
>This album is an emotionally draining epic, a stirring concept album about a male nurse falling in love with an abusive, terminal bone cancer patient
>A genre-fusing blend of Shoegaze, Indie and Post-Rock

>This album is emotionally dishonest and sucks lol

What happened?

Attached: antler-hospic_07.jpg (1000x1000, 262K)


this album is 100% onions

>How to spot the newfag

Oh really? What sort of authority are you?


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Lots of reverb =/= shoegaze retard


i remembering hearing this album when it came out but i honestly dont remember who it sounds like thats how generic and forgettable it is.

I remember the lyrics being extremely clever but the music itself being kinda bland

lNot him, but iterally the first track (besides prologue) Kettering has one of the most defining shoegaze sounds on it.
Yeah the album as a whole isn't, but there are definite shoegaze-influenced sections, and many of those sections you can't deny being shoegaze, even if you're too much of an elitist fuckwad to acknowledge it.
Thirteen particularly, and many parts of Wake.




Burst apart>hospice

Undersea > Burst Apart = Hospice > Familiars

I wish it was generic, I don’t know anything that sounds quite like it

familiars >>>>>>>>>

Attached: the-antlers-familiars.jpg (1200x1200, 228K)

Burst Apart sucks

>this album is a meme


Familiars is my favourite album of all time

2017: this is album is bad
2018: maybe this album might not be so bad
2019: this album is shit


If you interpret the album narrative literally it sucks.

It’s about the complicated emotional state of someone losing themselves in a relationship with a psychopath.
Some psychopaths try to get you to “save” them and “cure” them as a ruse to keep you involved with them.
As the album progresses, he realises there is no cure.

This album has been misinterpreted either as a literal story or as “another break up album”. It’s an investigation of the complexities of being involved with a psychopath and the pain they bring to your life and how it feels to leave a psychopath.

i wouldn't know really, most people seem to like it still. it maintains a 3.54 on rym and is bolded
why do people feel like its emotionally dishonest now? never listened to the album desu

People started to shit on it ever since that disgusting and pathetic pleb Fantano said it was bad, and then you know what's next, retards start to follow the trent of hate on X and Y thing just because that's accord to the "Yea Forums zeitgeist" of the time, and get too afraid of say it out loud that they like it because there's a chance of being ridiculed.

That been said, the album is actually amazing on a first listen, you get shocked and start to think it's maybe an instant 5/5, then you listen to it again and it loses impact, and it does with every single listen you give to it. From that point it just ages pretty bad, you never get to feel the same emotion and impact you got from the first listen and you start to think that it wasn't even that good in the first place. It's a weird album in that sense, but definitely a sign that is far from perfect and even from a top musical product and concept album.

This album has made me cry multiple times.

I love you Peter Silberman

Makes me want to kill myself to think I once liked this low T cuckshit. Now that I'm a grown man I listen to 30 minute drone tracks without whiny faggot vocals.

This album is the musical equivalent of Oscar Bait.

fuck off.

newfags on Yea Forums hopping on a meme

I'd could never get into this album, only good song on it is Shiva

The soi meme happened. Now insecure dorks who need to perform masculinity out of fear of getting laughed at on the internet can't approach anything vaguely emotionally vulnerable

well said

familiars = burst apart = undersea > hospice = itaotu = uprooted > nyh ep
Karuna > Slips Away > everything else
But even those at the bottom aren't terribly low ratings on a personal number scale

Still the only decent album to deal with abusive women as the subject matter.