ITT: albums only spoiled rich kids at $80,000 per year marxist daycare centers listen to

ITT: albums only spoiled rich kids at $80,000 per year marxist daycare centers listen to

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you sound mad
rent free

t. schlomo

imagine getting upset because someone was mean about vampire weekend

i dont get it, why do these types hate capitalism so much? dont they know their parents are straight up capitalists and their existence is a product of capitalism?

>(((these types)))
there's your answer

damn... what did he mean by this?

i could explain it to you, but i know you'd rather go on about your life blissfully unaware of the forces at work around us like the good goy you are

that is a very comfy lifestyle. p-please can i get some vacation days?

calm down bro, listen to this epic chart

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seething poor dumb rednecks

t. capitalist

vampire weekend weren’t even rich kids, they all came from modest upbringings and needed scholarships to attend


>Muh I'm surrounded by idiots that's why I'm pissy edgelord
>Wake up sheeple
>Did you know I browse Yea Forums?
>Knowledge is power, you'd know that if you picked up a book once in a while
>Reddit? I wrote it!

Good night everyone

(((modest upbringings)))

angry jealous poorcunt

not jealous, in fact i like capitalism. why dont you? isnt it comfy as shit to be rich as hell?

I live in a brazilian favela and this is one of my favorite albums

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i do love it for exactly those reasons

fuck yeah dude. own it my man. im just confused about why so many of these students are so left wing and hate capitalism so much.