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swedecucks on suicide watch
How is it possible for one president to be so based?
damn if only they'd reach out about those concentration camps..
Tackling the important issues, I see
They did. They reached out and shut their cages.
yes, the same camps the democrats created, and continuously refuse to allocate more funds too, retard.
You have been compromised.
imagine being so infantile as to think people hate concentration camps not because they're horrible but just to spit on papa trumpu
nobody sane actually likes the democrats. theyre tolerated until theyre replaced with more progressive candidates.
t. AOCdrone
>replaced with more progressive candidates
God, I fucking hope so. It would be the end of their party. Normal people are sick of progressives.
>concentration camps
Calling them concentration camps is dangerous. It's inflammatory, hyperbolic, and purposefully misleading. Its the reason that old man threw bombs and shot up that detention center. They're not concentration camps. These people are choosing to come here, knowing that they'll end up in a detention center while the US government processes them. I'm pretty sure the jews didn't willingly choose to walk into Auschwitz. It's not right to equate them.
>retard doesn't know his own progressives voted against the bill
imagine being so infantile as to think people hate democrat hypocrisy not because they're horrible but just to spit on democrats
neck yourself, brainlet.
not all concentration camps are death camps you fucking mongoloid
These aren't fucking soviet labor camps either, retard.
Besides, I'm pretty sure these people are free to leave and go home whenever they want.
>I'm pretty sure these people are free to leave and go home whenever they want.
imagine being this naive
Call them internment camps, you fucking anti-semite.
If Trump saves Rocky then he might steal enough of the black vote to guarantee a victory over the dems
Learn how to reply to a post, shareblue. It's really obvious that you're a shill when you don't know how to use the site.
"a place in which large numbers of people, especially political prisoners or members of persecuted minorities, are deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small area with inadequate facilities, '''sometimes''' to provide forced labour or to await mass execution. "
I swear if people did start being forced into labor or executed faggots like you would continue to make excuses for how shitty we are treating these people. And to imply that people escaping a desperate situation (that we created) are just willingly waltzing up here is also fucking dishonest.
anyone else think this was actually pretty good?
>escaping a desparate situation
"I don't like my country. Give me yours." isn't a valid reason for asylum. We have the right to deny people asylum. They're not OWED anything once they get here.
too bad they aren't doing it legally then which is after all what people who ARE facing actual threats would be doing if their lives ARE in actual danger, no? Fuck off.
What the fuck you expect us to do man? There is a border crisis so of course the facilities are overrun.
I seem to remember it was the democrats who kept saying there was no crisis and they did not want to provide any funding for border control. Now that there is obviously a crisis they call foul they there is not enough rooms for all these migrants. Release them and hope they come back for their court date. Hint, they wont come back and disappear into the USA.
Besides most of these guys can't just waltz in here because they are poor. That does not qualify anyone for asylum. Thats what they do when they are caught, they claim asylum and have free immigration lawyers trying any which way to cheat them into the USA.
Fuck they can leave anytime they want. Simply drop their plea for asylum. Lastly, they should've stopped in Mexico. Mexico isnt a shithole anymore and there are lots of places that are practically free from crime. Mexico city is a metropolitan city for fucks sake.
Donald Trump doesn't have anything against immigrants. His father was an immigrant. He's fucking married to an immigrant.
He has something against ILLEGAL immigration. He has said countless times that he welcomes everybody to America, as long as they come in through the proper channels.
Mate, would you allow somebody to break into your house because it's cleaner than their house?
requesting asylum isn't legal? are you sure?
fuck off bootlicker
Their country isn't at war or under the rule of a tyrannical dictator. You need a valid reason to request asylum, and you have to be approved. We don't give out asylum to any fucking random stranger who requests it. That would be dangerous.
Has a country ever fucked itself harder than Sweden has in the last few decades?
>Has a country ever fucked itself harder than Sweden has in the last few decades?
I don't think so. Sweden is fucking retarded. They're obviously doing this to try and deflect from the fact they protect violent migrants.
We need laws and borders. You literally cannot have a country without laws and borders. Countries exist because we've defined them. If you don't know where your country ends and another country begins (this is called a border) then you don't have a fucking country.
Sweden has no rule of law and open borders
no its not, but most of these guys that request asylum are eventually denied it because being poor is not a valid reason
again, they cant exactly release onto US soil and say, "Please return back at the court house for your asylum hearing, you will come wont you?" Most will not show up.
The US has even instituted a program where they put those awaiting hearings back into Mexico because Mexico is not that dangerous a place anymore. But they still try to come AGAIN and break into here. Fuck off you fucking retard.
>has a country ever fucked itself harder than Sweden
unironically no
you just think that because you have been brainwashed with white propaganda since birth
think for yourself. for once in your life. borders are LITERALLY imaginary
If the guy who was following Rocky looked like this they would have locked him up instead and had the Prime Minister apologize to Rocky on behalf of the entire country.
>borders are imaginary
>countries don't exist
Just come out and fucking say it. Say that you hate America and you don't want us to exist anymore. We all know that's what you believe, so grow some balls and just say it. You're a traitor.
Can someone explain why weren't they immediately released when the video surfaced and the two retards were shown to be the initial aggressors, who had also harassed some women right before?
The message Sweden sends to the populace is:
YES! Be a good boy! "Refugees" are beautiful and if you got in a fight with them it was probably your fault for not respecting their culture. Avoid confrontation. Give them whatever they want. If they want to beat your ass, remember that if you hit your enemies they win. Take it until law enforcement comes to try to dissuade the beautiful "refugees". Also, remember to lube your hole every day before leaving your house in case they want to rape you too.
because the guys are clearly ethnically Middle Eastern
But that's fascism!
idk, maybe they would have not been arrested if they attacked right after the security guard was hit with the headphones
Yes, sweden in the 18th century
was a rising empire soon to become a great power and became a backwater because they foolishly invaded russia and got btfo
It is legal you idiot, what's not legal is crossing over the border without proper documentation which is what they're doing. If they're declaring asylum then they do it through the proper channels instead of fucking sneaking over, and then going full dindu when they get caught.
Literally nobody, not even the most far-right conservatives, are against immigration. They're against illegal immigration and outright fucking invasion, which is what we have going on right now. Democrats purposefully say "immigrants" instead of "illegal immigrants" to sow confusion and paint the opposition as anti-immigrant. They're not. The democrats are literally pro-crime. They're the criminal party.
>invaded russia and got btfo
this has happened too many times in history
pretty much everyone with taste did
holy based
because two wrongs don't make a right. are you literally 12 or do you just have the brain of a child?
rocky is dead
self defense, you fucking yuropoor
still can't tell if you're 13 or just retarded
Twitter logic
Thanks, sane person
>nigger is nigging outside his shitland nigger wasteland country
that's what happens in cultured countries amerimutts
no amount of pol propaganda spamming will change that
liberals will intentionally ignore this fact. theres no use user
trump's about to save this nigga from getting prison time, and he'll still put out edgy woke fuck blumpf songs. someone needs to tell him it's not worth the effort
ah yes, concentration camps that people travel thousands of miles across multiple different countries to get to.
youre a dumbfuck
>Europeans believe you can't protect yourself from someone who is a threat and is following you
God I love being American
this is a migrant vs blacks issue user. don't let the left keep sticking a wedge between us whites and blacks--we have to work together. migrants are the enemy.
Not American or the same user, but yeah it would be great if America didn't exist anymore. Then we wouldn't have constant shit threads like this one
Fuck burgers
Fantano must be fuming right now
The media literally radicalized that poor old man. He said he grew up in Poland or something and took a vow that he would never stand by and allow concentration camps to exist again. The media started calling these detention centers "concentration camps" and using the hashtag #NeverAgain because omfg drumpf is literally Hitler, this old man saw that, and went and fucking shot up an ICE detention center. What he did was wrong, but he was like 70 years old and I can't help feeling bad. The media brainwashed him. I can't help thinking of my grandmother. She's gullible as fuck and believes everything she hears on the news. The poor old guy probably thought he was being a hero.
None of this would have happened if the media were honest and didn't take every opportunity to call Trump a fascist. That level of hyperbole is dangerous.
Reminder that people only call these holding facilities "concentration camps" in order to invoke urgency and violence. You know exactly what you're doing.
damn if only the united states wasn't literally always comically evil in like a doctor doom sense and you came to that realization earlier in life imagine bro.........
humans, especially men, have become so cucked and soft
rocky doesn't comment on normie politics
good to know that you would willingly get your shit kicked in by some foreigners and do nothing about it faggot.
You don't understand. People know that he doesn't mean all immigrants, but this is war. This is what you do in war. You do anything to paint your enemy to be as evil as possible. The line between legal and illegal immigrant have been completely blurred to the point that people just say "immigrant" even though there is a significant difference between the two. You will also see people use the "asylum" meme in an attempt to paint illegal immigrants as people escaping imminent doom, which is just not the general case.
You mean jails? For people that break the law?
Shit if a mexican can violate border law and deserve nothing but apologies should they experience hardship when the fuck do I stop getting speeding tickets? It's so unjust. I'm just getting places faster so I can spread more hillary 2020 pamphlets, honest.
>this is war
Yeah, it's a fucking war on America from within. These people literally want to erase our borders and flood our country. All democrats are traitors.
The only reason i’ve seen why they got detained is because “the use of force” has to be justified or equal to what’s happening. Even though the two guys attacked them, they beat the shit out of them while they were on the ground, so the swedes take that as “excessive” force rather than self defense. It’s retarded considering the two guys were tailing them the whole time and harassing them, like what the fuck were they supposed to do? Those two men looked like they weren’t going to stop otherwise.
pol fags never ceases to disappoint, but please go back.
Reality has a right-wing bias. Normal people are tired of your shit. Progressives has their reign of terror in the 2010s, but it's coming to an end. People are sick of your shit. AOC and Ilhan Omar aren't getting re-releacted, and Trump is winning 2020.
The world is done with you woke Twitter fags.
let me know when illegal immigrants are being periodically incinerated and gassed, then i’ll agree and be angry with you. Until then, these are just detention centers that anyone can leave from. It’s not even remotely equivalent and you’re just perpetuating bullshit to further blow up an issue when it’s not that serious.
Have sex
class traitors who want cheaper narcotics and to signal altruism by subjecting south american people to extreme racism and relative poverty / hard labor
they deserve much worse than trump
>"liberate" the whole american continent
>become rich out of those countries resources
>"liberated" countries turn to shit
>people start fleeing said countries into the rich country
>good ol' uncle sam takes them because they need slave labor
>countries turn even more to shit which creates a bigger wave of migration
>uncle sam doesn't need slave labor anymore so he puts brown people in cages
and people still wonder why the world hates american ideologies.
I'm finally seeing the silver lining, mate. Do you remember when these threads used to be like 99% leftist cucks against one sensible person?
Now it seems like they're usually one austic antifa kid with a million other people calling him a retard. I feel like the world is shifting back to reality.
Underrated doom stan
imagine being this myopic and delusional
Look at him seethe!
He's right though. Donald Trump is getting re-elected.
objective: get (You)s
mission status: accomplished
Imagine being this conceited about America. American exceptionalism is a cancer that weakens your country's ability to handle an actual crisis. When china does go toe-to-toe with burgerland it's gonna be rough for you guys
MEGA cringe
Based trips. If they run biden as expected, trump will win. You're right.
But that post was cringepilled
If Bernie Sanders is run I can see it being close.
Otherwise yeah, he's winning.
Bernie is a broken record. His message is exactly the same as it was in 2016. People didn't care then and they won't care now. AI could write a Bernie speech.
>wall street
>the 1%
>take back the power
>democratic socialism:tm:
>the billionaires
dengist china is a kleptocracy and speculation bubble which will never pose a threat to the untied states or nato no matter how desperately people want it to happen
jinping is a schizoid who speaks in parables and his government is ineffective in spite of their penchant for direct action and violence against citizens
guess who else buys cctv cameras with facial recognition that's right every other country too
american exceptionalism is cancer because american exceptionalism is a bold-faced lie people cling to and use as rationalization for all the psychotic militarism and abuse
On the contrary, people did care-- a lot.
The liberal press just fucking hates him because he's not corporate, even afraid to reference him by name in polling statistics.
Millennials are the largest voting block now and millennials WANT Bernie. But the establishment dems (which is pretty much just the dems) are going to try to force Joe Biden and his broken campaign.
It also goes without saying that it's stupid to say people don't care about Bernie when practically every democratic nominee for president essentially ripped off his platform because he was so popular.
>millennials WANT Bernie
Imagine actually believing this. Go back to chapo fag house you fucking insect
>why is he working on an easy, quick-to-solve issues when there are hard, long-to-solve issues?
That's not how government works, buddy.
As a Swede, Asap deserves his punishment. These Afghan refugees went through hell just to get here. You don't send your goons to attack unarmed people. We respect human rights in our country.
Now the fucking retards are just gonna do it worse for ASAP because you're only allowed to hate Trump here
Hope Trump sends the CIA to kill our government if you know what I mean (we need to end their murder of Sweden)
I really hope this is bait. If you're a man and shave any part of your body hair you're an ultra faggot
you should go outside every once in a while user
Trump is getting reelected, but there's no way Biden is going to be the nominee, unless the DNC pulls another Hillary.
I love threads like this because Yea Forums is full of sois who absolutely seethe at the sign of anything challenging their distorted world view
Pay attention to the news. Millennials don't want Bernie anymore.
Buddy you haven't been in touch with reality for a long time
t. mohammed
Leftists memes are so bad. They aren't funny and never get to the point.
>Body hair trimming guide
Holy shit, is this real? Is /fit/ really this insane?
>millenials WANT Bernie
I fucking hate millenials more than I hate boomers. I can't think of a more useless, self-destructive, whiny generation in all of history. I'll take based zoomers over millrnials any day.
At least zoomers have a sense of humor and aren't offended by everything like a bunch of sensitive cunts.