Melon strikes again with propaganda

Melon strikes again with propaganda

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>muh utopia
Yeah good luck with that

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All of his knowledge in politics comes from reading headlines in Reddit. Let me guess, he's voting for Bernie?

Fuck off brain dead boomer

Reminder he did a video with amazing atheist and a podcast with Sargon of Akkad

>yeah, those abstract terms are GOOD, im basing my ordering of society on those GOOD ABSTRACT TERMS, that never went wrong at any point in history, right?


Hahaha... He’s insufferable. Jesus Christ...

I'm down with most leftist ideas, but trannys are mentally ill freaks

>being this ignorant to the dsm
You are also a mentally ill freak tho

and sam hyde

>all people.
>and trans

I appreciate his honesty.

hahhahaha this fucking retard

>being a dsm sheep
drink the koolaid, bitch

the dumb cunt reviews music
he now wants to be a serious political commentator
he needs to fucking get a reality grip
please stop giving this idiot oxygen ffs

Imagine caring about the political ramblings of someone who critques music for a living.


good one imbecile
ive never watched his dumbshit music ramblings so whats your point besides poor quality bait?

oh thanks tranny. i dont care.
youre imagination must suck dirty cock

how is this propaganda?
do you imply he doesn't stand for those values?
do you imply that the right in the US also stand for those values?

>standing in the way of desegregation
The left wing is currently the single greatest force pushing for segregation though, change my mind. I just cannot fucking believe that "cultural appropriation" still a thing.

>anti left wing groyper talking about propaganda


why are you all so upset by trans people lmao

>Melon head's politics is irrelevant and no one should listen to them
>you're a tranny

Not so bright, are you?

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Another thread about a fucking e-celeb. The absolute state of this board

Yo honestly what is wrong with trying to make the world better? Fuck your nihilism.

Let me guess, you're voting for Bernie?

He said "his agenda", which implies a plan or course of action, yet he doesn't actually do anything but talk about music, so yes he's full of shit.
>the right in the US also stand for tranny rights
"tranny rights" isn't about rights, it's about privileges like using the public restrooms designated for the opposite sex.
From the perspective of the right, there are only human rights and they apply to everyone just the same, trannies have these just like everyone else does. Specifying "tranny rights" like there are unique rights that trannies need is an inherently left wing idea; that rights are given to people by the government, and are not simply the freedoms humans have (under the law of God) if no government existed at all.

This is disingenuous as fuck. You guys always make false dichotomies so that youre still "allowed" to just fucking hate on people. Eat shit

if he doesn't do anything but talk about music then why the fuck are people so upset that he is talking about politics?
he interacts a bunch with left-leaning commentators and politicians on twitter

>a priviledge to use a public bathroom paid by people's taxes.
Eat shit.

>bathrooms in stores/restaurants are paid for by tax dollars

Basically "stick to your lane, you have nothing of value to add to political discourse"

Oh ho ho so what you're really saying is you don't recognize trans people as actually being the gender they transitioned to? Just fucking say it, dude. You want people to be able to shame them and make them feel like shit in public.

trans people want to be treated as the gender they transitioned too. Can you really not see how retarded your argument is?

>t. never been out the USA
You're like the journalist who went to Somalia to prove that is not a shithole like Trump said and end up being kill by the local population


>Melon strikes propaganda

>d-dude if you disagree about politics with a man famous for saying farty synths you're a nihilist

>trans people want to be treated as the gender they transitioned too
That demands something from other people, therefore it's not a right. You're not entitled to control other people's opinions and views.

he has definitely reflected over those ideas of the left, and it is nothing but his freedom of speech to spread them on.
nobody here would have cared, rather praised him if he mindlessly spread right-leaning opinions.

Traps are gay.

hate is an emotion just like love. I don't need to have a reason to hate niggers. I just do. It's in my blood.

>under the law of god

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And you would cry and say he's propaganda if he was right leaning, dumb faggot.

I'm not saying shit, just pointing out your idiocy in implying that the issue is public (i.e. Tax funded) bathrooms and not privately owned bathrooms. Dumbfuck.

no because I am actually able to discuss without resulting to insults, you troglodyte

Yes, right wingers tend to be religious. Is this news to you?
Human rights being natural freedoms would have to include murder and theft and shit without a religious structure that forbids it.

ok boomer

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If this mans political opinions are anything like his musical opinions than why would anyone listen to hin

>Garbage taste in music
>Garbage taste in politics
Yeah, it checks out

Convincing people that they'll be raped by demons for eternity if they act shitty just works better. It is what it is. Roll with it.

These responses are like pol if pol had even less of an average IQ
Fucking reddit all the way

> Anonymous 07/19/19(Fri)16:17:55 No.89028576▶
>>d-dude if you disagree about politics with a man famous for saying farty synths you're a nihilist
Why do people care about this absolute nobody opinion on everything

I like how he has rights for people and trans rights separate

Fuck all of you alt right is trash


I'm white, racist asshole


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You exposed yourself otherwise when you said "is trash"

Is trash related to being nigger?

Don't care cause I'm in the orange part

WHO THE FUCK CARES, why does he think anybody asks to hear what he thinks about shit

2 terms

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>everything i do and think = good
>everything they do and think = bad

i fucking hate people who act like this, it's like a big grown baby man who only sees the world in black and white based on what makes him feel good.

based melon

that is not a right retard

Have sex

>trans rights
I too support trans rights but I still think they are mentally ill. They deserve rights like any person with mental illness.


Holy fuck, Locke was a mistake.

Most of these points are either applicable to the left as well (like supporting U.S. imperialism), taken out of context (Rand Paul proposed an amendment to offset spending on the fund with spending cuts), or just basic bitch progressive talking points (welfare queens and the gay/trans agenda are a real thing, voter ID is not racist, Migrants at the border are flooding it). Some points he is right about, like climate change.

He should stick to music reviews, at least there he has a pretense of knowing what the fuck he's talking about, although that pretense is fading rapidly

Okay what does that mean.

That isn't what you argued moron.
You said
>muh utopia
Like it was a problem. Explain yourself and stop changing the subject.

He's just a YouTube music reviewer, who cares about his political allegiances? The second any of these hacks gets a smidgen of popularity they have to start bleating their political views to anyone within earshot. Just stfu and review music.

There's nothing wrong with enjoying aspects of a culture that isn't your own. Just don't rant and rave about "muh niggers" if you enjoy rap music.

It means that they should have their rights assured like normal people regardless of their illness.

fuck white people

>the gay/trans agenda
You mean not getting murdered or treated like sub-humans?

Sure thing sweetie
That's ALL there is to it

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He definitely gave those 100 gecs faggots a 7 because they are trannies

Trannies forced the DSM to change its stance. The science hasn't evolved on gender dysphoria, the culture is bastardizing science to suit a narrative.

Based as fuck

No one else to vote for on the left that's sane with a consistent track record

What is this supposed to prove?

Who gives a shit

I mean drag kids going to gay bars acting like pseudo-strippers

trans people should have the right to sexually assault women and underage girls! suck trans cock you bigot! yaasss queen

What are trans rights? They can do everything normal human Americans can do except serve in the military.

lmao, i bet 20, 50, 100 however many years ago you'd be arguing for adhd kids being kept in solitary confinement, gay people being "cured" with electroshock therapy etc because "muh doctors say so"

Minors aren't allowed into bars without their parents

Martin Luther King Jr. ~
"I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to 'order' than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice."

Free men are not equal, and equal men are not free.

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Transexuals deserve to be crucified.

Regular faggots can just get the rope.

If trans people didn't continually exploit the military medical system to get free hormones and sex changes then they probably wouldn't have been noticed but they took it too far and now they are banned for a few years, they deserved it.

Have fun justifying our tax dollars going to chopped weewees to Cletus in 2024 Demoshits.

>It's ok to act like a gay stripper because the parents say it's ok

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stay on reddit fag.

>doesn't know the actual definition of gender dysphoria
>thinks he can talk about this topic with anyone taking him seriously

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Name 3 (three) times this has happened

gender dysphoria isnt real.

anthony is a pathetic attention whore. and you guys always give him what he wants.

Doctors able to prescribe hormone treatment and perform surgeries stand to benefit from more people thinking they need it.

>Not being smart enough to realize that 'God given' rights are synonymous with 'natural rights'

Yea Forums doesnt have an educated enough user base to engage in discussion like this.

Yeah im getting sick of his random onions boy period blood dripping on the internet

hit me with the fantano pasta

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>ending net neutrality
Friendly reminder that it has been a year since this and we consumers haven't been harmed because of it. None of that apocalyptic reddit propaganda became true.

Stop giving him attention you fucking faggots

>melon being a childish idealist
Color me surprised.

>natural rights
Is that supposed to be less retarded or

why did he take down his deathspell omega review for being nazis but hasn't taken down his eyrkah badu, mf doom, nas, wu tang clan and jay electronica reviews for being affiliated with the five percent nation

he has to be one of the biggest fags of all time

>sees retard
>calls retard a retard
>lol u mad bro xD

remember when he made videos with Sam Hyde and Sargon of Akkad and made jokes about Hillary Clinton

I know right? The ironic thing is that Locke argued for human rights under a frame that had the existence of the Christian God as a premise for his argument, and most of these people don’t even believe in god or much less can fulfill the social contract

>standing up for human rights is propaganda
the absolute state of poltards

he threw sam under the bus in his fader response

you mentally challende retard should just kill yourselves

all rand said was to put a cap on the fund
otherwise they would be throwing a potentially unlimited amount of money into it


Name ONE right that trans "people" don't have

trans already have rights, he has the wrong idea of what creates economic stability, and equity is not legislatable
Freedom I'm fine with
Melon is bad music

Taking a dump in any toilet they prefer to

My problem with the left today is that they see their positions as moral defaults that any good person should hold. Any political deviation from the laundry list of party positions is akin to a moral deviation as well. I am no conservative, but this mentality (mainly found among chapo types) makes it intolerable to discuss politics at all. In recent years, I've disconnected from politics altogether for this reason.

They can't force people to humor their delusions and that really bothers them

I'm a cis man and I shit in the girls' bathroom a few times through my school days, no ones cares

Fader changed him. Realized he had to go all in on the pseudo-woke act to save face. Somehow this board still cares about him, even though he only reviews top 40 pop and mumble rap these days. He's a complete hack that hasn't been useful in almost half a decade, and he knows it.

Literally nothing is stopping you from doing that.

Perform sexual intercourse.

Do white people who use the word “equity” understand that it means literally crippling the world’s population to our lowest possible point for the sake of retards feeling useful?

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fuck discord tranny raiders

yes, fuck yes, then maybe you'll realize how fucking stupid you look in a dress with stubble and square jaw

Trannyism is an embarrassing social fad that will be looked at as the teens equivalent of the thalidomide disaster. The likes of the tavistock gender clinic completely collapsing under the pressure of internet idiots for a get out of jail free card for psychopaths and perverts - the shame of this is not yet understood.

had a good kek at that image

I don’t mind if someone wants to talk about politics, but the extent Fantanao tries to remind people that he’s a leftist is annoying.

someone post the jazz/tolkien meme

good thread

trannies never elaborate on what rights theyre talking about they just spam trans rights over and over. truly living memes