how many of you have tinnitus?
i don't mean debilitating, but just slight ringing if in a quiet enough environment.
is that normal or should i start getting depressed?
How many of you have tinnitus?
mine isn't so bad that I it actively annoys me but I can't be in a room without white noise otherwise it does
Most people have it from living a normal life and doing things like driving in noisy traffic everyday.
I'd say it's normal.
at least we got it listening to nice music
my grandpa got it and then went deaf due to the extremely loud engines of the lancaster bombers he flew while bombing the krauts to kingdom come
I used to have it. I stopped using headphones since 2017 and it got way better
I have it, it must be very common among the newer generations. Doesn't really bother me and I only really notice it if I'm stressed or drinking coffee in silence
i make music for hours a day with headphones on. when the ringing gets louder I just turn it up louder to mask it. I don't think this is a viable strategy
interesting to know that it can sort of improve.
i gotta tone my headphones down more often but i rely on them since i produce.
I have it a little in my right ear but it’s no biggie
>when the ringing gets louder I just turn it up louder to mask it
The Chad Solution
I've had it for several years; it honestly doesn't really bother me and definitely doesn't stop me from listening to music loudly
trust me, the worst thing to do with tinnitus is worrying about it too much.mild tinnitus like you described is very common anyway, just don't blast your music too loud. in my experience stress makes it alot worse.
Mine, often comes in and out of nowhere, will not leave until the next day and sometimes weeks.
I have it and it doesn't really debilitate me, I also listen to mostly noise and extreme metal
born with it
its very annoying and loud when its completely silent, which can ruin some ambient albums or just moments of silence in songs but for the most part its not unbearable
i miss being able to fall asleep without a fan or music playing though
you didn't evolve to exist in complete silence so you will always hear something
most people get it to some degree, civilization is LOUD
I've had it since I was 3 due to the family car's muffler falling off while driving four hours to the hospital where my grandmother was dying.
This was an older car missing a lot of the carpet so it wasn't quiet inside to begin with. Just an open header (no cat), a thin layer of steel, and then your ears.
>everyone's face when
it usually goes away at some point
I've had it since I was a kid. I don't get the people saying they're gonna kill themselves because of it. If I had some white noise in my head or something, then yes, it's time for death.
I've got it in my left ear. It's mild enough that I can just ignore it.
maybe the most based way to get tinnitus
Yes I have it and yes it's terrible. I got it probably from being in marching band for seven years, in addition to listening to a lot of music with headphones. Luckily it's not terrible most of the time but there are definitely spikes. I've gotten used to it but it's really annoying when there's supposed to be a silent moment in a movie or something and all I hear is EEEEEEE.
I've had tinnitus as well as visual snow as long as I can remember, probably from birth. My brain just filters them out unless I'm in a dark/silent room and for some reason think of them. It can get pretty fucking loud and my entire vision just becomes a mess of random colors and TV static.
They say that every time you hear a ringing in your ears, that's the sound of follicles dying. So that pitch you hear when your ears ring is the last time you'll hear that specific frequency
>If I had some white noise in my head or something, then yes, it's time for death.
You know some extreme cases of tinnitus have been described by patients as hearing constant hellish screaming inside your head, right?
That's like psychosis. How old were the patients?
Genuinely got chills reading this. Had no idea. New fucking fear
Its ok bro, commercially available Neuralinks are right around the corner
Usually older, at least late 40's if not outright elderly
rip my 15kHz+ follicles
I do and I’ve had it since I was like 9, but I thought it was normal so I don’t really notice it unless I consume a good amount of caffeine and stand in a bathroom.
I have tinnitus but it's probably from being in the high school band because my headphones are quieter than anyone I know
Robot ears when?