>Really like band / artist
>One day decide to research them
>Turns out they're either homosexual, transgender, or anti-Christianity
>Delete entire discography
Why does this keep happening? So far I've deleted Death Grips, William Basinksi, Death in June, and many more.
On the plus side I discovered electronic gospel and Christian Folk
Really like band / artist
>being this insecure
Separating the art and artists is the first thing you do when you’re an adult
>death grips
>trans, gay, or anti-Christian
Are they?
I know they have left wing views but I don’t see how any of those directly applies
Not insecure, Christians just aren't supposed to partake in the works of those who are not men of God.
There's also a term called spiritual warfare and music is a powerful influence, as soon as you realize a band/artist is anti-Christian, listening to music by them can degrade your faith.
Also Death Grips have stated they're anti-organized religion as well as pro LGBT.
People like you are the reason they’re against organised religion
This shit is so cringe
Literally like 98% of good music is made by left-wingers or atheists and you're retarded for just realizing this now.
Fragile little bitch aren’t you
ironically enough you're the biggest faggot i've ever met
Coil was good.
Bereft of talent.
Christians aren't people and can't make music anyway without sucking a dead Jew off.
thanks, and it's organized*
Completely false.
Thanks user
>dead Jew
>Calls Jews vipers, serpents, murders, liars, thieves, Satanists to their face in front of massive crowds of people
>Hits Jews with whips
>Tells Jews they're going to Hell
Thanks for your input
>A Jew lying to crowds of people
Nothing ever really changes.
The bible also states that Jews worship moloch and the Satanic star of Remphan (Star of David is not related to David at all.)
Are you Pagan?
by the same logic shouldn't you not be on Yea Forums then?
A good Christian knows where the devil sleeps, and where his slaves reside.
There's a surprising amount of Christians on /pol/ and the threads are pretty good. Sometimes I'll make Christian threads
Who cares lol. Music is music. I don't let the individual who makes the music determine whether or not I like their shit. Neither should you, pussy.
Like I said it degrades your faith to partake in the works of those who do not accept the Lord Jesus Christ. What's interesting is you start to become keen just by listening whether it is being made by a Christian or someone who is a slave to Satan like Sophie or 100 Gecs
Because you’re either baiting or a closeted faggot.
Most likely both desu
OP, you're a big faggot and you are ruled by a manmade concept, shoot yourself, for you have already handed yourself over to them.
i really hope this is just bad bait because people like you are the reason Yea Forums sucks.
>muh blind faith and traditions that have been altered and change in perpetuity
I'm fine with people believing what they want as long as it doesn't infringe on anyone else, but self righteous fucks need to be brought down a peg.
Get off your high horse, your beliefs would be unrecognizable to people 100 years ago and beyond, yet you want to pretend you got it all figured out. Fucking please.
>Christfags aren't allowed to enjoy anything because of what some delirious dude said 2000 years ago
In other news, grass is green and water is wet
god more like gay'd lmao
why do you give a single fuck if they’re gay or trans ??? especially if all you’re doing is listening to their music ?? damn y’all are old fashioned as FUCK
Fuck Jesus Christ and fuck you too, cunt.
i agree with you but fuck morrissey
you're actually a whiny faggot
that being said i dont listen to homo artists because all their stuff will be about being homo
hey op what do you think of sufjan stevens
does it bother you that the best christian artist of our generation is a hot gay man
The Bible has been edited and changed to fuck anyway. I really don't get how anyone can be so certain when even the basis of their faith is a theseus ship to begin with.
>t.redditors going through their edgy atheist phase
I hope you grow out of it anons, no one can stand you whiny retards.
The moment I detect a hint of faggotry in any artist it gets dropped. Especially music that is made by socialists or anti-war protesters.
The trans bit I can get since they shove it into every facet of their existence. It's a big turn off if you're not one yourself.
yeah i agree but he’s hot as fuck
>anyone who doesn't subscribe to my retarded definition of christianity is an athiest
tiny brain tiny dick
I hope nobody responds to this obvious bait but I know they will.
imagine having the inability to make any meaningful arguments and instead resorting to personal insults. Also I'm not a christian you degenerate fuck
how is saying that you shouldn’t care whether or not an artist is gay edgy? aren’t you kinda the edgy one here dude, you went through all that effort to find literally every reply that disagreed with you
also just because you curse and use edgy internet jargon doesn’t make you sound smart my man
post ur dick i'll post mine winner gets to be president of Yea Forums
dont expect any christian to acknowledge this
bruh i didn’t even say i was an atheist, for all you know i could be religious i just think it’s stupid to care whether or not an artist is gay or whatever lmao
separating the art from the artist Dude
>durrrr im illiterate and cant read durrr
they're edgy atheists because they can't comprehend someone has opposing theological beliefs and therefore resort to making fun of OP just for having goddamn faith.
jesus christ was a gay man with a taught asshole
>clearly knows nothing about modern philosophy as he bashes religion with multiple-centuries-old insults like a retard
>is likely 18 or underage
>probably most of his favourite albums are Yea Forumscore
>still uses reddit occasionally when he’s bored
>is likely not well read
>likely either not in tertiary education or studying business or engineering, or some other useless applied field
>is dragging down the quality of the website
>trusting the word of a Jew
Christianity is founded on lies
If he didn't want it to be discussed in an open and harsh manner, maybe he shouldn't post about it on fucking Yea Forums of all places.
dude the fucking bible also says that wearing leather, bling, torn clothes etc are all sins , that shit is old as fuck and although a lot of its values are very important a lot of them are just bs, times change
do you stop listening to an artist just because they have tattoos ?? or are you just cherry picking certain “sins” because you wanna seem edgy and cool
also masturbating is also a sin but you sure as hell don’t seem to care about that one do you hm
you're literally 80s republican tipper gore ronald reagan jerry falwell christian mom tier
holy shit a record breaking amount of projecting
you seem really normal
Literally every Christian just picks and chooses what they want out of it. Just like every other religion.
It's largely a fecade.
>The moment I detect a hint of faggotry in any artist it gets dropped. Especially music that is made by socialists or anti-war protesters.
>everyone who disagrees with me is an edgy whiny retarded redditor
>I’m just trying to have a reasonable discussion bro why are you insulting me personally
based, even if Jesus was the literal Son of God the Catholic Church and plenty of other organized religions are corrupt as fuck
that's why it's much better to just identify as spiritual: there is a higher power. that's all there is to it
pic related
how's life without seafood, and having sex not for copulation, and pork, and etc..?
different sects of Christianity are like different difficulty levels on the sliding scale of how easy/hard it is to get to heaven
Catholic being hard, Jehovah's Witness being Nightmare etc.
See, I can respect that. It's a lot more geniune.
based deist
>religious people are similar to Yea Forumsirgins
Explains the rampant pedophilia and complete lack of reasoning skills.
> iT's oRgANizE!!!!!!
literally kill yourself autistic amerifag
To answer your question, just stop being a tradtard.
But isn't Death in June a nazi band? Yeah yeah muh splc is lying about them, they didndu nuffin. Idc, but they have weird fringe ideas, no?
>actually considering the possibility of the existence of a deity
Based and quadpilled Christ Knight
„Buß und Reu knirscht das Sündenherz entzwei.“
-Johann Sebastian Bach
Music is a Christian Invention, without Christianity, there is no music
Whatever you are listening to today, was developed in Churches and Monasteries
what are some good electronic gospel albums? i'm curious
>anti-war protesters.
If you actually support war or the military you're a sheep.
t. christian
Jesus would probably be against both capitalist and socialist institutions. You'll find never once in the bible did he rant about how much he despised a certain political view. He really took more issue with the hearts of people. Being overly adverse to homosexuals would probably be something Jesus wouldn't approve of. If Jesus was walking the earth today he would probably be hanging around with trannies and gays. Last time around he hung out with tax collectors, traitors, liars, brutes, hypocrites, prostitutes and proles so why not? In fact he'd probably have the biggest problem with fundamentalist and traditionalist people who actively avoid people perceived to be 'other' instead of evangelizing them like intended.
Also I'm pretty sure Jesus never told anyone to only listen exclusively to christian music.
based retard
Why do Christians hate atheists so much?
chad jesus
Based, but Death Grips should be obvious if you listen to the lyrics.
based satanic trips
Are you retarded
Are you saying people didn't play music before Jesus?
Not all modern music is based on Western classical
Douglas Pierce is basically nazbol, but he's also gay so
>it’s organized
No it isn’t Ameritard
>how dare you make fun of me for being an insecure pussy who bases my entire personality on my Jewish faith, you must be a fedora atheist, ha totally got em
Cringe, I’m not an atheist but people like you are the reason that I prefer being friends with atheists than strongly religious people irl
>implying that your post made any meaningful arguments
>waah waah ree roo we are spiritually crippled and adrift in the modern neoliberal project reeeee rooooo
>Especially music that is made by ... anti-war protesters.
Imagine thinking any US war since 1945 was a good idea
Every war in the 20th century was a huge fuckup
Listen to their lyrics, fucktard, artists will usually straight up tell you their politics
this but only transgender/jewish
I have a similar experience with a national socialist black metal band. I really love the music, but they're still nazis and it's nazi music. I checked the lyrics and it's nothing too on the nose so I decided to just go with it instead of overreacting like you. It's not like I'm paying for anything or supporting them in any way, I'm just pirating their music and listening to it.
Renounce your faith and go apostate, the only true humanist lifestyle
>Why does this keep happening? So far I've deleted Death Grips, William Basinksi, Death in June, and many more.
Every artist/album/song I will download (because some recommendation system recommended or someone recommended or because I tried and I liked), I check first using discogs to see if it has any song at one of the 3 big labels, and if yes, I dont donwload the guy. I do that to every single artist I do.
PS: It can be a mainstream artist, just not be at any of the 3 big labels.
So I am at an similar situation as you, but unlike you I search before downloading the artist (and if I got the name by a recommendation system, sometimes I do it before even listening to the thing) and usually dont have problems at the future, unless they decide to sign with a big label, but this usually dont happen because I really use internet to discover new bands and discover many bands that are very underground and would never be hired by a big label (to make simple the "I listened to them before they where famous" not happen because they don't get famous)
I'm a Christian and I see nothing wrong with music by secular artists as long as it's not actively supportive of Antichristian views in the lyrics. Paul was willing to partake in eating meat offered to idols as long as no one saw it and used it as witness against the Christian message. Also hating them and writing off everything they do for their views when they are just another sinner lost in the world is very difficult to justify.
We are no longer called to obey the law but to live by the spirit. If listening to secular artists however degrades your walk with Christ then by all means please don't listen to them. Faith is something that should be worked out with fear and trembling before the Lord and the Holy Spirit, so forgive me if this is flaunting a freedom I have in Christ that you don't.
In conclusion, I don't see within scripture where this is called out as a requirement of all believers and could actually be used within Evangelising, to connect to others. "Oh you listen to Death Grips too? That's cool. I didn't think Christians listened to anyone except Lauren Diagle"
Spiritual warfare
Kek, that’s some wonderful imaginary friend Dungeons & Dragons nonsense you have going on there.
>my Cleric has +3 spellcasting bonus because he doesn’t listen to Death Grips
My necromancer gets a +5 on perception checks because he’s noided
Yes. Fair enough.
But all, and I do mean ALL, Christian music sucks.
Not music made by Christians, but music that has a Christian message - it is universally awful.
I was like this when I was younger, but now most of my music disagrees with my actual political view (my religious/spiritual views have been degraded in part by music though).
You don't have to agree with the music.
>listens to nothing but Wagner
>hates himself and is deeply unhappy
>hates people having fun
>is direct descendent of religious nutjobs who founded his country
>muh puritanism
Holy shit grow up
Pretty true
There is no higher power, you are in control of your own life.
All you edgy redditors saying you should separate music from creator
Same people calling for no platforming of Morrissey because he expressed a view you don’t agree with
Fucking children
>Christian Folk
You telling me the birds singing are Christians?
You telling me that the cavemen banging rocks and sticks together were Christians?
And what are the 3 big labels?
>wah they say this thing I don’t like so they must do this other retarded thing which I have no basis for them actually doing
Strawmanning is cringe
Not separating art and artist is cringe
Morrissey is based
>he actually believes this
excellent bait
the pope espouses gay relationships, no?
christianity was progressive in the past
humanism is progressive now
false equivalency
I wish that all Americans were rangebanned from Yea Forums or at least /int/, you make us look like fucking retards.
ahem. i'm an american with a different point of view from them
oh god the people like you who do this shit are the biggest types of reddit tier faggots