Doesn't like the album

>doesn't like the album

Attached: uboa.jpg (1200x1200, 201K)

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It's not fear, it's disgust.

Rym has be overrun by this cucks

>name taken from a pretentious video game

i disregarded it before i heard the first mention of trannies

And you know what?
I don't care it "it all means, man" it sounds bad.

Since you can't understand the lyrics, not with regards to the content, but with regards to them being audible, it's easy to mistake this trash for the OST to a yume nikki fangame. Critics have to tell you it's about being a tranny. What a joke.

don't that white person buttnoise sound like a yoko ono record

It’s actually decent

really fucking bad. probably one of the worst noise shit i've heard so far.

which is generated largely by fear and ignorance, so you just crawled up your own ass

The second half of the album is a lot stronger than the first half. That being said, it really just reminds me of Pharmakon meets Author & Punisher...but not as good. And yes, I hate that any transgendered person has to use that T-card whenever you don't agree with them. Oh your album didn't click with me so now I'm transphobic? Grow up.

No one is afraid of trannies lmao, 9/10 times the hormones/shitty lifestyle has left them looking like emaciated or skinnyfat ghouls. The only ones you would be worried about are the ones where the mental illness is so severe that they might lash out violently, but mostly the more immediately destructive impulses are directed inwards not outwards.

Even he disowned this album lmao

Who said this

No you're just disgusting

Well Uboa didn't say that exact phrase, but that's basically the attitude she has toward people who don't like her noise.


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fear of AIDS
fear of paedophiles
fear of our children having to lay sight on you abominations

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praising this album just based on who or what the artist is, is dumb

nope, it's just disgust

just like considering playing with feces to be disgusting does not come from "fear and ignorance", neither does finding this ugly faggot disgusting

Me sitting on the bike

i think it's pretty good

lol you know what i mean

this new wave of overdramatic tranny power electronics is fucking trash. Even more trash than normal power electronics. The poseurs making this shit don't understand noise. They take themselves way too fucking seriously, and it's fucking cringe.

this was released months ago why is it now getting attention?

it's shit by the way

I would honestly rather take some edgy far right, nationalist noise over shit like this

I heard it months ago but I'm just now talking about it because someone I know mentioned it in their top 5 albums of the year. And this is someone who should really know better.

Fantano gave it an 8/10 so we have to like it guys

There's few things I would find myself disagreeing with him about, but lately idk. Billie Eilish is fine but not a 8/10 album and neither is this.