"OMG user its a BOP!"

>"OMG user its a BOP!"

what music is she talking about?

Attached: Merzbow, Boredoms, Gerogerigegege, Coil, Throbbing Gristle, Whitehouse, Nurse with Wound, Einstürze (768x768, 109K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Dir en Grey

dj dubbi

probably bohemian rhapsody or some eilish song

y'all are way to on the nose
truthfully the answer is anything that's in the first half dozen songs on the blonded playlist

Does she show her whole tit or is this all we get?

death grips

fucking niggers!

Attached: file.png (672x499, 140K)


Born Under Punches by Talking Heads

>Henry Cow
>Univers Zero
>Aksak Maboul
>Soft Machine
>Etron Fou Leloublan
>Art Bears
>This Heat
>Tom Cora
The list goes on and on....

Probably some song or something of that nature

user are you... being racist outside of Yea Forums?

Attached: Screenshot_20190709093207_Instagram.jpg (1079x1048, 610K)

Attached: bossadellic.png (750x475, 659K)

The sound of my balls slapping her ass

Young and Menace


The Growlers or some other surface-level "indie" shit out there that art hoes love



i live with girls now and i haven't had a peaceful shit in months please help

Literally any pop song. The look she has is so common now you cannot really figure anything out from it. A lot of girls who dress this way are just regular old thots.

Some entry level Yea Forumscore, probably


Beebop of course

bury a friend


Attached: 1556503558298.gif (473x235, 126K)

what the hell? I love that album, and also listen to it on youtube. however I listen to the original LP youtube.com/watch?v=dpbybCTyTJ8

"Oh user I didn't know you were a boring RYM drone... never mind then"

what's the difference between 'art hoe' and 'boring RYM drone'

keep looking, she's about to lift it :)

That's true. She'd probably like it

its subtle, you will understand once you are on the other side.

>Lars Franzon
"Oj user, jag visste inte att du var en plebej haha. Varför lyssnar du inte på musik för vuxna människor istället? Är du pedofil?"

>"user is such a BOP!"
>"You probably haven't heard of them, they're called The Arctic Monkeys"
>"They're so good! I love their debut album AM"

Nurse With Wound

low kick and hard bop