If music isn’t objective, explain pic related

If music isn’t objective, explain pic related.

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the same people have accounts for all three (reddit, rym & BEA)

Radiohead fucking sucks.

Is Kid A really that good?

what's the last row?

Radiohead's importance is pretty overinflated but yeah Kid A is good

Try it

>last column
My god, music really is dead

Radiohead literally sounds like every 90s/00s alt rock band. They're so fucking overrated.

>popular entry-level albums are popular

also kek at arcade fire and pixies ever making it into a "top 6" list

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Could someone do one but like


And all of that

Kid A is the album that is different from that

Music is objective just in the context of the human condition.


ur mad

it's good, but nowhere near as good as people say it is. OKC, AMSP, and In Rainbows are all better

good, yes
THAT good? No

what's your problem with the pixies?

their peak is an 8/10 and they don't deserve to be in any "top" list

Where did that Reddit list come from? Reddit is a community like Yea Forums, how does it have a list of it’s favorite albums?

but there are no objectively best albums, why would you care what someone puts in his top 5 favorites (or whatever) ?

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