Faggiest guitar smashes

Faggiest guitar smashes


Got any good ones?

Attached: billiejoearmstrong.jpg (560x560, 57K)

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This. Spoiled brats with five backup guitars each priced at 2k+ think they can make a statement by smashing them. Cringe.

Theres a time and a place for smashing guitars
Its apart of the show just like corpse paint and pyro

>corpse paint and pyro
these are both used by fags too

smashed guitars are a dumb meme that was okay when it started but is played out
it's like when rappers hold a pile of cash to their ear like it's a phone
it's just a lazy gimmick at this point

>herp i want every performer to be some thin lanky shite guy in a t shirt with no stage presence all

but all of those are pretty tired gimmicks and rarely well executed
look into Mark Pauline if you like destruction with an artistic spin

It's green day, everything they do is as faggy as possible
>duuuuhhh i think a stage presence means painting my face like an edgy 14 year old, and chimping out like a 3 year old who didn't get the toy he wanted
cringe and underage

It was only cool when The Who did it


How do I cope with the fact I like some of Green Day's music? I grew up with them during the American Idiot era when they were shitty and annoying and Billie Joe Armstrong is maybe the biggest douche in rock history. But going back to their 90s music I've had to come to terms with the fact that it's pretty good.

The only antidote is to stop liking Green Day. Try as hard as you can.

Most guitarists only smash cheap guitars they bought to break

Green Day is less embarassing than the Yea Forumscore garbage other ""patrician"" anons listen to

>t. billie joe armstrong
mucore drones are cringe but there is literally nothing more cringe than greenday

green day is pretty fucking embarrassing dude

who cares how he smashes his guitar. it was a statement. The crowd wanted to hear green day and if you paid for a festival you deserve to hear the full set, and not get cut short.

wow!!!! so punk!!1!!!!!111!!

god that's fucking crindge

yea having fun as a child is so cringe bro