Is this the cringiest album ever made?

Is this the cringiest album ever made?

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>T. stupid whitey

His production is above average but i just don’t find his music that interesting

>Hangs out with Industry Plants but claims to be genuine
>CRINGIEST tattoos the world has ever seen
>Say he hates white people when his whole fanbase is white people
I'm thinking yes

careful though he's an active browser of this board and he always responds to negative criticism, best to just ignore him like the rest of the world lmao

I'm sure classics such as "Panic Emoji" and "My Thoughts On Neogaf Dying" will age like fine wine, just like Barry's tattoos

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He acts like tough shit but all he'll do is scream at you. He won't even fucking slap you.

Stupid whitey are the only demographic that listen to that album.

I'm sorry your dad's condom broke, and his stooge glue dripped into your mom's infected gap

Ok Barrington

His earlier albums are somehow even cringier

you just don't understand intentional meta-ironic cringe, user. haha seething

do black people even listen to his stuff

no black people only listen to viper

Stefan did a solo album?

What a fucking idiot. Decides to make an album with nontraditional song structure and edgy song names, then sells it by marketing it as "revolutionary". Dude takes himself too seriously. He should try catering to another demographic besides high schoolers that just discovered Death Grips. I can guarantee you these retards would have listened to Brokencyde six years ago.

You expect me to believe Real Nega is anything besides some asshole deciding it would be cool if he looped ODB croaking into a mic for 2.5 minutes? Along with the other sample of the dude yelling, it literally adds nothing to the song. That's true for every other "quirky" vocal sample in Veteran. This dude could condense everything he makes down to the drums, and might be better. Without a doubt, it would be less fuckin pretentious.

On a side note, JPEGmafia gets mad when people compare him to MC Ride because he's (((completely different and groundbreaking))). In reality, he's the equivalent of Joey Wheeler.

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/pol/shits magapedes are the only ones hating on this nigga, bunch of stupid white conservacucks.

i liked his creepy use of the best Cry ever sample in Rainbow Six

It really is shit. Especially when he keeps spamming annoying ass samples over and over

Hi barry

even if he is tf is he going to do to me? fucking discount mc ride

Panic emoji is actually one of my favorite tracks you sarcastic twat

No. that spot has already been taken by this abysmal "record'

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I heard he banged Spielberg's daughter.


No I hate him too

His previous album is way more cringe desu

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look at the top of his head

>Talks shit about white people saying nigger but in every song he call a white guy a cracker and honkey.
>Hates white people when 99% of his fans are white redditors.

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>nobody posted the pic yet

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