ITT: we support, follow, share

ITT: we support, follow, share, and give constructive criticism to each other on various websites for music sharing such as Bandcamp, Soundcloud, Youtube, and more.

Post a link to your site(s) and other anons follow/share/give feedback.

People who post links and shill themselves after 5-10 posts without participating in any feedback/discussion are unwelcome and should be ignored.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Cds here:

>Drum & bass

Attached: WhatsApp Image 2017-11-09 at 17.24.54.jpg (1080x1072, 146K)


Attached: inabeyance.jpg (1900x1900, 232K)

>slowcore, baroque folk, chamber pop

>dream pop, ambient pop, dark folk, space rock

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Attached: untitled20192.png (340x341, 122K)

Nice texture

It is very cool !!! bravissimo


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>summer vibes


you got some awesome music on your website mann
this some tron typee
really laid back tunes mann

Attached: 3.2.19 Hempster Shoot05161.jpg (5304x7952, 3.95M)

>melodic hip hop

Attached: flyso.png (607x477, 255K)

Sample of my first album coming soon (another seven songs still being produced).

>acoustic guitar and mandolin main instruments
>baritone voice
>folk inspired

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Attached: popmantis3.jpg (960x960, 104K)
>bedroom core

>80s inspired synthpop
>i don't know what the hell it is that i make if i'm being honest

lay it on me senpai

Attached: personalpicks.png (1080x1080, 1.25M)

>Hip hop
>Whatever i feel like i guess

Would appreciate any tips thanks

I can jam to these

These are my recent two singles, I'm working towards an EP over the next few months ^_^
>Post-punk inspired
>Folky flavourings
>Rather Jangly

I would recommend
I really like this, I had a listen to 'Entropy', it has a lot of power and momentum, keep it up
Love the vibe and the instrumentation, great stuff :)

Attached: duck that signifies Fraser's joy and happiness.jpg (220x165, 10K)
exp synth amb

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>Death Metal
>Heavy shit

Attached: 0. OPIA.jpg (1400x1400, 923K)


Attached: lost on the sideways.jpg (4095x1934, 3.12M)
>indie pop/ bedroom soul
>70s/80s influence

Attached: art.jpg (896x1089, 77K)

made this today with a friend

all feedback appreciative...



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Track going on next indie released cd, however crap it may be, its a start to something that may not end well, but fuck it.

Attached: right sized thing.png (1423x1411, 2.61M)

>dream pop
>lush synths
>orchestral influence


Attached: IMG_0660.jpg (348x385, 71K)

>psx/sega genesis soundscapes
>90s inspired electronica



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as I said in the soundcloud thread, I love your bright and ethereal style. strong rec.
this is amazing. this goes really hard. holy shit.

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>depressive black metal
>one man band

>piano w/drums
>depressive vocals

unironically best itt
this is really good too, do more
check this dud if you didnt yet

Attached: scars.jpg (1200x1200, 232K)

Fourth and final single for my upcoming project Spiderman: Redux. The album is based album on the original Spiderman video-game for PS1 Any feedback is greatly appreciated (:


listened to Ecstasy. real nice interlude, great sound design on this one.

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>hip hop

New track!!

some great folk right here. excited for the new album

Gorgeous track, the piano is stunning. Excited to see what else you'll release

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>glam rock

These two songs are great, love the guitars on both, release some more tunes!

Great fingerpicking


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i mean its alright but some of these parts are so genereic, sounds like the shit i made on korg ds 10 when i was like 13

not my kind of shit

prettty deece

best one from all of these, im a fan. got the (the album with this psychedelic art mixing shoegaze with breakbeat) feel
>weeb vaporwaves

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Awesome sound design, Rez is masterpiece-

new song


Attached: rei.png (760x571, 249K)

Just something new metal and rap inspired

scars as souvenirs its unique, original and almost a masterpice. you have talent, dont give up.

I'm not properly releasing this til August 2nd but here's a private link for you lovely bois


Lovely textures in these recordings, super comfy and nice

nice to see u putting some new stuff out, keep up the grind!

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>Tiny bit of shoegaze

>vocals drums guitars
free album download codes:
redeem @
t-shirts tapes fuzz pedals

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>alt r&b
>smooth indie rock


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Nice job m8y. I can't comment much with constructive feedback as this isn't my genre but that bass is a real treat in Cloud Dance!

Wow, what's going on Italy!? I like the 'noise-core' aspect of amidnsill. It's like 21st century Akira Merzbow


Hey man,

First.. Good job with composition. You have a really eerie sound here composite of Daniel Johnston honesty and minimalism with a good dose of folk experimentalism.

IMO i would find a way to master your vocal track better. You have the right voice for this but the track is so muddy it's irritating that I can't hear the beauty in it.

over-all, good job!

>dark ritual ambient
>avant tarde


> Trap

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I have no idea how to give you feedback for noise. I find the genre interesting and you definitely embrace it and carry the genre forward. Good for you. Keep going user

Sounds nice. Not a fan of the genre but it sounds really well produced. Good luck with your future in music! Sincerely - user

This is very genre safe, And you're whoring that auto-tune. I'm not a fan of the genre but it's super well produced. My comment about whoring the auto-tune comes from my opinion on this music.. you wont reach me as a fan but I'm sure you'll make a lot of girls wet.

good job dude!

This is very genre safe, And you're whoring that auto-tune. I'm not a fan of the genre but it's super well produced. My comment about whoring the auto-tune comes from my opinion on this music.. you wont reach me as a fan but I'm sure you'll make a lot of girls wet.

good job dude!

Your track production is top notch. Bass and Drum is very listenable.. but when it comes to your vocal delivery, it's hard to take the song as a whole seriously. It's very lack of personality, not at all cohesive with the instrumentation. IT COULD BE though.. I suggest you experiment with the word annunciation, get out some sounds that complement your background track. IMO, this will make you stand out as a serious artist and make you very listenable.

>beats from the soul

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I like this a lot

I really like this genre. I think you do good service to it. in "Wish youre happy now" i am a bit torn. I think you're one of these artists who I need to listen a few more times to, to accept your vocal delivery.. Leonard Cohen, Warren Zevon, Neil Young.. all of these guys couldn't exactly carry their notes, but they sure as hell could carry a story and punch you right in the heart with the feels.

You do this to me. Thank you for sharing your beautiful music :)

Wow man, thanks very much.

Super well made music.. I can imagine this playing on my local radio station on rotation!

But not my style, unfortunately I do not have any other feedback for you.

Not really sure what this is. And where's the guitar? It sounds like videogame boss music. You set false expectations. Shame.

This is really great! This is like 60's psychedelia, refined.

I fuckin love this dude.. "THE HUMAN SHELL, HAS TREATED ME WELL!"

>pseudo-math rock

seriously, wat dis

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Really nice, great attention to detail and killer dynamics. Really love the track that starts at 7:30

Coastlines Composed of Flyblown Carcasses is cool. Like the harmonies,

I wasnt very optomistic with the quality of your music listening to the opening of 'Someones Basement in Florida".. If i was a little more ADHD, I wouldn't have bothered listening to the rest of this song.


You guys do great service to the genre.. But you say in your description that you have some industrial shit.. Im going to listen to the rest of your soundcloud offerings leter on cause I really want to get through this list on MU..

Care to hook me up with some other recs from your track listing?

Eh, some pretty cool ideas there desu, only the sub bass gets a little jarring for me.

>synth instrumentals
>all sorts of genres really


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IMO, I think you identify as triphop.

There's a lot of potential in your music to reach a wider audience.. You have great textures, great sense of cool and for the most part, your music comes together in many ways making it full of meaning, full of listenability..

I will say though, that I didn't like your track, 'Cat'. Too much mud in the vocals - which i get is part of your overall sound..

I don't know much about the bedroom genre but your music has me more curious about it and could win me over as a genre fan.

Cool music man.

Genre safe, makes the normies wet. good job

I think you're a lyrical genius who could use a hand in mastering/mixing your tracks.. You could easily blow up with a bit of production m8. fucking good job at existing!

Hate to double-post, but I'm looking for feedback on this piece. I'm going to go back and tweak levels/EQ and would like some advice.

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I don't know if I would put myself in a corner, labeling yourself as black metal desu.. You are on the pre-recipe of a genre evolution.

Your formula is solid, keep pushing the envelope.. I love Dysthymia. I would put this on a daily play-list and ride the experience for a couple of weeks. This is really good stuff.

You have very good textures for the industrial genre.. You sell yourself in your post pretty well.. I would love to hear a well made, Industrial, HipHop group.. Think.. Skinny Puppy, that uh.. Remix Dystemper album.. the song I'm thinking of is Censor - Guru Remix

What I like most about your track is the potential you have in vocal delivery.. This is also where you need the most work.. tbqfh, it sounds like you're reading lyrics off a sheet of paper.

If you listen to 'Guest' again (your track).. Theres some room for flavoring your vocal delivery.. I hear hints and potential for some manic, intensity.. exploding rawness.. think, shakey Corey Taylor in slipknot's 'Eyeless'..

I am going to keep an eye on your music man.. Cause don't get me wrong, feed backs feedback.. but i am really interested in where you're going to go with your music.. you have something special here.

I love how the track explodes into existence and keeps up the intensity allthroughout with weird but great synths. Honestly I love it.

Not really my expertise in terms of genres but I like how the highs flow between different synths for the same ostinato, also you got the aesthetic down so cool shit dude

Really nice shit man, my only critique would be the trap beats, you have so much more potential than that! Experiment with all different instruments don't just hold yourself in a box. Keep it up!

Shill timeee


A bit shit but closer to old school punk than any of the shite that's going on today.

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Will give all feedback if interested, hope you guys are doing well today.

I'll be back in several hours to learn some more new stuff


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This is 1000% lofi.

It sounds like you recorded this back in 1969, it aged in a hot garage for 50 years and you uploaded it to sound-cloud.

I wonder what this would sound like live. I could probably get into it.

These sounds tickle my fucking brain.

Would love to smoke one and listen to your stuff. Really good energy in your music.. it lights up my head!

Hahahahah this is fucking genius (or fucking retarded). I love your shit but im not sure if you're being ironic with your music or serious.. In any case, I think you could turn yourself into a meme and hook all the cool kids with yourmusic. I will follow your stuff lol.

DJ Dubbi when

It's like Flaming lips and Vampire weekend had a good fuck, couldnt detach their genitals after the fuck and so decided to cut an album together.

Super good sir. You need to be a big player in the scene

I can hear the shoegaze.. your band is like a post-rock, early weezer feels group. Love the atmosphere you got going on.. Drumming is fucking good and unexpected.. your track does not nauseate.

I wish you had a vocalist though.. Someone who could punch in those soft droning Chino Moreno tones and bark like River Cuomo.

This is pure 'BEACH' wave punk rock. great music I could listen to you every day.

Love your key changing. I can hear the soul in this track.

Step into the future world.
Where robots and cyborgs live in a
techno-political neo-society
where you trade cloud storage space as payment.

With that introduction.....
This is my new MUSIC VIDEO!!!
>Techno Boom
>Breakbeat Trance
>Progressive House

this is my Death Grips - Beware remix!
>predictive programming

Is it 2014?
do what I told you about taking the glitchiness
to a whole nother level.
Try making music even slower.
Try re-doing a song that's slower by
about 25bpm from where it's at rn.
Try stretching out songs to be longer.
Drone music is ALL about patience.
You love dryposting
You are a huge fan of me, so I'll give you
respect and a thumbs up
Put more effort into your posts
.....This guy again LOL
You need to step up ur melody game
A classic, give him a listen
Finish setting up your account
you should be recording on analog
unless you're just a poser.
You're so insecure, you can't handle
taking people's advice
Be more confident.
Being a pussyfooter is effeminate. cringy.
Man up and be confident.
You need to man up too.
you know what i'm about to say
You're 7 years too late to the party
Put more effort into your posts
you have something GOOD musically
but if you show no personality......
...people will assume you're boring
I'll give you advice on getting your
guitars to sound heavy if you ask.
Do you actually perform rituals?
or are you just a poser? who do you
Dogs don't dry post
this has no soul, don't misrepresent.
make your music more technical

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>industrial metal
>post punk

vocals frickin rip my brother

is that a SoM reference?

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Pretty cool, only wish the cymbals/snares weren't downsampled so much, want some more impact, but I guess that's just how it is in the future

You're good at violence.

Your remix is ok.. I think you could complement M.C. ride better though.. your mix does nothing for him imo.

cool sounds though.

This is some proper industrial. Reminds me of CombiChrist/ Suicide COmmando/ Skinny Puppy.

This is fucking good.

I will be keeping an eye on your music

my boi dubbi doing the most out here in the feedback game

I ritually worship the grave ape

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no he isn't. we don't need to be told we suck. fuck that guy

Yeah there's nothing constructive about what he's saying.. the guy is a meme. For all the negative feedback that he dishes out, he could use a ton of it to fix his own shit tbqh.

Good stuff, ever down for a collaboration?
Your very insecure, it's sad that you
can't just let your ego take a breather
for a second and listen to helpful advice.
Yeah I'm here to help my children
Yeah you're smart enough to know that
you don't don't understand the future
of music production the way I do
Woah ok that's based


>not being able to handle a joke
look where you are.

I'm all ears, go for it.

Aw thanks man! If anyone wants to help out with mastering and mixing by all means help lol

If you wanna support me by buying a cd, link is on the soundcloud, money gained goes towards a better mic.

>soundtracks and incidental music

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haha, i don't think anyone is laughing at a joke you've constructed.. because i don't think you constructed a joke..

I do think people are laughing at you, because you came in with a huge ego, cut everyones music in half and then ego posted shitty youtube videos hahaha.

I find that very funny and super ironic. And if that was the joke you constructed you must be one hell of a sociopath!

Tried my hand at making a second single, would love feedback.
(quick note: one of my main limitations is my lack of any kind of physical synth equipment or whatever)

really cool shit, love how you textured it

nice shit. feels a lil thin in parts but it's cool to hear people making genuinely interesting trap edm

NICE. I only heard a few tracks but I'll prolly go back later and listen to the full thing, I really dig that shit.

Blah blah blah..
All I see is you screaming about how
obsessed with me . Try being an
interesting person for once in your bland
boring life, then you wouldn't be so
awstruck by a legitimate entity like me.

That's not an excuse, you can easily step
up your engineering:
-1st buy fl studio,
its all you need at 1st
-2nd make a kick/snare rythem
-invite some producers over to
hang out and get them to help geta
melody / bassline idea
-3rd get some studio time,
4th, get some experienced
producers to work with you during
your session(s)
5th let them do whatever they want
to the song to make it good.
6th DONE! you have a new song
you can upload online and start
blowing up.


thanks for your words, I'll certainly keep making more music in that direction

>do what I told you about taking the glitchiness to a whole nother level.

I will, it's not exactly as easy as you think.

>invite some producers over to
hang out and get them to help get a
melody / bassline idea
>get some experienced
producers to work with you during
your session
>let them do whatever they want
to the song to make it good
>get punished with a handjob and sent to the naughty corner when you ask them "how do you make those sounds?"
>let them finger your bumhole and record your murmers of pleasure to be remixed into the next chart-topping hit
>receive a 0.85% royalty
anything is else just fucking amateur

Send me a song thru soundcloud
I'll remix it and show you what I'm thinking.

Woah that's pretty accurate about Lady Gaga's career desu

Take my advice instead

I'm really not into bedroom pop, but
in terms of strictly your musical abilities
you're not bad. Don't use Yamaha Keybord beats tho.... if you need a beat stem for a song just HMU.


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i literally hate that guy, he's not funny at all. he doesn't tell jokes. saying lofi sucks is not funny

Put some effort into your posts,
Show some personality, it'll draw more attention to you.
Plus, you really think someone is going to waste 5 minutes listening to your music if you can't be bothered enough to spend 30 seconds making a propper post.

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i dont really see the trip hop but thank you for the kind words they mean a lot

Ignore him, doesn't know anything about trip hop clearly
>Throat singing

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>I don't make music. I just run a radio show.
>Self promotion is hard and it brought me here to this thread.

Attached: unnamed (1).jpg (1200x1200, 171K)

can we drop some of our music onto your show? Mono e mono

fuck off boomer having an image has nothing to do with how good your music is, bet you have an instagram

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this is the most detailed feedback we've gotten, thanks a lot. do you think we lack emotion in our delivery, we're being too shy, etc?


of course why not

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Message me through my soundcloud account

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> experimental
> electronic
> psychedelic
> trance
