

Attached: Slow, Deep And Hard.jpg (1000x1000, 730K)

Other urls found in this thread:


melodeth breddy gud

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Favorite Morbid Angel album?

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Still obsessed with this album.

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Peter Steele didn't live long enough to fuck me :(

>no pastebin

Do you think it's better than A Distant Thunder? I always liked that one more.

>melodeth breddy gud

Attached: 1540591749796.png (205x246, 14K)

looking for fast black metal structured around chords and rhythms as opposed to single note lead riffing.

Late Xasthur its the only one i could think of

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russian edition

gets goofy at some points, but overall is pretty dope

Attached: 1549268617311.jpg (1920x1041, 315K)

That's a pretty music player, user

I wanna open my third eye, any metal good for that?

Attached: s-l300.jpg (300x285, 42K)

Thanks user.

I've been meaning to make the switch to Musicbee for a while, did you mod yours a lot?

Not at all, I'm using built-in customization options.

Check out Bone Awl

How is it so good against all odds?

Attached: R-368907-1527721075-8560.jpeg.jpg (600x600, 153K)

Oh, sick. Thanks, user.
I think the debut it better because of Meyhna'ch's utterly fucked, janky-ass drumming. Remains is still great but I think it loses some charm without the amateur cripple-vampire drums.

Just came home from Wintersun gig. You don‘t have to like their music to acknowledge their skill and passion.

Attached: 97E316EC-F523-48C9-A049-AFB42239F268.jpg (600x559, 94K)

reminder that if you dont have long hair or no hair you are a fucking poser and should leave this thread.

Attached: 6da30f3ecbd70ad4dc95fc6352f68b5a.jpg (564x711, 48K)

unless you're a drummer but then you must have a shaved head

Sorry I’m not a tranny

>t. receeding hairline but too low-T to shave

The only thing they're passionate for are spas and shekels.

I love Dio

I'm mexican, our metal stereotype looks shitty so I avoid it.

I'm genuinely confused as to how Haggard is popular. They don't blend Classical Music and Death Metal well at all.


Attached: 87.gif (350x200, 588K)

Who doesn't..

I’ve a beautiful head of hair but I keep it at medium length because, you know, I’m not a tranny.

Can I stay if I'm currently growing my hair out? (Bit longer than shoulder length)

should I bother to search up any Vlad Tepes tapes?

Attached: vladtepes.jpg (575x273, 50K)


but I need more Dio

same here, soon long enough to put up in a tail
do it, they are better than mutiilation IMO

I can do a small tail but it looks like shit

yeah I really like their side of the split with Belketre
they have all been removed from yt tho, do I really have to go to slsk?

I just downloaded it. What theme is that?

Nice void trips

Loudwire isn't fucking wrong, Enslaved is definitely top 3 bm bands
Whoever hates on them hasn't listened to them

Attached: 664572.jpg (521x466, 46K)

their new shit is good, but onions.
hordanes land, vikingligr veldi, eld and frost THAT is top bm.

Pretty fucking hard, they're all very different. For me, it's either Blessed Are The Sick because it's the most varied, or Covenant because David Vincent's voice is at its best and the 7 strings add some extra heaviness. Favorite solo is the one from Where The Slime Lives (off the Domination album). Shit is completely bonkers.

Dark-Fine Tuned>Blackcurrant. I'm not sure if I downloaded that particular skin, but I believe it already comes with other Dark Fine-Tuned skin options. Other than that I just set the main panel to album covers and customized the layout in preferences.

Blessed Are the Sick, if only because Fall From Grace and Brainstorm are the sickest combo in DM history


Attached: thesomberlain.jpg (600x600, 169K)

this is the best doom album, period.

Hell yes they are based as shit, War Funeral March is top 10 stuff

Symphonic chads rise up

Attached: symph.jpg (2076x1295, 461K)

he se

Good album

Attached: 586508.jpg (490x490, 46K)

OM - Advaitic Songs
Most of Tool but speacilly Lateralus

Attached: download.jpg (225x225, 10K)

Cult of Luna

>my third eye
You mean your asshole? Just listen to any söycore

Attached: DeafhavenSunbather.jpg (320x320, 10K)

That one has has been open for a while

Thank you, I think I got that to work now. You know what the brackets after song names mean/how I get rid of em?

>nothing has topped NIME for me ever since I was a wee lad

not a metal head, but i love in flames. is this a real metal band or gay shit according to you basement dwellers?

Attached: InFlames_Winter2019_Header.jpg (980x550, 103K)


Attached: guessfgt.gif (320x240, 1.46M)

>in flames

Attached: Society.jpg (300x400, 53K)

is 1349 any good?

>not a metal head

Attached: 1552010916091.jpg (845x468, 148K)

why the fuck is this gif letterboxed twice

Why the lack of love for Trad/NWOBHM/Speed in this general? I love death/black/thrash and doom but Heavy Metal is something i worship.

Attached: tenor (3).gif (469x200, 758K)

Yeah. I would say it is

Early In flames is good, up to Come Clarity. Then it goes downhill.

Post some, there are plenty of trad chads in here, user

I dont think so. They have that one album that's tolerable. Hellfire or something. Frosts drumming is pretty good on all their stuff though

Attached: ruins of empires art.jpg (1200x1182, 408K)

>unironically liking modern In Flames
I bet you also think Slayer is the heaviest band before "cookie monster growling that's just noise" and you like when 5FDP plays at the bar. I know your kind.

Which albums?

>Fall From Grace and Brainstorm
>Not Abominations, Desolate Ways, and The Ancient Ones

Altars, of course

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caring about your fucking hair is not metal

Can you blackies stop trying to turn metal into a gay fashion show?

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dont listen to slayer and i dont go out to bars i just sit home and play guitar
no idea, i just remember hearing a couple of their songs way back in the day, looked up there newest single and liked it. metal sounds cringe af to me most of the time, except for in flames, they seem to do it right (for me). katatonia came close but their vocalist bores me

Altars by far



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what do i do if i cant find and album on soulseek?
I Am Satans Son by Kaos

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Wow, Cult of Luna is such a boring band.

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post-metal is a boring genre

Agalloch too
Fuck post-metal

No post-
No melo-
No tourism
No söy
Is this /metal/'s new slogan?

I want to add in
>no black
but an extra would throw off the flow. Speaking of throwing off the flow, try to substitute something for tourism. Too many syllables.

Is that a good album to drink alone to?

The best albums to drink are Tankard albums

Gojira, Meshugah, Soen and rishloo

no it's "Metal is for children"

Why do all these songs literally sound the same

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I'm always curious with people who hate on black, what's your main genre?

is summer over yet

Honestly? No
Metal is for children


Covenant for sure
>a solid 10-15 years ahead of its time
>recorded on SEVEN string guitars. Therese weren't even at production level yet. The band had to special order them
>drums are huge sounding, yet still a bit raw

Because all metal sounds the same. Try bleep if you want diverse sound palettes

>>no black

Attached: Best of Cuckold.jpg (600x600, 41K)

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I'm sorry but this general is so mentally stagnant it's a bit baffling

Can't believe I hadn't given this a good listen before, it's fucking great. There are 220 Indian bands on MA and I'll bet this is the best one

Attached: 665657.jpg (720x720, 42K)

>painfully stale memes
point proven



I like mostly anything tech, death, prog, and thrash. 99% of bm doesnt have anything remotely technical in terms of the ability of the guitarist. I like a bunch of early 1st wave mostly because it's mostly thrash. But once it gets late first wave and into second wave it just all falls off for me. Early today I listened to Blood Fire Death in another attempt to "get" black metal, but it was just boring to me.

>point proven
>Recommends some trash rapper
Just stop.

shit taste congrats

point proven yet again

listen to inquisition


haha you have a nigger soul

>t. too afraid to list anything he likes so just calls other's taste shit

Attached: 1548025853205.png (1425x1425, 3.19M)

even worse than kpop generals tbf. yuck

>another outdated meal album
thanks for the rec i guess? lmao

imagine no liking black. Literally the less stiff sub-genre of metal since its inception.

shouts out to that post calling out metal on being the most autistic genre though

so ez

Absolutely SEETHING blackies

Attached: 1549410537584.jpg (399x399, 34K)

Because it's post metal, one of the most unoriginal genres in metal

>katatonia came close but their vocalist bores me
Check out their last three albums if you haven't, Jonas has definitely learned to emote more in his vox since then.


?? nah you just have no taste bruvva lmao it's more humorous than anything

Based God

Attached: wastedtime.jpg (3509x2690, 3.79M)

Enjoy your basic riffs



i bet you think between the buried and me is good

I need Doom metal but Doom as in pic related not the genre

Attached: Doom-pic-1.jpg (584x444, 79K)

Murder in the Rue Morgue
Running from the gendarmes

They never gonna fond me!

I bet you pee sitting down

Attached: 1563152430516.jpg (900x900, 90K)


Im fixing to redo the roll chart so it has 50 different genres like this .
Is this a bad idea

Tryptikon new album when the fuck damnit


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Are you really gonna spend your time like that user? Think about it for a minute

gave this another listen recently, it's pretty good stuff

Attached: malasangre_cover.jpg (772x774, 61K)

they stopped being good after Isa

>There are 220 Indian bands on MA and I'll bet this is the best one
I weep for india if that's true

It's amospheric sludge. Not trying to defend them, it's just that "post-metal" is a meme term devoid of actual meaning.

more like vikingligr veldi

tryhard trying hard

>ugh, they have a different opinion than me, he must be disingenuous!!

Attached: 1558808310596.jpg (680x907, 54K)

only when wearing his chastity cage

Oh look, a fake quote and one of the most overused pics on the whole general. I guess you're not trying as hard as I thought. Anyway, if you really think they stopped being good after their debut then I feel sorry for you and hope you recover from that asscancer that's clearly metastasized into your ear canals

wait fuck btbam is garbage im on the wrong side of this argument

Attached: weighing-souls-with-sand-angelic-process.jpg (700x700, 74K)

>Oh look, a fake quote and one of the most overused pics on the whole general. I guess you're not trying as hard as I thought. Anyway, if you really think they stopped being good after their debut then I feel sorry for you and hope you recover from that asscancer that's clearly metastasized into your ear canals

Attached: download.jpg (259x194, 10K)

>more like vikingligr veldi

Attached: puresoy.jpg (700x734, 107K)

>Ok people this is the list of bands for the the second installment of the anti antifa comps. Share away. Shouldn’t be too long. Hail Victory!!!

>I have Verwulf Tyrant,Thundereich,Odium Totus,Wargrinder,Crucifier,WEHRWOLF SS, Phosphore Blanc,Blood Libel, Blood Division, Infidel,Fever, Slaughterstorm, Total Human Genocide Division 218, Lord of Depression,Blood Flag Ritual, Magnanimvs,Obsidian Shrine,Vntr, Slaughterstorm, Ghosts of the Gas Chambers,and Omnicide. Fingers crossed for the final band which is an absolute fuck you to antifa...Every band is a fucking crusher.

Who's hyped?

Attached: 66760217_142259363534379_3229283462007488512_n.jpg (682x960, 110K)

>Oh look, a fake quote and one of the most overused pics on the whole general. I guess you're not trying as hard as I thought. Anyway, if you really think they stopped being good after their debut then I feel sorry for you and hope you recover from that asscancer that's clearly metastasized into your ear canals

Attached: 1557533277950.jpg (435x690, 62K)

based on that lineup, no one

I wouldn't pay them too much mind, this is the only place that takes issues with Enslaved and Vader. This is also Reddit's home away from home, after all.

>likes encucked
>complains about reddit
leave the hall tourist

Attached: 1557019373345.jpg (480x517, 23K)

Personally I'd say no just because I never like them. I love French bm but Vlad Tepes never appealed to me, their riffs sound like they're randomly thrown together.

If you die tonight and your mom looks through your computer and sees all these pictures of me; she's going to live her hole life thinking her son was a faggot.


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>leave the hall
Nice Reddit vernacular, you just need to throw in some oofs.

how new are you?

I love NSBM but all of these bands are literally fucking whos

you know I wouldnt mind some explicitly anti commie music after listening to the old timey radio in New Vegas but Im not spicy enough for /pol/ shit



"how new are you" down. After "yikes", you'll have exhausted all of your dialogue, you robotic hiveminded retard.

Is it that surprising that literal whos would all be on the same compilation

Why does this post seem so reddit

t. nu-male

8-bit Slayer

t. nu-female.



Has anyone ever been on The Metal Archives forum? I signed up just to see how long it would take the hyper-sensitive moderators to ban me for life. This is my second attempt.

I'm not quite sure what are you referring to. Can you post a pic?

yeah I'm thinkin this is pretty based

Attached: cover.jpg (1200x1200, 353K)

>pussy vocalists

Attached: she wouldn't give it to me.jpg (305x286, 23K)

I really like this record but I wish she wasn't a "personality" in the scene, that shit is lame


oh wow I thought the vocalist was just a Geddy Lee sounding motherfucker

>Sponsored by BangerTV

lmao if true

Nope, surprise. It's a "strong and independent" woman, motherfucker!

Attached: ghostfans.jpg (691x163, 30K)

Is Nehëmah the greatest black metal band of all time? I would think so.

Attached: lightofadeadstar.jpg (600x600, 84K)

>Love Metal | Hate Fascism
yeah I'm thinkin this is pretty cringe

I got that to work, they were empty "album artist" brackets. I can't seem to get the layout to match yours, though. I assume what I'm seeing there is your "music" tab?

Now I feel retarded
metal for this feel?

Woke as hell

Fuck that site its for poser retards
Imagine using the internet just to discover underground bands.... Fuck that shitty site

Wish it were Halloween.



Wish it were November

>t. nazi incel

This is why you should stay away from Bandcamp.

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Attached: TheDecayingLight.jpg (1200x1200, 291K)

What headphones does Yea Forums use? My DT990s just don't have the midrange ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

hey guys can you help me with car shopping

What would best girl listen to?

Attached: rei2.png (1440x1080, 2.48M)

Anytime is Halloween time, bro.

Is stronk female vocalists singing over trad riffs the next big meme?

Attached: cover.jpg (1200x1200, 550K)

Unless you drive a Jeep, you're a turbonegrofaglord

Attached: 1495785264852.png (1366x765, 290K)

Very rarely it works, mostly it doesn't. Satan's Hallow is fine, along with obvious shit like Znowhite, Sacrilege, and Holy Moses.


That guy's a fucking legend.

More like ZnoBLACKED

Attached: images.jpg (262x192, 9K)

Kill your self virgin

Only ever see girls driving Jeeps.

You should marry a Jeep driving girl desu

Attached: 2f0671ad360cd32b9de3b947ba23eba2-e1446935232525.jpg (667x656, 182K)

Let me refresh my memory, it's been a while since I modified my layout.
Click on the panel symbol in the upper right (red circle).
Menu Bar>Show as Button
Tabs Bar> Below Caption
Show Header Bar
Left Sidebar>Hide Panel
Main Panel>Album Covers
Right Sidebar> Hide Panel
Thumbnail Browser> Hide
Main Player Controls> Bottom
That's the basic layout I use. You can edit the rest in Preferences > Layout (1) and (2). Here you can edit the Font, the info you want displayed under the album cover (I use 1. Artist 2. Album 3. Year only), and the sorting (only use Year/Album). I also set the AZ bar horizontally and replaced with the release year, but I don't remember how I did it.

Attached: endon.jpg (731x604, 80K)

>anti-reactionary reactionaries
sweet. a bunch of grindy basement NSBM literally-whos unite under one super edgy album cover. that'll make those asshats in portland stop beating up gay asian journalists.

Patrician taste

I should. I am sorta outdoorsy.

That's Greg Fulton and his two brothers. He's one of the most underrated guitar players in thrash metal.

Attached: black-clouds-4f622fa681f71.jpg (1000x1000, 584K)

at which point does the reactionary inception stop

extra cringe

>more like vikingligr veldi

Attached: soyer.jpg (909x1383, 560K)

Nevermind I decided she listens to Bathory

Attached: reibatlord.png (1440x1080, 1.6M)

What do you think about Cyclone Temple

I wish you faggots would take your cringes, literallys, incels, oofs and yikes and cram them back up your loose anuses.

ah the smell of söy


Do you remember how you got your music tab to show up as an album grid and not a list of songs?

Jesus fucking Christ this is peak soÿ

Attached: Thank-You-Scientist.png (750x430, 662K)

I Hate Therefore I Am is a fantastic album. The only real downside is the overall song lengths, which was a common trend after the release of ...And Justice for All. Brian Troch's vocals were really nice, it's a shame he didn't continue with the band after the debut. My Friend Lonely had a few interesting moments, but the magic was no longer there.

never, apparently.

Click on the panel symbol (red circle in the previous image) and go the Main Panel, then click on album covers.
Make sure you have the correct metadata and at least the album cover in their respective folders with the files.
You can also click where the red arrow is pointing and just select album covers.

Attached: endon 2.jpg (1359x595, 124K)

It works real well for Blood Ceremony, but you can't really call them trad, or even metal for that matter. In general though, female vocalists in metal are a meme.

Attached: 371660.jpg (500x500, 47K)

Scratch that, I just got Morrigan'd.

Attached: coolitwiththehomophobicremarks.jpg (1865x376, 109K)

Thanks a lot for the help, user. Pretty much got it down where I want it now.

Sennheiser HD600 and Sony XM3.

this and the new Infernal Conjuration record are the best DM records released this year
But I'm surprised how fucking heavy this record is

Attached: a0505800268_10.jpg (1200x1200, 266K)

Actually, before I catch some Z's, how'd you get your spaces between the albums like that?

The vocalist of this band works at BangerTV

She looks like she spreads her legs all over run-down divebars after sets.

I use this settings via Edit>Preferences>Layout (1)>Main Panel section>Customize Layout.
As soon as you edit the fields displayed, space should come up between the album covers.
Then, if you right click in the main panel header (next to the red arrow in the previous image), a menu should pop up with an image size slider at the end.

Attached: ion.png (1360x768, 154K)

I'm poor so I just have Teufel Massives, but they're nice

Man it feels great being able to blast metal through an actual sound system instead of cuckphones

Attached: 1495215898521.jpg (900x900, 72K)

Black Metal is the most cucked subgenre out of any of them, you might as well be listening to fucking Type O Negative while you're at it.

>Black Metal is the most cucked subgenre out of any of them, you might as well be listening to fucking Type O Negative while you're at it.

Attached: 1555217448584.jpg (1080x1020, 72K)

samefag seethe

>you might as well be listening to fucking Type O Negative while you're at it
But I am, because they're Chad metal

are you all normally this insufferable?

What do I listen to /metal/ ?

I fucking love the swingin intro

Attached: annodomini.jpg (600x596, 110K)

Whatever keeps you preoccupied long enough to not decapitate some Discord skank.

Something new, try a subgenre you haven't before, maybe new releases from old bands. It shouldn't be that hard.

Either F-Zero X Guitar Arrange or Guilty Gear XX soundtrack.


Attached: violin.jpg (3111x3749, 995K)

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>Type O Negative

Attached: peter-white-frame.jpg (467x554, 30K)

You wanting to suck Peter's dick is one of the biggest indicators.


Being gay is the most metal thing you can do.

Killing yourself is the most metal thing you can do. Show us how it's done.

based and gaypilled

Attached: rob.gif (600x338, 518K)

>Being gay is the most metal thing you can do.

Attached: 1555630185979.jpg (1024x672, 237K)

Some day.


Attached: ImperiumDekadenz_UndDieWeltWardKaltUndLeer.jpg (1412x1392, 854K)

How do you deal with the fact that the Metal God is gay?

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judas priest sucks

who gives a shit

I expected Sammath type shit from the cover, but this is neat too. Wtf at the drums though lol.

>judas priest sucks
This is for you

Attached: 61nvr3XZ-jL._SL1500_.jpg (1500x1500, 71K)

>>judas priest sucks
>This is for you

Attached: 1563575382822.jpg (243x234, 18K)

>>judas priest sucks
>This is for you

Attached: soylent.png (932x423, 68K)

>muh efficience
I bet he's one of those faggots who says they don't like sleeping because it's a waste of time, god I hate those people.

Attached: UltraChadMetal.jpg (2196x1253, 429K)

Yeah, I'm good looking and tall but some broad just cut me off because Imm si goddamn autistic, now I'm in a cab home browsing meal, fells good man

Why is that so funny to me

Attached: 1414279010157.png (233x232, 67K)

probably even more

*sound of jackhammer intensifies*

Because you're imagining dirt poor apartment dwelling peasants listening to their shitty black metal on headphones because if they blasted it loud, their neighbors would call the cops on them

Attached: 1465213598526.jpg (425x300, 36K)

Herschell Gordon Lewis shall be the name of my band.

>recorded on SEVEN string guitars. Therese weren't even at production level yet. The band had to special order them




Any more new BM recs?


Black Sabbath is better than Judas Priest. Iron Maiden is better than Judas Priest. Tony Iommi doesn't suck dick, Bruce Dickinson ate pussy so frequently he got cancer. You're fucking gay.

Attached: 152-thickbox_default.jpg (800x800, 268K)

That fatass from Fear Factory and Brujeria has been using 7 string guitars since forever.

>Iron Maiden is better than Judas Priest

Attached: 1563584233173.jpg (599x382, 66K)

Take your 70's dad rock and shove it back up your prolapsed rectum.

Even leaving out their 70s output
>implying maiden has ever released something as good as Screaming for Vengeance, Defenders of The Faith, Painkiller or even Firepower

Painkiller was the only album of theirs that wasn't made up entirely of radio-friendly garbage, lazy filler and 2 good metal songs per album. You should be shot for referencing modern Judas Priest with Firepower.

lets be honest judas priest is shitty boomer buttrock

You have some fucking balls talking about radio friendly metal while defending maiden.
>You should be shot for referencing modern Judas Priest
Modern Priest is a billion times better than modern Iron Maiden
Oh and
>lazy filler
Are you sure you're not talking about Iron Maiden?

Are you fucking kidding me, Painkiller is THE radio filler garbage album.

Sad Wings, Stained Class and Sin After Sin all have genuine Heavy Metal classics

I don't have to "imply" anything, bud.

Attached: im1980.jpg (500x505, 66K)


Have you even listed to 70s Priest?

Sad Wings and Stained Class are anything but radio friendly and are their two best albums.

sennheiser 598's
sometimes I prefer my m40x's to make the drums stick out a little more

painkiller sucks judas priest are the original trendhoppers


is any of this not just retarded Nazi larp music? I'm down for right-wing metal but I usually just find bad NSBM

I need doom recs, the closer to epic doom the better, and it needs to have killer fuckin vocals
no candlemass or solitude aeturnus

Attached: 1561683328749.jpg (1000x732, 105K)

Guys I'm gonna be sucking my first cock today, metal for this feel?

Attached: 1491956062723.jpg (1672x2084, 1.04M)

Any metal
Metal is fucking gay

>posting the remastered debut album art instead of the original

Attached: Iron Maiden album.jpg (1024x1007, 163K)

anything Judas Priest

Scald - Will of the Gods is Great Power
Solstice - New Dark Age
Revelation - Salvation's Answer
Sorcerer - Sorcerer

>Rocka Rolla
>Sad Wings of Destiny
The Ripper + 36 minutes of filler
>Sin After Sin
Sinner and Dissident Aggressor + 30 minutes of filler
>Stained Class
I'd almost rather listen to Slayer
>Killing Machine / Hellbent for Leather
Dad rock / radio bullshit
>British Steel
Radio bullshit
>Point of Entry
>Screaming for Vengeance
Groveling for Radio Airplay Pt. 9: The Revenge
>Defenders of the Faith
Freewheel Burning and Love Bites + 30 minutes of filler
Fuck you
>Ram it Down
It took them 21 years to put out a good album
Ripper singing over stupid shit: the prequel
Fuck off
>Angel of Retribution
Hear Me Out: Rob Halford Deserves AIDS
>Redeemer of Souls
Fire Power:
Reddit album of the year 2018

Attached: Promo%201992.jpg (250x250, 15K)

more please, I've listened to all of them except Revelation

Anal Cunt, it automatically makes it no homo.

>Are you fucking kidding me

Attached: 57d08f521700000233c78495.jpg (960x1440, 411K)

>Are you fucking kidding me, Painkiller is THE radio filler garbage album
This has never been true, quit making shit up nerd

>>Sad Wings of Destiny
>The Ripper + 36 minutes of filler
>forgetting that Island of Domination or Dreamer Deceiver exists

Attached: 1519258453197.png (471x411, 113K)

shit I've been exposed

Attached: yuck.jpg (986x594, 281K)

It's shit.

Well mate, it's not that big a subgenre, but here's some more you might enjoy but have probably already heard of.

Doomsword - Resound the Horn
Lugubrious Hymn - Serene Pain
Atlantean Kodex - The Golden Bough
Cromlech - Ave Mortis
Procession - Destroyers of the Faith

But honestly, there's only so many classics in Epic Doom

Let's listen to doom/thrash instead, "epic" is for queers.


He's clearly just baiting bro

I'll take regular doom too if the vocals are really good
I like reverend bizarre and trouble


what do you guys think of esoteric


A great band. One of the best to do Funeral Doom

why do they have pretentious shit album names


nuevo hilo

imagine coming to another genres thread and trying to prove your shitty opinion cause your so immature you cant handle others having differing opinions and taste