Yep, it's AOTY. Pack it up boys.
Yep, it's AOTY. Pack it up boys
diamanda galas for zoomers
>and that's a bad thing!
>dismiss current artist by finding older artist with vague, tangential similarity
>most people haven't listened enough to realise the comparison is bullshit so you get mistaken for intelligent
pure meme
not gonna lie I thought that was another tranny. with all that shilling i was pretty sure.
but then I looked it up and it looks like another coalburner. don't know which is worse honestly.
have sex
It's really fucking good. I just wish she didn't put the distortion effect on her screaming. She can obviously scream like a normal person, there's no need to make it sound that processed compared to her regular singing.
nah shes cool
>Be any woman
>wOw omg shE RIpped oFF DIAmanda gALAs
Can't wait for live fucking version where she puts herself into a coma
This,Galas sounds nothing like her except that they both scream
>Implying this is what zoomers listen to....
buzz buzz zoom zoom
Seething boomer lmao
>says this on every thread
yeah I'm seething over the youth's declining ability to express original opinions, it just makes the world so fucking bleak :-(
t. listened to 5 minutes of Diamanda Galas once
yeah I'm coping by calling it out :-)
if you think every white woman is a "coalburner" then maybe you should watch less
lingua ignota is a milenial. hardly youth
I wasn't talking about her...
I respect that and I agree, but you're fighting an unwinnable battle
This, it's always cuckholds who make these types of statements.
>This,Galas sounds nothing like her except that they both scream
Galas is way more experimental with her voice. There's obvious Galas influence on this record but it's not weird enough, it's the instrumentation that is more experimental, but the one thing they both have in common is that they're both centered around the voice.
I've made the comparisons and expected the comparisons, but they're not that similar, they just have similar presentation. There's also the fact to contend with that Galas has done far more in terms of variety with her work.
Why does no one else compare her voice to Sinéad O'Connor? Because she reminds me of her.
because sinaed oconnor made pop rock not experimental neoclassical power electronics
I said voice user.
Modern Mirror is AOTY.
Dumb gimmick band.
really shitty. idk why this keeps getting spammed here. there are 100s of records from the 80s in the same style that are way better
Its still not a comparison that will come to mind quickly beacuse of the difference in genre
Ah I misunderstood you, sorry. I get what you mean now.
Great album
Not my usual style of music but it's pretty good actually
yup. only incels will disagree.
it's pretty damn good but as of now, i think Bill Callahan still sits at the top for me
Diamanda is a fucking meme artist.
you're a meme
this and the new Crowhurst are the top of the list for best of the year
This album is a complete snoozefest with zero personality
This was a good album. I'd say it's AOTY so far. I don't really see anything better than this coming out this year.
Dumb twitter joke format but this made me chuckle.
Nope to this. U wrong.
New Lana soon. She might topple this album.
This one just isn't clicking with me. I'm going to give it another shot
Lana ain't doing that. She hasn't released anything good since Ultraviolence (This fact deeply saddens me). So my money's on Lingua.
Normal Fucking Rockwell will probably be better than Ultraviolence and Born to Die combined. We're going to experience a second coming.
You people still haven't grown out of your Lana Del Rey phase? That ended with me when I graduated middle school.
>zoomer trash was in middle school in the 2010s
Cringe. Don't reply to my posts ever again, cretin.
>Thinks my opinions are bad because I'm younger than they are