Someone give me the secrets to making music. I know you are all modern day mozarts.
Someone give me the secrets to making music. I know you are all modern day mozarts
hard work and patience.
plunderphonics is key. learn about deejaying technique. fuck around in audacity. alter samples in unacceptable ways. cratedig.
these are my tips for you. godspeed, user.
The V goes to the I
enjoy it or give up
Practice like crazy, study like crazy. Get your hand on one score of a piece you like and study it inside and out.
if you can't hum a melody right now worth developing into a song do something else dude
Make the music that YOU enjoy and want to make, not the kind that you think others will want to hear. If you personally don't enjoy what you're making you'll never be invested enough to stick at it.
I can hum melodies. But the problem I have is I dont know what note it is I'm humming. Or if I listen to a song, and I hum that song. I cant tell if the note progression goes up or down, however, when actually listening to the song I can tell. Maybe I should just go to Yea Forums cause I'm retarded..
I dont know about using audacity. I can sort of one up that. I use fl studio 20. My problem with altering samples is I have no idea where to find a song i want to mess around with.
Practice. Get a piano and try figuring out. Trial and error. Until you get used to it. It's literally the only way - muscle memory is what will save you.
>music needs melody
untrve fucking poser
I do think that a lot of music has a melody. But I think melody isnt the right word but rhythm. I listen to a lot of electronic music and the harder subgenres are more about the rhythm then melody.
this guy knows what he's talking about
dont listen to the music in the same genre youre trying to make, you'll just subconsciously emulate the sounds you like
stay away from trying to emulate contemporary musicians, either look to the past or to the future, otherwise you'll just end up making something pastiche
take music seriously, only insofar as its still fun to make
the moment shit becomes serious youre not going to be able to recapture the innocent joy of producing something without other peoples expectations weighing you down
always assume your friends dont actually like your music, and just tell you its good because they still want to support you for doing it (which isnt a bad thing, and you shouldt judge them for it)
find at least one person whose willing to give you honest feedback and tell you what youre doing right/wrong, keep them around, some of them might become your closest friends and collaborators
Install FL Studio and make some grindcore like all the cool kids on Myspace.
use search terms in youtube for what you want like "drum solo" or "drum Practice" or whatever else and filter for the most recent result.
If you haven't had rhythms, melodies, and harmonies running through your head since before you can remember being conscious, it's unlikely that you will ever create music that anyone would want to listen to.
suspended chords
>But the problem I have is I dont know what note it is I'm humming
Learning what the notes are is a good place to start. Key a keyboard. Hum your note. Plunk at the keys until you find the same note. Write down what it is.
Then go start studying the basics of theory, like scales and chords.
You can't cheat sheet your way to being a musician. Get started.
I highly suggest you learn what those are.
it helps to be sexually liberated, if you hold on to notions about traditionalism or hatred, you can't get the jar open. The jar can break only from pure light, even Nugent knows this
the essence is to make sounds that make me feel good inside
in all seriousness, this is the answer; people gotta wanta hear it, and you have to agree that it's at least not shit. I'm not saying fall in love with your stuff, I'm saying make sure it's better than silence
so, in summary, the secret to music is making it sound really good
That's the jist of why I'm trying to learn music. The sound is the only thing keeping me alive, so why not try to learn how to make the sounds that keep me alive. Too bad my motivation levels are in the negatives lol
ya ever pull back a compound bow? Well, at least when you're young, it takes so much strength to pull that fucker, but once you get the line to a certain point, the mechanism takes all the weight and you don't struggle with the tension, now you can concentrate on aiming
you only need learn enough music to concentrate on aiming
based sex magic poster
bumping to help op find The Secret of the Ooze
Holy fuckin based. GO NINJA GO NINJA GO!
Nokia jokes weren't funny in 2010 and aren't now
try putting emotion into your work. your emotions reflect onto everything you do