Objectively their best album

objectively their best album

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>literally the worst album
>best album

MMT is their best, bar none.


I mean, as much as I know how vanilla I am for enjoying it, it makes me feel better to know that we're talking about the most vanilla band ever to exist...

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> The Beatles
> vanilla

pick one. unless you don't know what the word 'vanilla' means.

KISS = vanilla
Coldplay = vanilla
Oasis = vanilla
U2 = vanilla
Guns N Roses = vanilla
Green Day = vanilla
The Killers - vanilla

the ending to a day in the life is awesome

the whole song is awesome

a contender for best song of all time

the beatles are mediocre, deal with it.


deal with what retard? your ignorance? John and Paul are two of the greatest songwriters to ever live. deal with it.

If they switched Within You, when i'm 64 and Good Mourning by K Am the Walrus, Strawberry Fields Forever and All You Need is Love then ir Will definitely be the Best Beatles album

>Guns n Roses
Based retard

none of those bands are vanilla

two of those songs didnt exist when they were working on sgt peppers. Penny Lane and Strawberry Fields should be on there, not sure what you would cut. Maybe just when i'm 64

the bigger tragedy is Rain/ Paperback Writer being left off Revolver. Yellow Submarine shouldve been the standalone single

Coldplay, Oasis and U2 definitely are.

Coldplays first two albums are sad piano music core so that's not exactly vanilla, I agree with Oasis and U2 though

Why would you remove great songs like When I'm 64 and Good Morning and put shit like All You Need Is Love on there

>White Album exists
>Revolver exists
>Rubber Soul exists
>Abbey Road exists
>Hard Day's Night exists

"Sgt pepper is the best guize"

AHDN is the only one that comes close. Rubber Soul isn't even a top 10 Beatles album

>Implying that either B4S or Let it Be is better than Rubber Soul
Never did I dream that I'd witness such faggotry


White album exists

5th best

Here there and everywhere>For no one>And your bird can sing>Got to get you into my life>I'm only sleeping>Good day sunshine>Lucy in the sky with diamonds>I want to tell you>When I'm 64>Getting better>With a little help from my friends>A day in the life>Lovely Rita>She said she said>Elanor Rigby>Sergeant Pepper's lonely hearts club band>She's leaving home>Love you to>Tomorrow never knows>Yellow submarine>Fixing a hole>Within you without you>Taxman>Being for the benefit of Mr Kite>Good morning good morning>Doctor Robert.

Revolver wins in a landslide.

The Beatles are definitely vanilla, dude. They're literally the most popular music group ever.

Doctor Robert is better than Good Day Sunshine and Yellow Submarine.