I'll start. Holy shit does this thing sound dated as fuck. I genuinely don't get the praise this album gets.

Attached: suicide.jpg (600x600, 130K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I like it but yeah it does sound dated.

I've never heard this album talked about ever. Maybe it's bad but how is it overrated?

>it sounds dated
name anything that sounded similar before 1990

This album is amazing and if anything doesn't get talked about enough

Absolutely essential post-punk. Have you heard any post-punk?

Its got a unique sound, especially for the time. So I can see why its praised... but yeah. The songwriting is too nonexistent and repetitive for my personal taste.

Anything by Danny Brown. He sounds so fucking annoying.


Attached: plebs.png (832x968, 420K)

>being surprised that an album from 1977 sounds dated
>thinking something sounding 'dated' is overtly bad
>thinking Suicide sounds even remotely dated

Attached: 1517893093446.png (469x452, 277K)

shit taste, kill yourself

You’re an actual idiot and this is an 18+ site

selected ambient works 85-92 , its not bad its just not that good, syro is way better
fucking terrible taste user

>hurrr durrr xddd if you don't like objectively shitty and dated "music" you're a zoomer xd
Kys retard, the album is shit and you have bad taste.


any rap album in the top 100 on any year's rym chart

based. fuck poseurs.

An absolute classic, kys for not appreciating its influence

underage pseud

it sounds simultaneously dated and unique. Those two things are not mutually exclusive

Definitely overrated. Who actually puts on Frankie Teardrop to listen to for fun? It's cool, but it's not something I return to. Ghost Rider is a jam though


Attached: My Bloody Valentine - Loveless.jpg (600x600, 92K)

Suicide [Red Star, 1977]
A friend who loves this record offers the attractive theoretical defense that it unites the two strains of "new wave" rock minimalism--neoclassy synthesizer and three-chord barrage. So maybe it will prove popular among theoreticians. For the rest of us, though, there are little problems like lyrics that reduce serious politics to rhetoric, singing that makes rhetoric sound lurid, and the way the manic eccentricity of this duo's live performance turns to silliness on record. C+

Attached: christgau1med.jpg (400x266, 17K)

I really hate this board. Suicide sounds like nothing that's come before or after it. Tell me exactly what dates it, because I think you're bullshitting and giving any excuse for your shit taste.

Thank God there's a "music critic" who you can parrot so as to not have to think for yourself. You probably haven't even listened to the album.

I did and it's not that great, also I don't like the cover art.

>not appreciating music as a serious art form
i shugdug

The vocals on this album are kind of annoying, I'll give him that much.

Attached: BB1D28B3-B733-4698-A2A1-CBB68B4F21B0.jpg (300x296, 33K)

What did you mean by this?

>listened to the album
>doesn't like the cover art

You brought so much to this discussion, user

>listened to the album
What else does one do with an album then?

Form their own justifiable opinions about it

Cheree is the worst song on there desu.

The songs are pretty much the same and there's not a lot of variance in their structure or sound. Also,

>For the rest of us, though, there are little problems like lyrics that reduce serious politics to rhetoric, singing that makes rhetoric sound lurid
Is an accurate enough assessment especially for track 6.

Didn't Bruce Springsteen basically steal from them to create Nebraska?

I'd rate it a C myself.

>repetitive songwriting
>inane lyrics
>nonexistent concepts
>strained vocals
>relies on singles to cover for the other songs mediocrity
How did this become one of the most influential albums of all time?

Attached: 220px-Whosnext.jpg (220x220, 23K)

Music from the Big Pink - The Band

9/10. Can't deny that it sounds dated but it's well preformed minimalistic music
>being this pleb
8/10. Pretty overrated since his later works were far superior but it is influential af. Heliosphan and Xtal are godtier music
Not overrated. Arguably one of the most beautiful records in rock history
Yea it's overrated. Your typical Side A godtier Side B filler

Literally everything they've ever done

Attached: Metallica-disography.jpg (700x700, 121K)

Go to bed Dave Mustaine.

Attached: cannibal-corpse-butchered-at-birth.jpg (500x500, 161K)

That album is one of the most important of the 70s and influenced several scenes and countless artists. It’s not “overrated” just because you don’t like it. Show me a single song like Franky Teardrop. Also, fuck the guy who posted Loveless.

Oh look, an adult posted.

Literally everything about this post screams 16 years old

This album didn't click until I realized all the songs were essentially 50's rock tunes repurposed by the cold and emotionless synths to create something alien. Ghost Rider and Frankie Teardrop are the only ones that sound really good to me as songs, but it's more of an emotional experience, like how you listen to Brian Eno for the feel of it rather than the groove.


White Light/White Heat
>Joy Division cover of Sister Ray is magnitudes better and The Gift is just annoying to sit through more than once

>certainly solid, but it's a step or two below Kid A, not on the same level

>anything Syd Barrett related

Pink Floyd was better off without him

Look, maybe I am really disabled for not liking the record or it's just the generational gap, but I really, really can't get into it.

It's supposed to be the record that gave way to a lot of post-punk bands and artists and everyone who recommended this to me talked about it as the craziest, noisiest thing out there, but everything just sounds dull in comparison to the newer experimental and heavier stuff I'm used to. I agree that OP calling it overrated is a little short-sighted. It IS one of the most influential records, but there are some fair points about the replayability of it in modern times.

Also, the guy who posted Loveless is a cuck. That shit slaps.

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