I'm reading this and looking for music to play in the background. Open to all genres

I'm reading this and looking for music to play in the background. Open to all genres.

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The game soundtracks

steven reich or philip glass

I read like 200 pages of "The Known World" to pic related

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Harkonnen out

Listen to Dün

these fit the bill pretty well


I listened to exuma albums when I read it
Idk why exactly but set the tone well for me
I guess the folkish, mystical themes are what did it
Also reading the appendices at the end about religion and having Obeah mentioned after listening to exuma left me shook

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And I also listened to Amon dull II - yeti when reading it

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>listening to music while trying to focus on reading
why and how?

Zeuhl. Its grandoise sci fi music with heavy martial undertones. Perfect fit for Dunes universe.
In top of that, theres literally a zeuhl band called Dün. Jodorowskys Dune was even meant to have Magma doing the soundtrack.

I always do this, I get bored just reading, I need some kind of soundtrack, but it needs to be either instrumental or lyrics where I can't really make out what their saying

Magma, Henry Cow and Pink Floyd just the way Jorodowsky wanted


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Listen to Grimes's first two albums.

just read the book zoomer

I saw your faggot thread on Yea Forums. Stop procrastinating and just fucking read it. It's as if you want a crowd to applaud you for starting to read Dune.

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you have to go back

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I hate this but im also happy itcotck is the only KC album zoomers will bother listening to and ruin with their shitty memes.

give me background music for pic related

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Some early Klaus Schulze

under rated jihadist

why? Dune is based, and deserves good tunes.
third-ing Dopesmoker. and I don't even smoke. but it's very Dune-ish. Maybe the Boris/Merzbow records also, and potentially the Earth discography.

Hosianna Mantra by Popol Vuh