Music Player Thread

Post your music players

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Musicbee or bust.

Cool music player user, can you link me to the skin and music player.
Also I suggest to activate windows faggot.

>using proprietary software

/g/ pls go

Standard and boring Foobar
Restoring my music library

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foobar on Windows, something else on linux if my music is stored in an external drive

this, musicbee is beyond perfect

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Winamp. [spoiler]It still whips the llama's ass.[/spoiler]

die krupps


Musicbee would randomly delete my music

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Spotify and youtube

Winyl + a Noise (Elementary OS player) skin I found in deviantart

Attached: winyl+noiseskin.png (815x560, 102K)

How much space does your music take up on your computer? I want to know before I start downloading some albums.

Can't really stand any other music players after using this one.

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-07-19 14-10-41.png (1920x1080, 802K)

Make sure your settings aren't deleting music.

i get flacs when i can, currently i have 270gb. but its still mounting

Vertical monitor music player master race

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external HDs are affordable as fuck in these times

that seems cool from a screenshot but I bet that takes up awkward space IRL

>it doesn't move

based lolicore poster

hell yeah Bisk is great

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musicbee is good but i dont like how it doesnt automatically add new music when I add it to the folder

183gb for ~1.6k albums
about 95% are 320 mp3's, 4% flac and 1% misc
i honestly hate when shit automatically adds new music
i have black player on my phone and the only way to get new music on it is to leave it open for several minutes till it randomly decides to add my new albums
i dont see the hassle with manually adding new music to mb though
insert key > click 'ok' > finished, doesnt take any longer than 20 seconds

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what a faggot

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i keep my library at 120GB for the sake of my ipod classic. its a pretty good amount without being too much anyway.

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supremely based

musicbee is good, but i don't give a shit about artist pictures, biographies, lyrics, etc. so foobar is for me. it's just a bare bones music player that works and leaves all that faggy stuff optional.

>my bloody valentine
good stuff


where my freetards at?

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foobar2k with columns ui

this. used to have musicbee on my old computer, but it broke and i cant be bothered anymore

underrated post

I hate that iTunes is such a bitch to use, but it's the only aesthetically pleasing player to me.

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Right here
Post your dotfiles, that config looks really nice

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