3x3 4x4 5x5

comfy edition

rec/rate/guess interests

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slowly warming up to zimzalabim ngl
still one of the weaker tracks out there

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yeah its definitely not the best, its ok though imo

hope you're doing well as always

yeah those low pitched vocals in the main hook are kinda silly and off to meI'm not fond of them

and uh nah I'm doing pretty awful ngl sorry

and iii
free somebody
think about it

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I like how park jiha's staring herself down

I just wanna

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damn, idk whats wrong but i hope you start feeling better soon

is that the song 3 nobody by loona

You've been invited to a social engagement taking place later today/night, but you're not sure you even want to go.
+moody blues

At this very moment you are not 100% sober.

You've recently had a tooth ache or some other dental trouble.
+kate bush

There's a lot of Red Velvet in these charts... new release or something?

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>You've been invited to a social engagement taking place later today/night, but you're not sure you even want to go.
that used to be so me, until my friends kinda stopped contacting me
being lonely epic style
>There's a lot of Red Velvet in these charts... new release or something?
it's a month old but you know how kpop is
you like a some songs, listen to them 100 times some times after release
then you move on

funnily enough this is the first day in the past week or so that I am sober

can't say I believe it will improve

>you like a some songs, listen to them 100 times some times after release then you move on
I won't lie, I do that sometimes, but it's not typical. It's always unfortunate when an album has one or two god-tier songs on it the rest is mediocre.

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favorite movie: dick
favorite movie norbit
ice age

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I have better taste than 90% of this board

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i mean not really


Based but also cringe.

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Anekdoten (! love them, it's not often you see someone else who's into them here), FM's Tusk, Gentle Giant, Kylie, Robin Trower. You've had a great week :)
Drogas Wave is such cool record, I think it's my fave hip hop of 2018
Morgan's Live at Lighthouse and Horace Tapscott records rule! Horace especially.

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browses /pol/ regularly
don't know any of these

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>simultaneously has a Taylor Swift album and a Gentle Giant album as favorite
Damn how do you even exist

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+glenn branca, aphrodite child, klaatu

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guess i'll jump in here before heading to sleep. night fellas

any thoughts on black box recorder's first two albums? you may like them

cool stuff.. from what i recognize, best swans era too
>quinsin nachoff's flux - path of totality

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Please no bully. i need recommendations im a pleb. I like more jazz than is on the 3x3 but i just went by the stuff i listen to the most.

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I grew up on dad rock like the who and pink floyd. Then i really got into jazz in high school



Land of the loops- bundle of joy
tonstartssbandht- an when
based, check out Space Echo: the cosmic sound of cabo verde

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listen to everything you see with a cool album cover until you find out what you like

Ty Segal - Melted and Slaughterhouse
Allah-Las - S/T
Morgan Delt - S/T
Dum Dum Girls - Only in Dreams
Barn Owl - Lost in the Glare

I love you pop. My favorite trip-faggot
Never really liked you Boku
++A Sunny Day in Glasgow, Feels
Recc me something
What is the Moses Gunn Collective? I Love the album art. Nice chart btw
No you don't. Hardcore Punk and Thrash Metal ae for edgy teenagers.
I wish i liked a lot of these, but i don't :/
++Chameleons, Croatian Amor, This Mortal Coil, Lust for Youth (one of the best modern synth pop bands)
++C-Twins, Fleet Foxes
++Replica, Basic Channel, The Books, Cleaners from Venus
++Edan, SuperApe, Replica,

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+avec le soleil
+edan divine styler
+alec empire and merz, basic channel
check out pan sonic
listen to oneohtrix point never
listen to more music
++sibylle baier, croatian
listen to David Thomas Broughton - The Complete Guide to Insufficiency
n o b o d y h e r e

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Moses Gunn is pretty great, Mercy Mountain is a really enjoyable mix of mostly Psychedelic Rock and some other genre(s). (I would say indie rock but not 100% on that) Sadly, its their only album and they haven't released any singles since 2017

sup lads, i'm the bump
++Burial, Orbital, Aphex Twin, Gong, Gas, Massive Attack, Goldie, Prodigy, Birthday Party Junkyard
my dude, i had a few collages that looked almost just like this one

chill af, would hang out with


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Hell yeah

>My favorite trip-faggot

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