Draw an album cover in paint and others guess it

draw an album cover in paint and others guess it

Attached: 1563635743282[1].png (445x414, 6K)

Imagine all the white as grey, the file got corrupted and painting over int is now imposible

Attached: fuck paint.jpg (1102x1254, 235K)

tortidte tnt

Attached: gentlegiant-interview.png (1216x1036, 85K)

this is the doors one right?

Attached: what the flip.png (538x537, 37K)

cinq saisons?

it looks creepy

Attached: easy.png (935x934, 119K)

>picking an album cover that already looks like it was drawn by a retard
congrats on being a bitch, OP

Gloryhammer's latest

All the pretty little horses

Attached: Untitled.png (696x564, 20K)

good drawing and good taste

>recognizing it
I succeeded nonetheless

Attached: albumcover2.png (795x780, 42K)

Thank you

Attached: hug.jpg (703x396, 49K)

Attached: albumcover3.png (650x605, 32K)

Attached: effort.png (600x600, 2K)

Attached: coolandgood.png (600x600, 9K)

Here's a hard one

Attached: Untitled.png (1080x1080, 29K)

Duster - Stratosphere

Attached: band1.png (666x666, 40K)

Nope, but looks dangerously close. The colors are used are pretty faithful to the original.

Flipper- Generic Album

Were living on it

Attached: alcoholic_06795500.jpg (620x349, 56K)

The other user went way into space with his guess, but it seems you're more of a down to earth kind of guy.

some serious death metal for sure

Attached: 1.jpg (700x700, 35K)

Attached: 1545534816248.png (1000x1000, 41K)

Tuomas Henrikin Jeesuksen Kristuksen Bändi - Käkkyrällään

The Velvet Underground & Nico


Attached: Black.jpg (1020x1024, 58K)


Attached: guess.png (507x508, 13K)

Spinal Tap


as high as the highest heaven

Attached: dfdf.jpg (548x576, 34K)

Larks' Tongues in Aspic, nice one

Attached: I gave up.png (696x564, 7K)

Attached: 958267945.jpg (600x600, 15K)

Songs from suicide bridge



Attached: a;bum.png (500x500, 8K)

songs of leonard cohen (nice drawing)

stratosphere or earth 2

Attached: Sans titre.png (398x384, 7K)


Day Dream nation
