What kind of music do nazi trannies listen to?
What kind of music do nazi trannies listen to?
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It's the tranny genre.
She's actually kinda cute
They listen to good shit unlike women.
David Bowie
not digging the nazi thing but nice socks
99% of trannies listen to some kind of metal or metal-core.
Death in June
The most ironic music possible
>nazi trannies
Whrte do I find them, that sounds literally perfect
wish i had hair like that desu
Bitch Got a Penis
The trad traps discord.
Nice, do I need an invite or is it public?
Anything featuring a gibson les paul since trannys love gibson so much.
Politics is a mental illness
my main problem with traps is that even if they look very attractive they HAVE to smell like a man and that would be a big turn off for me
solve that problem and I solely fuck traps for the rest of my life
are you sure that's a bloke?
ask eggman
neofolk,noise and other autism genres
To be a Nazi tranny do you have to be retarded, attention-seeking, or suicidal?
Yes, she. What are you gay or something?
No. You just have to be more patriotic than you are selfish.
I'm a newfag, who's "she"?
It's me :)
And me :)
90% of Yea Forums is tranny so they actually listen to Yea Forumscore
i present to you a better looking tranny
Not nazi though, do not want
why are alt right losers such retards?
kys you bigoted fuck, traps and trannies are the ultimate beautiful lifeform.
this is the most onions response to the thread
Correction, why are all united statians such retards?
Ooh. Very nice!
No thank.
The beauty of the white aryan woman (male) must not perish from the earth!
brick to the noggin, same as the regular type of nazi
my balls smashing their cheeks
now that's a purty boi
Nazi traps > nazi women > liberal women > liberal traps
you sure?
I'm saying trannies being nazis which the nazis would be against
Trans women that have been on hrt for over a year don’t smell anything like men
Yeah. Her hips and thighs do not look normal.
Death in june
Metal, kpop, machinegirl
Does eggy fuck traps?
What kind of music do Codreanist trannies listen to?