>nearly every board has become a /pol/ colony
>Yea Forums is still putting up resistance
What makes music-based communities more resistant to far-right propaganda? Compared to other hobbies?
Nearly every board has become a /pol/ colony
Other urls found in this thread:
>someone took the time to make this thread
do you have autism?
it's because far right music sucks gonads
Yea Forums is infested with /pol/ because everyone knows Hollywood is controlled by Jews. However, the Jewish involvement in the development of popular music like jazz and hip-hop isn't as obvious, so people aren't completely aware that they're being subverted.
Nobody cares.
lol /pol/ is better than u
i think ive read somewhere that left-leaning art is more creative or whatever for various reasons, which is why right wing music sucks. theres no good right wing music to post and any political discussion on here is hardly related to music so it dies pretty fast
Yea Forums is fine
/int/ mocks rightards from time to time
Yea Forums is fine
It's mostly Yea Forums that is infested with them.
>jews bad!
Yea Forums has the highest per capita percentage of ex-redditors, ex-tumblrinas, and current instathots. that will change soon.
it gets spammed by tards because they want to keep the "leftist music is better" sentiment artificially afloat
>left-leaning art is more creative or whatever for various reasons
That's not true at all. Italian Futurism, which influenced Art Deco and other movements, was effectively a fascist movement.
How mentally unstable do you haveto be to post something like this?
>jews good!
reminder: talking about politics is /pol/ regardless of which side of the shit-flinging retard battle you're on. Ignore politics, listen to music. here's a track you could give a listen youtube.com
JIDF pls
Almost as mentally unstable as the various groups he listed
something factually correct?
>left-leaning art is more creative
t. can't into art history
Just look at all the unironic rap threads
rap is good though, stfu boomer racist cunt
>Le funny merchant
hahahah i kek very much funny /pol/ak praise kek.
Literally every composer who didnt do firetrucker garbage was right wing, or at least would have none of that chapocel faggotry permeating this board.
Woah they created Art Deco that truly proves his comment wrong
Can you name a recent right wing band that isn't pure shit? Trump had to get fucking 3 Doors Down to play his inauguration hahaha
how trite, maybe reddit is more your speed
t. still can't into art history
Damn you’re so intelligent user art historian and all that
U haz el mad bro?
thanks user, maybe you should look into it too one day
He doesn't have to because he knows that leftist art is more creative
ha, good joke fellow art historian
I don't care about politics I just want to be sad
Far-right music is actually patrician stuff
it's simple: musicians are artists,
and herefore disposable for fascists
also, it's kind of hard to write good songs -
or art in general - if you have no empathy
that's why the only good artists that were (at some point or to some degree)
right wing were all totally coked up, senile, or clinically insane.
Blackmetal is far-right and it's awesome. Although I hate stupid apologetic pigskins like you OP, you only make good music when you are angry enough to genocide anything. That is when I know you wh*tes are being genuine and are making real art.
cringe and cuckpilled
>I know you wh*tes
lol. sure.
Post a time stamp of your black ass
Schoenberg and Stravinsky were political reactionaries. As far as Im concerned, this cant be countered by any onions wimp from the sphere of popular music.
>firetrucker garbage
Ebin /classical/ meme faggot
Black metal fucking sucks though
user, you're 3 months and 18 days late
t. listens to Radiohead and Weezer
t. buttmad romanticismfag
My resistance is the fact that the retarded nazis can't write punk/hardcore/crust/d-beat/grind/powerviolence/whatever worth a shit. Their biggest claim to fame is hurr durr first Skrewdriver album and that still sucks. GG Allin was awesome, so were Anal Cunt, but not real supporters of theirs. They figured out black metal like early Goatmoon but right wing punk, let alone far right punk, still sucks all 17 colors of my shit.
>Yea Forums is fine
Yea Forums is literally /pol/-lite
you need to be high IQ and an independent thinker to fully understand music
all those genres are shit in general. but you seriously haven't heard of Légion 88? poser hours have begun
Rupture, Netjajev SS and Admit You're Shit dude.
Not nazi but not some leftie garbage either.
>Blackmetal is far-right and it's awesome
Most bands aren't political, and NSBM is soulless garbage.
poltards keep making shitty cultural marxism, jordan lobsterman, and GOD CLASSICAL ART WAS WAY BETTER FUCK POMO threads and things of that ilk on Yea Forums
sure there are people rightfully pointing out these retards have never seen a rothko in person, lobsterman is a hack, etc, but that these idiocies must have containment threads in the first place hints that the shitbuckets eventually going to tip
don't forget /lgbt/, it's swarming with /pol/tards who are obsessed with the community
ironically they're all repressed gays and trannies themselves
incoherent S E E T H I N G
>Yea Forums is fine
In what world?
i want cops and politics poasters off my board
go fucking kiss in the pretend gulag i don't give a fuck
tired of this shit every day dude
get a better hobby
ask for a raise
stupid cunt
>the Jewish involvement in the development of popular music like jazz and hip-hop isn't as obvious, so people aren't completely aware that they're being subverted.
lmao what? Jews controlling the music industry is well known. There was even a major storyline in The Sopranos of Hesh the jew """"owing"""" the nigger rapper reparations for jewing his ancestor out of his record deal money.
punk is a sóy abomination that is based on complete lack of musical skill and ability, can't turn it good no matter what
Back to r*ddit, comrade
Very true.
it may be well known for those in the know but their involvement has not been memed about enough apparently. that's one thing to look forward to in the future.
>NSBM is soulless garbage.
Well yes but actually no, punk rock was a continuation of garage rock.
There are many very talented punk bands out there.
jews are white
semites aren't white
>There are many very talented punk bands out there.
this is because they've stepped far outside of what punk originally was, usually the skill/ability comes from outside genre influences and they often get criticism for being too polished to be "real punk" for this reason
jews are white
Yeah but usually by either "punks" or the people that hate punk for whatever reason (usually political reasons).
i'll piss in your air conditioner you fucking coon
not even true
What's not true about it?
Isn't it strange how all the smart independent people agree with you and all the dumb sheep are right wingers?
It's so odd how things worked out that way
>if you're against something that's what you secretly are
punks are prententious niggers that will not be up for anything but "true" punk
Does that mean that antifa ARE the real nazis?
Those genres are all incredible and get my dick hard.
>Légion 88
THAT, is weak cocksuckery of the highest order. Complete with a boomer guitar solo. I forgot to mention: all RAC bands suck butt.
This is actually alright, but if you want not leftie hardcore just listen to early Agnostic Front or something like One Life Crew, kicking homeless people in the face, cleaning up America for Americans!
I'm glad shit taste isn't contagious
Not true, i am a punk and not pretentious in any way. I don't tell people what to listen to or how to think. Many punks are faggots tho this is true, but they are mostly just in it for the politics anyway which is kinda lame.
Very familiar with Agnostic Front and NYHC in general.
so you say it's true and not true and the same time. this is your brain on shit music user, stop while you can
anteefers""" and fucking red dick revolt are stupid assed roleplaying groups for crackers that didn't quite crest the upper mid threshold and think lean pockets for dinner is abject poverty, evidence of cruelty
if barry bobomba just gave you a free doctor like he said he would none of you losers would be chimping out over any of this silly horseshit i guarantee it
But it is in a way, depends on the punk really. But i wouldn't put the anti-pc punks with the pc punks, they do not get along at all. You are also assuming punk is all i listen to which is far from the truth.
punk is when you're a conformist social democrat but play your guitar bad on purpose : -)
they're communists which is infinitely worse
These unironically
inb4 samefag, check the times
the best art is generally created by degens and people that may not be completely right in the head and manifests as an unconscious expression of the human condition/experience
im not sure if thats what youd call ''left wing'' or not, personally i think that anything that has a conscious political goal as anti art, whether it be left or right
it should make people mad when retards ruin a board. dropping articles and punctuation is far from incoherent: people do it all the time.
wow idealogies based on following hierarchies and falling in line attract sheep
who wudda guessed
now this is what i call incoherent seething
eat shit
But they still made such incredible music, even the anarchists and the I-don't-care-you-can-all-die-just-give-me-my-heroin-nihilists.
a lot of good music is made by rather dangerous (to themselves and people around them) mentally ill extremists so obviously it's going to be more left leaning for that reason
>le epic resistance
resistance? i'm here to shitpost
It's because this place is filled with teenagers and people new to Yea Forums. Yea Forums and Yea Forums are the first boards most teenagers go to when they find this site. Conservatism usually starts in your mid twenties when you start making real life experiences instead of going by what you're told and what you see in your bubble (school/local community). I only turned conservative once I lived in a big city and saw how the immigrants there acted and what they said (even though I'm a second gen immigrant myself). Most kids here never made any real life experiences like that.
nothing, stop making this board a political statement of either. both left and right individuals browse here.
Yea Forums is literally /pol/ with video games, well done proving yourself wrong retard
listen up faggots:
this board is for music discussion, we don't care about politics here, ok?
imagine actually being this obsessed with something so fucking pointless as politics. right-wing, left-wing, i don't care you are all sad losers. get a real life, friends and hobbies so that you have something to do and not waste your whole fucking life fighting about politics with strangers online.
what kind of a fucking retarded schizo do you have to be to see politics in everything from video games to movies to music. pathetic
Ah yes, the newfags come here for the music and video games. Pic related.
Fucking next election is going to send the entire chan into a new circle of hell. The majority of /pol/ might even be old enough to vote this time too.
Because 90% of music has left-wing slant.
*ahem* fuck lefty niggers
Slit your throat
Gas yourself
90% of music is made by centrists and apoliticals and leftists try to take credit for it.
>see: the entirety of hip-hop forever
>we got metal and kpop generals
no sweetie, this board is riddled with nazis
There are no National Socialist Workers parties active in any government today. The Nazis are literally a figment of your imagination.
>implying a political identity exists only if it is represented in any contemporary government
I didn't imply it. I said it, you dumb nigger.
it's hard to be a /pol/tard when so much of modern music is derived from african music.
Yea, like the Scotch Snap.
Totally African.
>being this mad over an arbitrary, non-issue
get help
>le magical musical negro shaman meme
Just shut up.
Tell me more about Music Appreciation 101, tranny.
Would you consider The Holocaust to be white genocide?
No, It's Yea Forums, because japs don't give a shit about western politics, neither do Yea Forumsutists
Never said they were good, however having the opinion that they are bad is brainlet tier. An hero now.
You faggots will never take black metal from us
Give me 3 good far right music artists that influenced music on a grand scale,
that's you cant because right wingers are more obsessed with destroying things rather than creating things others can enjoy.
Pretty much this
Only half decent band is Bound For Glory
Literally every composer was left-leaning in their time; the nationalist romantic composers were nationalistic/republican which was left-leaning for its time (compared to monarchism, absolutism etc.), Bach was a modernist and Beethoven was literally a liberal. Nothing you say will ever change that. Try again lol!
Wagner, Morrissey, Burzum
>far right
You're absolutely retarded if you think this and literally have no idea what Wagner was like as a person or what he did in his life apart from "le hitler liked him so he's le nazi right wing lolz!". He was an absolute innovator who tried to revolutionize art and end capitalism and he even took part in 1848 revolutions with Bakunin for fucks sake.
and they would be extreme right now, so try again fag
he went full fash in his later days tho, nietzsche wrote his last essay condemning wagner
That is literally an anachronism which doesn't make them what you want them to be and you're a fucking faggot full of assumptions that don't make any sense; an hero immediately.
shouldn't this be kind of easy since most things are "far right" to leftists now
Context matters: fascism didn't exist then and nationalism/republicanism was a left-leaning ideology in the 19th century.
Ah yes the good ol' boomer comment about how antifa is the real fascists am I right fellow intellectuals.
Racism in the context of the 19th century was normal, it wasn't political at all. Marx was an antisemite/selfhating Jew as well, so I guess he's right wing now too, huh, you fucking brainlet?
again no, antifa are communists which is infinitely worse
I too am a completely free thinking and rational individual.
Sweaty, thats literally nazism, educate yourself and do better.
sweaty try putting a little more effort into your shitty bait comments
Are you fucking shitting me bro? Anti semitism wasn't political? Ugh Go ask the Jews what they think of Wagner. They don't hate him for no reason
>to each according to their need from each according to their ability
>ultranationalism based on entirely wrong conceptions of how the world works and what nations and people are and just murder the ones you don't like a on meth-crazed ritualistic killing spree
Even if it is political, it's not a right or left leaning stance.
>just murder the ones you don't like a on meth-crazed ritualistic killing spree
applies to commies too
Sweaty, /leftypol/ faggots like you are negligible minority as far as contemporary left goes, you can keep screeching how idpol twitter radlibs are not real life, its gonna be as effective as demaistrean monarchist railing magatards. The fact stands that for an average leftoid today the western classical music is too white, too male, and too regressive.
read marx
Killing the rich is substantially less of a damage and problem than trying to wipe out entire nations.
That's the exception. The Nazis had New Objectivity, which was just boring.
dilate, tranny
Lay off the social media and SJW cringe compilations and start living a non-schizophrenic lifestyle, at least for the sake of your mental health. I don't give a shit about your epic le right vs left battle and partisanship.
What's the logical outcome of his beliefs? Which one certain German leader did he have a massive influence on? He fucking sperged on the Jews nonstop.
read marx
>Which one certain German leader did he have a massive influence on?
Irrelevant. Just because you misinterpret Jesus Christ as a communist for example that doesn't make him one. Are Nietzsche and Bruckner Nazis as well?
Post NSBM classics
NSBM sucks dick like the rest of far right "music"
because arts in general have been infested with marxist propaganda since 50s
mutt and pleb
oh man the russians on the internet really did a number on all you ameritards, shit is fucked
lol ok
Shit taste
Conservatism is the status quo.
Fuck communism
t. Pleb
New Objectivity was proclaimed degenerate by Nazis, are you retarded.
thanks man
Kaevum is grea
Black metal (like most extreme metal) is pretty garbage save for a select few albums, no wonder it appeals to right wingers
Not irrelevant
>German Romantic nationalist
>Critical of capitalism
>Foaming at the mouth antisemite
>Family members all became Nazis
This is national socialism. It's not a matter of misinterpretation, all these things paint a pretty fucking clear picture of who he was and we know they influenced Hitler through his writings and quotes, Put two and two together, man. He was pre-nazi
It's irrelevant because context matters and fascism/natsoc didn't exist back than so that's an anachronism on your part. Nationalism and republicanism was left-leaning in the 19th century. These are basic concepts that aren't hard to grasp, buddy.
I doubt any composers or painters or 99% of anyone before 1850 were niggerloving leftist faggots
I've seen people come up with copes such as that artists had to make a living so they pretended to be ok with stuff and went where the work was offered
yeah because people who lived before 1850 were really smart
Certain ideas lead in certain directions. Sure, nationalism and republicanism may have been "left wing" but if you're working within that framework and your focusing on ideas that specifically evolve into national socialism, fucking guess what you just influenced national socialism.
No, dude, you dont get it, in the current year Botticelli would surely post communist furry porn on chapo trap house subreddit, because being an artist requires empathy :^)
wow I knew you right wingers were stupid but not on this level of full retard.
Merzbow, Boredoms, Gerogerigegege, Coil, Throbbing Gristle, Whitehouse, Nurse with Wound, Einstürzende Neubauten, Brainbombs, Egor Letov, Death in June, Current 93, La Monte Young, Moondog, Lou Harrison, Henry Cowell, Luigi Russolo, Popol Vuh, Fishmans, Jean Jacques Perrey, Les Rallizes Dénudés, Rainbow Caroliner, Taj Mahal Travellers, Fushitsusha, Peter Brötzmann, John Cage, Scott Walker, Unwound, Dead, Frank Zappa, Morton Feldman, Captain Beefheart, Pharoah Sanders, Albert Ayler, Ornette Coleman, Alice Coltrane, Arnold Schoenberg, Pierre Boulez, György Ligeti, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Thinking Fellers Union Local 282. Raymond Scott, Delia Derbyshire, Daphne Oram, Terry Riley, Peter Sotos, Boyd Rice, Henry Flynt, Kazumoto Endo, David Tudor, Half Japanese,Secret Chiefs 3, Keiji Haino, Ramleh, Otomo Yoshihide, John Zorn, Joe Meek, Faxed Head, Harry Partch, Wesley Willis, Fred Frith, The Residents, Sun Ra, Sun City Girls, Hans Krusi, Royal Trux, Jandek, Loren Mazzacane Connors, The Dead C, Comus, Cromagnon, Eliane Radigue, The Red Krayola, Opus Avantra, Pan.Thy.Monium., Murmuüre, Gong, cLOUDDEAD, Muslimgauze, the list goes on
NSBM, RAC, white power electronics, fashwave
good stuff to be honest
If you're working within the frame work of open borders and unrestricted mass migration, fucking guess what you support sex slavery and human trafficking.
Kek. But yes leftists love human trafficking
i got tired of getting banned but that doesn't mean im a faggot now
Underrated post
Actions speak louder than words, as it were.
That's 100% correct actually.
It's probably easier when you pretend that you only listen to Wagner.
>>It's irrelevant because context matters
The context is there: it's called Romanticism, or in less formal words, throwing the classics in the garbage and pulling your ideas out of your ass. Pretty much all of the German world after Beethoven and before Stockhausen studied at Asperg if you know what I mean.
dude is that VSCO?
I laughed. Then I kept reading to Whitehouse and laughed harder.
Lurk for 12 years, newfag.
I bet you genuinely believe that Laibach is far-right.
I bet you fantasize about being friends and agreeing about politics with your favorite musical artists.
I bet that you were asked to reply to this thread for representation's sake.
Yea Forums will stand.
What the fuck does that even mean?
hot take: the US deserved what it got
Get a new script.
The only reason why /pol/ seeps into the other boards but not here is because everyone here knows that all popular music owes an obvious debt to black people. And if you're not a blithering idiot, you probably listen to Joplin more than Wagner.
jews are white
most polshits are boomers with boomer taste, so they don't come here
90 percent of all pop, rock, and electronic music are influenced by blacks if you listen to any of these and you're a racist you're automatically a cuck
This has definitely become my favorite black metal album
>gay Jewish propaganda actually is black
Absolutely no one:
Not a single soul:
/pol/: actually the real problem isn't /pol/ it's people who complain about /pol/
jews are white
blacks influenced most popular music
Back to Facebook retard
>actually throwing ice cream at nazis makes you just as bad as them
Hell yeah bro, riffs for days
that's gonna be a heh from me
Yea, the (((people))) complaining about /pol/.
Yea Forums and /sci/ have been fairly resistant, mostly because those are high IQ boards. I have no idea why Yea Forums has held up this long, but looking at the replies in sophie threads I don't think wel hold oit for much longer. It'll be easier to tell when summer ends and the kids go back to school.
Jews can't be white. They have their own ethnostate. White ethnostates are strictly forbidden.
Do not reply to soiboi posters
Do not engage with soibois
Do not acknowledge soibois
Debate is useless. We will fight and riff our way to final victory.
And popular music is lethal dosage of retardation. What am I supposed to get from that?
>tfw all of mankind is a jewish conspiracy
yeah and so is the occupation of palestine but h e r e w e a r e
back to twitter, otherkin
Jerusalem belongs to the Jews. Deal with it.
jews are white
black metal isn't music there is not one black metal "artist" that doesn't sound like a child next! :)
calm down, incel
Nope. There's no such thing as a white ethnostate.
i honestly came to Yea Forums only because i dont have to mentally filter 95% of the posts in a thread. its very tiresome to be on almost any other board.
racism as a joke is fun, racism because you are retarded is sad.
>proving their point
haha yeah i agree man music is great
jews are white
Why do insist on repeating lies? Jews will tell you themselves they are not white. They have their own land for their own people. White people do not have such a thing.
I know. That's why we need to get these hacky tacky Jews out so we can make room for actual music.
Stop listening to the noise (((they))) peddle to you.
Wake up early. Start a bodyweight routine, run in the mornings. Cancel soda and fast food, cancel drugs, make alcohol occasional.
Straighten yourself up. Groom yourself, dress well, be inviting, friendly and polite.
Be disciplined. Rise the ranks in your craft or profession. This is done through hard work, dedication and good social skills.
Get out more. See the countryside, love the land. Learn useful skills.
No one should suspect a thing. "He's a little bit conservative, but he's alright," that's what they should all say and think. Do not debate your ideas in a public context, it is useless and will make you a pariah. Perfect yourself and you will lead by example.
But never forget why you are on this path, why it is your duty to be the best possible man that you can. We are children of the new sun, and good shall triumph over evil in the end.
Sieg Heil!
theses 3 words has you FUMING at the mouth jews are white :)
liberalism isnt a leftist ideology...
lol shut the fuck up and kill yourself you LARPing nazi faggot.
So the Holocaust was a white genocide?