What are more plunderphonics that aren't boring conventional shit like the avalanches?

what are more plunderphonics that aren't boring conventional shit like the avalanches?

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kill yourself zoomer

Attached: rymfag fuck off.png (572x1500, 358K)

explain in an intelligent way what makes those albums not plunderphonics

>spoonfeed me answers because i don't feel like googling it myself and using my brain for once

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there isn't an intelligent explaination, I'm already familiar with the possible bullshit you could say I just want to hear your dumbass say it

>Not liking the Avalanches
>BORING out of all things

Jesus Christ please kill yourself already


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No. Kill yourself.

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You heard Negativland and John Oswald yet?


>butthurt they get called out for liking cheesy disco music

cheesy doesn't really even mean anything though.

Since I Left You is the peak of sampling though. It's pasting together something like 3000 samples into one cohesive work.

cheap, unpleasant, or blatantly inauthentic.
"cheesy motel rooms"

>3000 samples
why do you think that's a big number?

Helter Stupid from Negativland is a work of genius

The avalanches are decent but massively overrated

The burden of proof is on you to prove they are plunderphonics.

dj yo-yo dieting
impossible nothing

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Attached: hurr but it's not coo coo like john oswald and sounds like normal music so it can't be plu (869x175, 61K)

Wow I can believe the regards who unironically endorse thisAre just gonna disappear with zero protest when confronted with a simple definition they can't refute. Come back and embarks yourselves with some arguments you absolute wannabe smarty pants brainlets

Hip hop is plunderphonics now? Interesting...

So most modern recordings are plunderphonics

yeah not all rectangles are squares you absolute retards

And just like that, silence from the pseuds

it's wikipedia. any idiot (such as yourself) can edit it and have it stay up without citing credible sources. it's a broad (and therefore misleading) definition that doesn't take into account Oswald's (the man who coined the term in the first place) essay which can be found here plunderphonics.com/xhtml/xplunder.html

it clearly does take that into account, can you read??

Attached: hurrrr but but but there's no way anything as rigid as a genere term could possibly grow to mea (656x314, 54K)

A good example of plunderphonics is a ytpmv I checked a while ago and its a remake of Dancing Mad made entirely with spongebob samples, its legitimately great

>that image title
also /thread

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According to this, hip hop counts as plunderphonics, retard

yeah according to geometry squares count as rectangles pesud.

they obviously didn't bother to read the entire essay if "it's just audio collage" is all they took away from it. that definition fails to mention the subversive intentions and lack of commercial viability behind true plunderphonics. you obviously can't read if you need it explained to you

you obviously don't understand what an origin is.

do you turd munchers go around trying to convince people that Skrillex isn't dubstep too? because you should if this is how you think language works.

So are you telling me that hip hop (squares) is plunderphonics (rectangles)?

Just admit you don't know the difference between sampling and plunderphonics already.

>moving goalposts

yeah and next I'm gonna tell you that hip hop is electronic music. Then I'm gonna wreak your baby mind by explaining how nouns can be described by multiple different adjectives and how common sense dictates the adjectives we choose to use when we describe nouns.

not even, it just seems that way cause this is common knowledge is some how new information to your dumbass.

This is my favorite plunderphonics album.

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so you have bad taste, you want a medal?

hey guys, this is my favorite RECTANGLE, am i SMART NOW?

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>I don't want to take part in a discussion that I chose to take part in

People Like Us is pretty good

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angry tards falling for obvious bait

>People Like Us
what are you referring to? I only see some shitty movie when i search that

jokes on you, I made both posts there was only ONE tard

it did not take much for me to google "people like us artist" but here you go

This is semi-based, but it's pretty much just an excuse to jerk someone off over their "TRUE non-mainstream plunderphonics are the ONLY plunderphonics". DJ Shadow and J. Dilla are hip hop. Their music isn't plunderphonics because it consists of a backing track, beats, drums, all that shit along with the samples. The Avalanches are pretty much textbook plunderphonics, though. The have more in common with that negativland album you posted than pretty much any other album on that chart.

I don't know why Panda Bear is there.


>learn the difference
soon as you explain it

they are commercially viable

Attached: uurrah uah urr derrr but but muh subversivity of authentic plunderphonics noooooooo.jpg (766x319, 100K)

>I don't know why Panda Bear is there.
you really don't know? You give your big brain paragraph explanation but you can't puzzle that one out?


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Stock, Hausen and Walkmen
People Like Us
Position Normal
Dannibal by Cex
Christian Marclay
Does the first Eno/Byrne count?

im keeping this shit pile alive