God damn

god damn

>10/10 albums

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fuck them op, they don';t know

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yeah. this was revelatory when it came out

yyoure like a normie

anither 10/10

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wait, how?

is Another Space Song the best track?

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i think heliotropic bc the last guitar sequence - or the build up in nurse

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This thread should be higher up

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I love Camel but I dont understand why this is considerrd their masterpiece and not moonmadness.

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actually a great fucking album

Absolute dogshit. Pic related is 10/10 to me.

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and pic related

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What I imagine everyone who call this album 10/10 looks like

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This and pic related are the only 10/10 albums ever released.

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My favorite album maybe ever produced, also triggers me schizo


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fuck off 100 gecs

MEGA didn't hit for me as well as BB1

Greatest album ever

honestly?? best NIN shit in a while. Easily the best out of the new EP run.

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I have a lot of personal 10/10's but this may be the most complete, well arranged work of vaporwave out there. Floral Shoppe is good, but it feels like low hanging fruit to be honest.

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Good taste OP

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This thread is for 10/10, not 1/10

If you're going to be a faggot, can you at least explain your reasoning?

pic related
cause vaporwave is complete shit
lazy, derivative and boring- meme music to never be taken seriously by the general populous or even the "underground" music community

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Also, you ignored the actual bonefied vaporwave album I posted and instead attacked the easy target vapor-trap album. It's unfortunate brainlets like you don't understand vaporwave, but that doesn't mean it sucks.

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It's literally Nevermind

My favourite album since the day I first heard it

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BB0 is experimental electro-pop if anything. it's not vaporwave.
educate yourself on what you're talking about before posting about the "underground" music community because you don't speak for us and you sound like a brainlet.

Thabks for the rec fren

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pretty good, not necessarily my preferred genre though

I love the intro to hand crushed by
a mallet and I wish I could find
an entire genre of music
that sounds like it.

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Good, but not 10/10

Only the singles are good


YES. One of if not my favourite albums of all time.

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