xHNEy_ULmQYq.webm (480x852, 2.84M)

do these people have zero self-awareness?



Attached: 32_proc.jpg (4000x6000, 3.43M)

the real question is who doesn;t

she has a nice ass

nice cumbunny

jisoo wins

nobody that's what i said

Attached: 1544682466134.jpg (1536x2048, 323K)


Attached: D_IdtCEXkAs6LDS.jpg (1278x1440, 125K)

we passed jennie around

aye seamonkeys where the jennie @?

Attached: D_7p3tMVUAADLVp.jpg (792x1200, 123K)

that would be the right place to put it

Attached: 1559119993750.jpg (1000x1500, 195K)


Attached: gE3q2TF.jpg (960x960, 158K)

what does this mean STOP she isn't

she's a pure baby

freakin gay

Attached: 1553603134464.jpg (1080x1350, 127K)


Attached: 65644447_2081911102118570_52927038234173621_n.jpg (1080x1181, 330K)

Attached: vny89p2997w21.jpg (1080x1620, 224K)

imagine wendy punching your face to a pulp OH GOD

nice fridge

chillbrochads ww@?

Attached: bestchinks.png (1028x851, 1.07M)


>jisoo wins

Attached: 1562702726587.webm (1210x994, 2.18M)

kai is innocent


Attached: D_z1q4kUYAEvmqD.jpg (1748x1166, 309K)


Attached: 1562972480689.png (1016x683, 926K)

the best

Attached: 1556850286168.jpg (682x1024, 84K)

why aren't any fatherhusbands protecting her purity?

heechul sama...

she does every time she is undefeated

Attached: 1550399444927.webm (1168x1080, 2.9M)

using the time stone to go back in time and preventing mina from leaving

Attached: gwiyomi.webm (1024x576, 2.9M)

yeonwoo is not nearly as pretty as that one guy likes to claim

she's upper mid tier at best

Attached: unnamed (6).jpg (2224x3139, 1.57M)

Attached: 1563028220733.jpg (682x1024, 61K)

lmao based

he’s a slut

Attached: 1563663437230.jpg (1080x1080, 120K)

Awww... she really is the best. I hope life will be kind to her after Twice.

Attached: Naeyeon baby blue dress.webm (640x800, 2.9M)

she's a 5'2, 94 pound female. she couldnt beat anything but a newborn to a pulp

this guy gets it

Attached: 1555941201758.jpg (2048x1366, 286K)

Attached: 1556603883130.jpg (1000x1500, 156K)

she mogged jisoo in that side by side pic though

>‘Little fresh meat’ celebrities such as Lu Han have been used to advertise cosmetics

innocent boys don't act like this

Attached: 1563406941976.jpg (1364x1364, 209K)

Attached: 1540896964000.jpg (800x1200, 156K)

Attached: aqpo23o159w21.jpg (2048x1256, 338K)

ok, then who is hight tier in your opinion?

i like how you were too scared to post jithot

not really

plus the pic is like 240p mid expression

i thought he was crazy popular there, do only women like him?

me as the dog


Looks like some 40 year old auntie.

yeonwoo is at least top 5

>she's mid tier at best


what a great body

yeonwoo is goddess tier
right above S tier

Attached: 0000059146_001_20190601082109658.jpg (2000x3000, 1.08M)


i love all of blackpink and don't call her that

Attached: 1533264970280.jpg (921x1225, 60K)

not false

Attached: 1538296747162.jpg (748x828, 63K)


Attached: 1563049522453.jpg (826x984, 321K)

She looks almost reptilian here. Like a lizard or something.

kyungsoo confirmed purest exo

Attached: sit.jpg (2047x1578, 430K)

Attached: 5p99ZTl.jpg (1452x2088, 2.07M)

basically yes, but that what matters since women, especially young women, consume way more than men
there's a backlash against flower boys recently, as they are getting more popular

Attached: 3cacxlj3sh831.png (960x721, 746K)

not this again
freakin nobody talks about her because she's average so you have to bring the goddess of beauty jisoo into it every time

Attached: 1560967323906.jpg (1242x809, 97K)

>implying yeonwoo doesn't look worse in 240p
COPE seanigger

don't worry I will tip her well

Attached: 67025486_1334703863345985_7196971567850769685_n.jpg (1080x1080, 61K)


Attached: hd73jskwzk3is2i.jpg (3183x1666, 1.7M)

a slut and my cute penguin wife.jpg

>not really
I know its a shit pic both can get higher on better ones but theres a clear difference... even the AI can tell

Attached: mogged.png (1233x879, 634K)

patiently waiting to be the first to have sex with mina when she quits


Attached: 1563611321798.jpg (5132x2849, 3.49M)


Attached: 45t4.jpg (1024x826, 144K)

토끼 제니

jisoo wins

Attached: 1561326964104.jpg (1231x2047, 287K)

>goddess of beauty

Attached: 1556574708560.jpg (229x241, 10K)

how long is mina gonna be out of commission for?

left is cuter

so it's just like kpop then? i thought idols were always a thing there

>bragging about 72

>What do you think?
Hm, hard to think anything because it's pretty vague. I like their decision to style her with twin tails again though. It really suits her well. Kind of hyped for the MV because I have no idea what to expect. Hope it's not low budget trash.

Attached: yeji.png (480x445, 408K)


Attached: 1535691647109.jpg (1200x1799, 383K)

and shark

Attached: 1537942789919.jpg (742x883, 51K)


Attached: 1560017967930.jpg (1000x1500, 309K)

Attached: D_MlRtYUYAA9Ub-.jpg (900x1200, 309K)

Attached: 1555468416513.jpg (1000x1500, 157K)

read my comment retard

Attached: 2019-07-17 21_50_42-Face Beauty Analysis Online Test, Pretty Calculator - Chromium.png (524x849, 652K)

>me tomorrow

Attached: 15624342056777.jpg (1066x1896, 183K)

i told you not to samefag

jisoo is perfect and the only ones that come close are jennie rose lisa and irene 3 years ago

Attached: 1563005863073.jpg (1300x1950, 414K)

She looks so fucking old. You know, she has to look when Asians get really really old, they lose the pigment in their iris and it turns light like Europeans. She has that already. I bet they lied about her real age and she's 10 years older than they claim...

nice reading comprehension


5 prettiest kpop's imo

Attached: momo-twice-v236.jpg (7680x4320, 3.73M)

as long as yeonwoo is mia

wording this


not just kpop, the thing is that the "ideal" male has been changing from the macho stereotype to the flower boy stereotype, even among cpops and young chinese males in big cities
they are also called "luxury pig man"

>The younger generation of Chinese male heartthrobs, the “little fresh meat” whose appearance is much more like that of their counterparts in Japan and South Korea than previous generations of Chinese stars, are at the forefront of the phenomenon.

>But young, affluent millennials are increasingly copying their look, characterised by dewy, porcelain skin and delicate, elfin features.

>The trend has, perhaps predictably, upset some traditionalists – a recent appearance by a boy band on a national back-to-school television show saw them denounced as “sissies” by the state news agency Xinhua.

you forgot ryuchin, anti

she will return soon

Attached: D_56k_OVAAAvCXc.jpg (1800x1200, 345K)

i only did 2

cringe she barely looks 19

Attached: 1557784000015.jpg (2048x1367, 348K)

Attached: Dr4UokhWwAA2QUU.jpg (1200x801, 150K)

mogs bp


>ai thinks its a different face shape between pics
not really helping your argument, everyone else i've seen is consistent

>love me now!
Well, she got 'loved' enough already since she's giving birth soon. Bet her parents didn't see that coming.


for me tbqhfam

>no dubu
i cant take this list seriously

Attached: 1548751377138.png (1242x2208, 3.58M)

she is cute but not blackpink level

nobody does that

Attached: 1547646664928.jpg (800x1000, 145K)


Attached: hqsi8q4qhjb31.jpg (800x1200, 120K)


siheyon on saerom's place for me
but pretty good list

*kisses it better*

yeonwooshitter once again proving why everyone hates his annoying delusional samefagging ass

daaaaamn dad

Attached: 1543666132630.jpg (1200x1200, 216K)

Attached: q0krwhef3op21.jpg (2048x1366, 310K)

Attached: Facts.jpg (1440x2306, 476K)

>>ai thinks its a different face shape between pics
>not really helping your argument, everyone else i've seen is consistent
So everyone else can't change angles on different pics? What's your argument here lmao?

she's too pure, pretty, and talented for blackpink

freakin this it was peaceful until he got here he ruins everything

Attached: 1538373709957.jpg (1319x1989, 249K)

dubu sings like an angel

minju gang

Attached: hd73hs7akwoeeo.jpg (960x960, 205K)


I am rock hord

how close to you live to the venue

Attached: 67120579_922250374795701_3053258801097185057_n.jpg (827x827, 113K)

even at different angles the AI still sees the face shape as the same with everyone else


Attached: p_ed.jpg (1000x1478, 159K)

was sam crazy enough to go to mexico?

*mogs everyone*

Attached: 1552543250907.jpg (466x778, 129K)

Is Jennie padding her bra a lot lately or is she really gaining weight? YG needs to increase the fiber and laxatives in her food bucket.

don't reply to yourself, chowdercuck


that's the ugliest shit and doesn't mog anyone

post your waifu and I'll test it out

Attached: 67434477_2415520812064572_7140621538939633664_n.jpg (480x406, 22K)

Attached: 1540007530264.jpg (749x749, 50K)

same thing for Yeonwoo then? I dont get whats your point
Everyones score varies at least ~15 points
even more if the pic is shit
slug can get 70 or high 80s depending on the pic

Attached: yx7ejsjx88s9slwjwi.png (742x868, 715K)

get her ass

Meant for

blackpink are the purest and the prettiest

she is gaining a bit of weight and it's very cute

nobody likes you go away

Attached: 1552235290897.jpg (1620x1080, 215K)

>same thing for Yeonwoo then?
no you illiterate retard, one pic says heart shape and the other says oval shape

I like when that happens fuck niggers

baste slugbro

Attached: D_NIU8dU0AE7CPy.jpg (1200x717, 126K)

>teeth peaking through at the side
WTF kind of smile is that?

based suhobros
i'm gonna have to delete this tho

Attached: 1563666278715.jpg (1663x1663, 577K)

Attached: aiportraits_1563666411.jpg (1024x512, 118K)

Attached: DPuexuvUQAA2KFA.jpg (1051x1200, 334K)

Attached: jithot looks 60 but can still get it.jpg (1241x2048, 190K)

Based fromis.bro

she's like a princess

Attached: 1544656898277.jpg (750x747, 128K)

Based OOGIEChad

Attached: 1533824147270.jpg (1366x2048, 517K)

thats cause she is one

Attached: Divinebu.jpg (2048x1364, 265K)

Attached: aiportraits_1563666483.jpg (1024x512, 80K)

my baby

Attached: D_VLJHNUcAAKBBN.jpg (749x921, 136K)

Jisun is so beautiful

The hairstyle changed are you blind? The AI isnt good enough at telling the difference of head shapes

Look how difficult that position is for Jeongo to keep up, while Mina is used to remaining in that position for a while.

very ugly

im flying in....

Attached: 456433345.jpg (1365x2048, 610K)

her name is jisoo she looks 19 and you aren't giving her anything

you mean cute

Attached: 1556612729464.jpg (1080x1350, 120K)

Attached: 1550020986390.png (1366x768, 1.73M)


Attached: aiportraits_1563666543.jpg (1024x512, 88K)

tranny warning

Attached: aiportraits_1563574206.jpg (1024x512, 114K)

i said ugly

i saved this and im gonna do SOMETHING to it

You must be new into dubu

Attached: 1546180137132.jpg (2048x1536, 472K)

yet it does with everyone else regardless of angle or hair, like i already said

more like baby warning

you meant cute

Attached: 1539804277439.jpg (1080x1350, 187K)

Saved several lewd Jizzoos ITT. Thanks friends


Attached: 1532902629956.gif (708x496, 3.94M)

take this before you go

Attached: D_2RjnRVAAAPfqk.jpg (682x1024, 214K)

Mmmh... thigh buffet.

just tried 2 taeyeon, who managed to get 99, pics, this got 75 heart and the other one 76 oval

Attached: 280full.jpg (280x373, 17K)

bfb ww@

Attached: brb.webm (1580x1920, 1.31M)


Attached: ngi39s82usjiw.jpg (1200x1800, 305K)

is her name jithot, jiwhore, or jizzoo?
tell me, friends

theres literally no way you can prove head shape doesnt change from different hairstyles, angles and pics of ALL other idols

ugly tranny

she is so cute when drink semen

Attached: aiportraits_1563666634.jpg (1024x512, 79K)

try it yourself

At least 9 months.

Attached: mina ass shorts.jpg (736x1183, 109K)

you mean all the time?

nice ass, bitch. is this the girl the bts cats are nailing?

looks prettier here

Based. Hope everything goes well.

Attached: 03742.jpg (888x1331, 132K)

those do not exist delete it idiot

Attached: 1535845737138.jpg (1536x2048, 195K)

Attached: 42002834_355723161834022_2074147381933886397_n.jpg (1080x1350, 117K)

try using something bigger than a thumbnail

we want a ryujin thread

did you get a hotel?


go away...

it's jisoo look it up idiot

STOP looking and nobody is doing that she's pure

next thing you know you'll say brutalfapbros don't exist


keklo why you deleted my posts on your Last.FM page???
Pewdiepie is a semenbro! He macaroned to Jisoo!

can we get sound on this one, brother

Freakin CUTE!!!!

lol fx

the yeonwoo crop isn't high res either

meant for

yes for one night

me too. finally get to see our girls

That actually made me laugh audibly. The best singer in Twice is Jihyo and she's super mediocre. Even fans can't deny their horrible lack of talent. Even my lard assed old mom sings better in the shower.

what an awful post

you guys aren't chads. i am a chad. therefore, my opinion carries more weight.

with that said, seulgi is beautiful.


she’s ugly as sin, roastie


biggest tits in twice? momo i think, maybe jihyo