It's a boring fucking night Yea Forums, post these R8 and H8

It's a boring fucking night Yea Forums, post these R8 and H8.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Not a lot of overlapping with you fellas

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+In Rainbows and Brand New
+best Tarantino movie
+Rome, Scott Pilgrim, Eternal Sunshine, Can

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Vidya: MGS2/3, Red Dead, Spiderman 2, Silent Hill 2, Deus Ex

Movies: the Master, Call Me By Your Name, Twin Peaks: FwwM, Five Easy Pieces, Lady Bird (represent the 916)

Albums: New Plastic Ideas/LTIY, Niggas kn the Moon, Fahey Vol.4, Treasure, This Heat

Books: Portnoys Complaint, Blood Meridian, As I Lay Dying, V., Pale Fire

TV: the Simpsons, Twin Peaks, the Sopranos, Nathan for You, Futurama

Shit taste

i have a social life

I jerked off looking at the ass of that demon girl on the Spawn PS2 case many times in desperation

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absolute and utter bullshit that your favorite witcher is 1

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Lazy niggers with bad taste

Let's see yours then

Coward with pissbrain

not bad
odd pick for a ween album, not bad too
very nice
Drive boy dog boy
Dirty numb angel boy
In the doorway boy
She was a lipstick boy
She was a beautiful boy
surprised you like mordhau that much, good picks.
pretty nice
+DotM +wiisports otherwise abysmal

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extremely based

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>implying I haven't posted it already

something along these lines, I suppose
Stalker is a great game choice, never played the other two. Fairly good movie and album picks too.
Never personally liked Portishead or Massive Attack much - or any "trip hop" for that matter, but I can still appreciate your choices, and the games are certainly good.
Pretty 'based', I guess.

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based af. +SH2, MGS3, TWBB, Mulholland Drive, Cohen
+SH2, Twin Peaks

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I literally walked out the theatre during world war z. felt cheated but i enjoyed my popcorn first at least.

Well the album was good.
Based 80's/90's nostalgiafag metal bro.
I see albums I see spammed way too much on this board in chart threads for me to ever take seriously or as a genuine reflection of taste.
Basic and probably 13, but based in a way.
Good movies, bad music.

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i'm sure your taste is very special and unique

Not bad at all

Songs of love and hate is a very based pick


Not bad but unadventurous

I can get down with this

can't be serious

Awful albums but great movies

not bad at all. Based Priest pick

S&E is amazing but not super crazy about the rest

I'd hang out with you

Nice can


Pretty awful ngl

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This is such a hypocritical post

i hope im not too late for the rating user

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movies are unironically the highest artform available for consumption

>made for consumption

what is done to art then?


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one must consume to critique

behold, el amer*cano

im australian. nice try BUCKO
by the way, im right

Consumption is part of the critic's job, the whole critique is what ultimately defines the art.


first comes the consumption which allows the critique to take place. what defines art is the art itself (or even the artist), critique is ultimately a projection from the critic and only offering a certain point of view, a mode in which the art can be viewed. one can simply immerse themselves in the art without having to fully grasp the connotations of the art.

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First comes the artist, which is the vehicle. Their own interpretation of their own art is critique. The artist is a critic as well, and their own point of view is subjective, just as everyone else's. Without a critic there is no art, there is nothing. Critique doesn't have to be super deep and analytical, while consuming music you are critiquing it unless your brain doesn't work because we have a constant stream of thoughts.

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+rocket league, brand new
+tf2, inglourious basterds
+rome total war, HIT AND RUN, scott pilgrim, drive
+silent hill 2, trainspotting, there will be blood, mulholland drive
based af +++ for both stalkers

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critique is useless shit and you are stupid for doing it

cool music gay fag movies

It's inevitable, unless you are a vegetable.


i like these ones

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I liked your movie choices, user

alright, it's inevitable that you judge art. that is correct. but i don't see the point of being an art critic. if art is just a form of expressing your reality/view of the world then how is critiquing that usefull? if you think others are doing shit just make your own. i don't see the sense in writing long critiques on art.

>The Who
>White Stripes
Real eccentric guy we got here, with some of the most vanilla hard rock out there.


Because sharing is caring. Different critics with varying tastes share their opinions for others who may find themselves on a similar wavelength, looking for more.

It's the reason we are even on this board, in this thread. We are sharing critiquing each others tastes...

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>not mw2
Bad experiences losing to friends on Rust or what?

In fact I always won in Rust, I knifed the fuckers from the other end of the map every time, I just think MW3 got a fuckton of hate undeservedly so I always put it above MW2 because I still liked it

i'm not here to critique anybody. what would i gain from criticizing some random strangers top 3 albums? i'm here to find new stuff, maybe have conversations with people on various topics. it's not like anybody here does thoughtful critiques anyway. or is that critique ? "meh" "can't be serious" "good". am i supposed to change somebody elses life with my critique? lmao.


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Regardless of your intentions you've already done it, anyway it's all just in good fun. We aren't scientist we're Yea Forumstants.

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where did i do it?

You're missing the point, refer to


>Real eccentric guy we got here, with some of the most vanilla hard rock out there.
Say what you will, when contrarianism becomes the norm...well, I don't have to explain the rest.

I guess you're a maverick and rebel because you like the same "obscure" music that everyone else on this board likes, give me a fucking break hipster.

Don't mind your taste, but your opinions are disgustingly pretentious. The albums I posted literally come out within a 4 year span. I enjoy mostly 90s electronic. How the fuck is that hipster or obscure? It's just the sound I gravitate towards.
For reference, I'm

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Based and todpilled

As a side, I fucking loved the music video for Pearl Jam - Do the Evolution

Oy vey goy

Great games and albums
Absolutely based, not a fan of Tarantino though
Nice movies
This is bait, right?
My man

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that duster album is great
excellent movie picks
children of men is amazing, your album choices are 10/10 as well

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kek. nice
+Rocket League
literal 10/10 vidya taste
+Pokemon Platinum
+Dark Side of the Moon

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+Rome TW
+There Will Be Blood
+both Stalkers

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that was really small for some reason

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sorry for low quality, I don't have good image editing software

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Download GIMP or Paint.NET

If you like Nathan for You I highly recommend Nirvanna The Band The Snow.

I don't watch a lot of movies
+ BotW, LDA
+ Can
+ SH2, Trainspotting, Bowie, Nick Cave
+ STALKER, Soundtracks
+ Platinum, Denzel
+ Fight Club
+ STALKER, all albums in my top 5
+ Eva, Fishmans
+ Donkey Kong, Slowdive
+ Isaac, K**g Cr***on
+ Slint
+ Sweet Trip
+ STALKER, Microphones
+ Trainspotting, Deaf gwips
Those video games look interesting user
+ Mayhem, Darkthrone
+ Eva, NMH, Deaf gwips
+ Eraserhead, NIN, Furry guy
+ Furry guy, Three 6
+ Dark souls, KSG, Microphones
+ Diamond, Pulp Fiction, Deaf gwips

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>Those video games look interesting user
Let me know if you wanna know about any of them

how is mw3?

What? You haven't tried it? Well, to me it was an improvement on MW3 or at least a step in the right direction but it got a lot of hate from people who loved MW2
It's one of the last CoD games I ever played

Well the middle one looks especially interesting so i'd love some info about that one

It's Netorare Otoko no Ko ~Ore no Osananajimi no Mujaki na Otoko no Ko ga Masaka Sobou na Taiiku Kyoushi ni Yowami o Nigirarete Choukyou Sarete Itsu no Ma ni ka Kairaku ni Oborete Aheahe Double Peace de Video Satsuei Sarete Yorokondeita Da Nante!!~
Here's the info:

>pokemon diamond


why in the name of god would I bother to make an image for something like this when I can just write the answers?

god of war 2018
Dishonored 2

fury road

white album
rubber factory
guardians of the galaxy soundtrack

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>Vidya choices show obvious recency bias, the mark of a hype beast
>Scorsese’s worst movie
>Abysmal album choices
>Feeling the need to make it known that you’re different from the rest of us by not taking the time to make an image
Yea, this nigga’s underage

Are you me?
+everything except bladee

Quake and NIN, nice. Only played Quake IV myself, loved it though.
Are Silent Hill games all-out horror or do they play a bit like a mystery? I might wanna finally check some of the older ones out, since my PC is from 2007 anyway.
Watched Eternal Sunshine twice, can't remember the plot for some reason, still certain it's a great movie.

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don't h8 me please

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based metroid
based portal
based gummo
based zelda
based children of men
based fear n loathing
based eraserhead and its a beautiful day
based oldboy
based holy grail

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Shadow of the Colossus
Hotline Miami
Super Mario Galaxy

La Dolce Vita
The Apartment

Heaven or Las Vegas
Die Verboten '2007'

you guys are alright with me

Nice :) thxx u
Idk maybe you are, kinda spooky desu. I think you should try or re-try listening to Eversince cause noone likes him the first time they listen to him.
It plays a lot on the unknown with fog and darkness. If you're into psychological horror then you'll love it. I'd recommend the second one first since it isn't connected to the other games story-wise and cause it "has everything". I can't really say too much about the game without spoiling it but it's also not super long unless you're easily scared like me.

Interstellar is an awful movie

Favorite music changes all the time depending on what I am enjoying atm. Favorite movies is more consistent because I only really get the weekend for movies these days. Favorite vidya will probs never change because I don't really play vidya anymore and my top 3's based on what I used to play the most.

TBC, Subsistence, and Graduation. That's big mid 2000s mood right there for me.
Interesting choice of Fela and TES. I would back you on the TES cuz it had the best quests.
Chevelle's hella catchy, and you enjoy what you want fuck getting approval from anyone else.

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>TES cuz it had the best quests
also if you knew how to game the leveling system you could have a beast in whatever you want to max out. not to mention the enchantments and spell creation was absolutely broke


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Based Gran Torino and Gungeon
BASED Stalker 1979 and Swans
Boomer lol
Based Fight Club and Taxi Driver
Based Fishmans, LISA and Stalker, probably would be friends with you irl
Did everyone just watch Stalker or something lol
Watch it again
What a cringe chart :/
Based Fargo and No Country For Old Men
Is it mainstream to like Stalker now? Jeez lol
Based Oldboy and Fishmans

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Still based tho

>Chevelle's hella catchy
>and you enjoy what you want fuck getting approval from anyone else.
ok i will thanks fren

2/3 for each part
I don't have much of an opinion on those games, MHTRTC is a masterpiece and everything else is good
good movies, yes
2/3 for movies and albums
good movies, yes
La Dolce Vita and Heaven or Las Vegas are amazing. Shadow of the Colossus is cool too
good movies, yes

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Can we hang out?



forgot my thing, shit

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Ico, Team Fortress 2 and Hotline Miami 2

Children Of Men, Baby Driver and OldBoy

Atom Heart Father, To Our Childrens Childrens Children and Signals

I forgot about End of Eva, I'd probably put it in place of Andrei Rublev. I don't play video games all that much.

You seem like a cool dude

Nice movies

You're cool

Fishmans, Eva, Brave Little Abacus, and Tarkovsky, nice

Nice albums. I've been meaning to watching some Ichikawa and Argento movies.

Also pretty good

Good movies

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Oh oops

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Why not

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+In Rainbows
+Hit & Run

Can't be bothered to do them all

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don't really watch movies all too often... sorry.

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Decent movies, but I just couldn't get into Withnail and I. Idk if I laughed once during the whole thing
Cool picks, I feel like they all add up to a certain aesthetic which is neat
love the movies, hate the music
Lost in Translation is amazing
Love the prince, everything else here is meh
I haven't heard, seen, or played any of these

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Ah well I dunno... I mostly listen to Gabber / Hardcore but these albums mean a lot to me.

1. Ace Combat 3 Electrosphere
2. Beatmania IIDX 12th Happy Sky
3. Dark Souls (Love the Ambient music to Duke's Archives Prison)

Music is:
1. Sweet Trip - Velocity : Design : Comfort
2. Remember Your Black Day by Vatican Shadow
3. Hana Sumai - Hana Sumai.

1. Ghost In The Shell (1995)
2. Dead Leaves (2004)
3. Animatrix (2003) I love that track Overseer - Supermoves from it, The Reese is killer and the Sfx Siren makes the whole track with the Breakbeats and Jazz Vocals Samples.

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ew for everything except DS3 and spiderland
good fucking movies
just nope
good albums; nothing happy?!
yes to the games
pretty amazing albums, also love to see hollow knight
all round good movies
god i hate fear&loathing
im afraid you're a bit of a basic bitch
not sure about dead can dance desu

oh sorry here's mine

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Haha, nice.

how can you say "ew" to Red but not spiderland when Red literally is just spiderland but better lol

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i beg to differ

i would hang out with these people. everyone else is OK or cringe.

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I wouldn't mind, I'm pretty autistic around people I usually just watch Animes and listen to Electronic EDM though. I did find a friend that enjoyed memes and J-core but now he has a wife and can't be bothered with.

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I love mahavishnu orchestra, red, and ds3

Portal 2 was such great fun with friends, i miss those times. Pere Ubu is great too.

I like ace combat, dark souls, and ghost in the shell

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incoming top tier taste......


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Video games are a fucking waste of time and only losers play them. If you play video games fuck you.

Music is a fucking waste of time if you think about it. Like what does the average listener / home guitarist gain from their hobby? Nothing but the same empty satisfaction a ten year old gets playing fortnite.

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my movies are sadder than the albums



live action film is highly limited creatively compared to other media for many reasons how could you even say that lol

top 3 of each, gaylord - spawn is cool tho, ig

Gran Torino, BotW and LDA are all based

Games are based with the exception of B2, those games blew

Games are good, Scott Pilgrim is ok

Holy hell, based

Games are cringe except RDR, movies check out, Swans is good, desu I dont know your other album picks, all give em a listen

S3K is the best 2d platformer ever, also good pick for a judas priest album


Cringe games, cringe movies except for Fight Club


EoE is a great pick, totally forgot about that one lol

Celeste is cringe, rest is alright




Xenogears = awesome pick

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fucked it up lol

grandaddy is so good
very nice
based gummo

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Watch Burmese Harp and Fires on the Plain, which are his two anti-war movies. You could try watching them back to back, the former is pretty hopeful overall and the latter is extremely bleak.

I've read the book for Fires on the Plain so I know it's pretty dark. I was more thinking about The Makioka Sisters which looks pleasant.

Based and Spongepilled

>tfw only one (you)

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++A Ghost Story



hard cringe


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Based and emeraldpilled.
I love Fantasma and MBDTF as well, good taste user. Sorry for being a lazy poster.

man these captachs lately suck fucking balls. had to redo this one about three times.

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Who you be

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I really gotta ask why Deception

absolutely based

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Are you 14?

>14 year old
>knowing what a PS2 is

Come on brah, you could realistically ask if he never stopped being 14, but let's stop pretending 14 year olds these days know anything about anything that didn't come out just yesterday

why soc and no cop?

I was 14 seven years ago

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