
Wolves are the most metal animal Edition

Previous: FAQ: pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt

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Other urls found in this thread:


bolt thrower sucks

melodeath sucks


Could someone please point me in the direction of a Mutiilation shirt? Either Hail Satanas, Vampires or Black Millenium. Can't find anything decent anywhere.

no it's crocodiles

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t. nu-male

can't just use memes how you want them because you saw someone else use them, bud. all extreme metal (minus black thrash) is soi. lurk moar

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>can't just use memes how you want them because you saw someone else use them, bud. all extreme metal (minus black thrash) is soi. lurk moar

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>can't just use memes how you want them because you saw someone else use them, bud. all extreme metal (minus black thrash) is soi. lurk moar

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clown edition

get new pictures you lazy fucks

>bolt thrower sucks

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>get new pictures you lazy fucks

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been out of the game for a minute exploring other shit, but can anyone tell me the difference between slam and deathcore. back in my day it was just brutaldeath or techdeath. shit like guttural secrete, inherit disease, devourment (pre conceived in sewage/rip wayne), heinous killings, gorgasm, spawn of possession, disgorge (california)... the list is huge. i guess im asking is there anything like early 2000's brutal death that isnt infested with shitty early 2000's bury your dead style hardcore breakdowns or way over produced? plz hlp

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>can't just use memes how you want them because you saw someone else use them, bud. all extreme metal (minus black thrash) is soi. lurk moar

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Based bolt thrower sucks poster triggering the soiboys

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slam = brutal death metal with exxxtra groovy breakdowns, pinch harmonics and vomit vocals
deathcore = death lite for ex-mallcore kids

>implying anyone's really triggered
liking bolt thrower makes you impervious to that kind of söÿness

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will you stop making new threads before the old ones even reach bump limit

Slam is a term coined by deathcore fans to distance bad deathcore bands from the "good" ones. So the difference is that "slam" is bad deathcore while "deathcore" is supposedly good deathcore.

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>liking bolt thrower makes you impervious to [...] söÿness

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makes sense. any recs for decent modern slam that isnt overproduced and entirely inhale sewage vocals? kinda like wormhole, or tortuous inception?

Bolt Thrower is the most soi OSDM band, no question about it

yeah i just got back from seeing rivers of nihil... no need to tell me deathcore blows. that was 4 hours of my life ill never get back.

t. rifflet

reminder axl rosenberg is their manager and that's why metalkikes shills them

bolt thrower are alright
every album after war master sounds the same

bolt thrower has the worst riffs of all time and they can't write new ones
they reuse the same ones over and over

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Goddamn The Sound of Perseverance sucks so fucking bad.

what the fuck was "Evil" Chuck thinking

Sure user sure

formerly sneed

Goddamn this thread is just fucking groundhog's day

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you say that yet ulver sucks

>not listening to wolf-themed metal

>not listening to wolf-themed d-beat

>not listening to bands with wolf in their name

today I will remind them

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>Favorite Western film
>Favorite Doom Metal album
What are they?

has anyone actually gotten shit for wearing a burzum shirt? I can't imagine all those gay facebook posts actually happen in real life.

Pompous, righteous, aggressive the guitar duality merges in constant interplay between harmonies and unified rhythm shifting subtle texture within constant iteration of theme in usefully changing avenue, pointing units at one another across a tonal divide of vast yet often chromatic advances; its arrogance is its elitism, and its elitism is to encode its masterview within the next intensity level of the technique used by Discharge, then Slayer, and then Sepultura in its evolution. Warring between two statements, if each self consistent justifies its melodic balance with rhythm and structural management of tonal division to resonate with conceptual position, naturally invokes the human cognitive apparatus toward perceptual tokenization and thus statement, in language as in natural resolution to gaps in data, of x-compare-y as the weapons of battle are unsheathed.

From this modal playing framing atonal song development is a dying Baroque gasp given ferocity by the gutter logicianship of death metal in a rising force of logic within the decaying realm, a negative truth within a larger existential conception which can never be reconciled with the forces of Judeo-Christian morality; its expression (cause and effect as self-inventing forms of calculation and change) brings to mind the ancients alongside the more recent philosophical efforts in Nietzsche and Heidegger to replace morality with a primal, natural valuation of a constantly changing aesthetic landscape with unaltering core values, as seen in the modern time.

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who is this? christgau?

Probably not but maybe it depends on where you live. Majority of people probably wouldn't bat an eye.


>every single track has at least two minutes of silence and ambience before the actual song starts

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>has anyone actually gotten shit for wearing a burzum shirt?
Depends on where you are likesaid. If you are at an american venue in a major city center, you probably will get at most a hard glare. Just pray Kim Kelly isn't there

why does blatant Sabbath worship/imitation like this get a pass, and even highly praised, but other knockoff bands like Greta Van Fleet get widely mocked and shat on?

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Someone should step up and put him out of his misery.

Kim Kelly is such a hypocrite, she used to book shows for Anal Cunt.

Because metalheads:
>1. have shit taste
>2. have no standards
>3. are hypocrites

literally never seen this mentioned anywhere

She's an interesting case even among other metal "journalists" in that she is so adamant on her perception of what Extreme Metal members should be.

I'm glad I'm ignorant to what her qualifications are.

I'm surprised people took her seriously after the article she made about Dragonforce

New Sabaton album is out. It's more of the same and I enjoyed it all the way.

I've heard of Wolfmother getting shit on for being Zeppelin-core but also heard Greta Van Fleet praised, especially by celebs and Plant himself


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Sabaton is the Seinfeld of metal

>ulver sucks

lol ok

When she grilled them about Demoniac?

post black metal charts

The fuck are you on

The exact one. It was so pathetic

>Sabaton is the Seinfeld of metal
Except Seinfeld is good

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Ugh, no sweetie, it isn't. You just need to be better.

Is anyone trying to get Slayer tickets tomorrow? Did they pre sale the standing tickets and does anyone know how much they will cost? They had the pit tickets at like $80 for the San Jose CA show last year, think it will be the same or more expensive?

>le quirky neurotic urban Jewish humor

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>d00d Sabaton is not good

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What a bad thread, what a horrible board.

>Same thing

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amenra new material when?

I'm guessing a year or two, their last couple of full lengths had 4-5 years between them, they do a lot of splits though

I don't think so. Most people don't know what Burzum even is, and the ones who know probably like/are okay with it

Post what you're blasting

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Calling all Nor, Swe and Finfags with an interest in folklore up to the 20th century.
Looking for old road/geographical maps that show those invisible roads (Vitterstråk) that apparently was a thing in the past, not sure when but at least up to the 19th century.
>Vittra/Vätte (Swe)
>Huldra (Nor)
>Maahinen/Haltija (Fin)
Would love to see a map of this, people used to build roads and houses with these vittra roads in mind. I know that Iceland has something similar as well. I have even been to the local museum and asked them about such local maps, they just looked at me like i was insane or something and said that no such thing exist.

I never got any shit for it. One kid with a Cannibal Corpse shirt looked at me but that's it.

New Tomb Mold is out. Get on it, faggots.

What does this have to do with metal?

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I'm not a specialist since I hate both genres, but Slam has a old school type of sound and its main feature is slow crushing downtune riffs while Deathcore is death metal meets 00s metalcore, it has a clean and well produced sound and is basically just metalcore with growls and a darker sound.

Absolutely nothing, act of desperation considering i found jack shit on my own. Just throwing it out there in case there are someone that knows anything about it. I can post some metal too if that makes you feel any better.

I can't get enough of this band, can you recommend me similar stuff? (ie loud and proud glam metal without too much ballads)

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Necromantia - Scarlet Evil Witching Black

It's fine I just feel like they keep trying to do too much. I'm not asking for the whole album to be Lost Battalion or Cliffs of Gallipoli but half of the songs feel out of place to me. Maybe it's just over-produced, maybe I expected more like Fields of Verdun. Despite all that, I do still like it quite a bit

>tfw my old high school buddy Derek May is in Succumb To Demise and I’m here doing squat

post 10/10s

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i only know gore (and some porn) and nothing more

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trying too hard, faggot

gonna wait a few days until it's on soulseek thanks mr. 20 buck spin
probably gonna buy a shirt if i can though

>register for metal archives to ask a song related question
>post has to be approved by a moderator before other users can see it

Excuse me, what the fuck? Am I in fucking diapers?

You're so much of a faggot you don't realize that melodeath is the only good genre to have ever existed.

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Stop being so problematic, shitlord


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>guuuuuhhhhh its popular so its bad

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As long as it's done right and has it's own thing going on along it's fine, Metal's Greta Van Fleet would be Ghost or Sabaton.
Also these are tiny ass bands made by friends mostly for fun with like 50 fans, you're literally shitting on the small guy just wanting to play music he likes. Greta, Ghost and Sabaton are big sellout bands to cash in on nostalgia.

>Popularity affects how much I can like something

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I thought it was pretty good. I was kinda expecting more songs like A Lifetime of War or Cliffs of Gallipoli, so I was kinda surprised to hear how upbeat a lot a lot of the songs were.

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Accept, Heaven's Gate and Leather Wolf off the top of my head.

Not quite like WASP though, they're unique, but they're right there in the fast proud glam thing.

Don't even try to soipost me to defend a band that even Reddit makes fun of.

But people in this general shit on Gruesome (the real Greta Van Fleet of metal)
But Sabbath worship is usually restricted to bands that are small and just making music for the sake of it
Greta Van Fleet see themselves as the saviors of rock and they refuse to admit their influences

Fucking newfag retards think 300 is the bump limit


>he doesn't like seinfeld

>Implying I'm defending Sabbaton
>Knowing what reddit makes fun of
Anyway, my point was that popularity shouldn't affect your enjoyment of a band (or anything for that matter). Everyone knows Bathory and Celtic Frost for example, but that doesn't stop me from listening to born for burning right now, nor does it stop Monotheist from being one of my favourite albums.

Cope more summerfag.

>Cope more summerfag.

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if you are a 12 year old girl or a sensitive wimp maybe

It's actually rats. Mostly live underground? Check. Eat shit? Check. People are repulsed by their mere sight, let alone sound? Check. Squeaky, hellish voice? Check. Infested with lice and fleas? Check. Health hazard? Check.

Different animal for different genre? A rat is obviously death metal as fuck.

Pretty big chance he wasn't thinking anything at all except "MY HEAD FUCKING HURTS JUST KILL ME ALREADY"

reminder that you should not be listening to burzum if you are over the age of 15

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It's great

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They’re by far the most popular one with a girl, and they’re openly leftist. So with the definitely we use around here, definitely lmao

True on all counts lol


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Candlemass > Black Sabbath
Simple as

Yeah it fucks rips. Their best for sure


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Guys, I enjoy the new Sabaton album and there's nothing you can do about it.

yeah i can do nothing about you being a numale

post fav metal album

lmao fuck off numale

post cbt

post dem yellow covers

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thanks famalam

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The Attack Of The Dead Men is disgustingly good, I definitely agree with though. The topic and the initial advertising suggested the songs would be a lot darker and more grim. Then, half of them turn out to be way more upbeat than the average Sabaton song.


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I think that's all I've got besides the super obvious Screaming for Vengeance and State of Euphoria

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I lied

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this absolutly kill the soi

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fucking kek

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Wolfpack > Wolfbrigade

Can any of /metal/bros tell me what were lyrical themes on Holy Diver ?Because i do really suck on song interpretation, i seriously wonder what were songs like Invisible or Don't Talk To Strangers meaning, if there was any certain, because Dio was a very metaphorical band

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The 1980 NBA season

He definitely browses /metal/

Attack Of The Deadmen is kino

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Ihsahn fucking suck

what metal does he (you) like user?

Carnivore. Male Supremacy is a great tune.

based taste user

The story behind it is so cool too. A group of fuck angry soldiers coming out of the gas like zombies to BTFO a foe that outnumbers them is just awesome.

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all day baby

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business idea: melodeath Bolt Thrower reunion album


it will be the worst album of all time

>Why yes, Heart of a Killer IS my favorite album with Tim Owens on vocals. How did you know?

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i hate how Tim Owens is a great vocalist but has never been involved in a great album
everything he's in is "okay" at best

what the fuck /meal/ you told me this was bad

It is pretty boring

pls recommend metal that sounds like this


racer x

be honest bros, would you?

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yeah i would discuss metal with her and maintain a flirty relationship trying not to lead her on (because she is fuckin hideous)

why not

>maintain a flirty relationship trying not to lead her on
why do people do this

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She looks like she works for a metal website, so yes, I wouldn't associate with her


cause its fun

sounds like something a woman would do. consume less soi

how do i consume negative soi

Vomit on onions products in the grocery store.

this is some fucking fun cheesy shit

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Sarah from the banger reviews yt channel

good band

Can't stop blasting the new Crowhurst album. Perfect blend of black metal, shoegaze and goth/post punk.


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look at this soiboi faggot limp wristed cuck


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Too white

>black metal
wtf leave
>goth/post punk
holy shit get out


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Sounds like a Swands/Depeche Mode mix. I like it. Thanks for the rec

eh, it was produced by Kurt Ballou so at least it sounds heavy


It's more Swans style post punk than something like The Chameleons.

Oh shit, Tara from Lycia on a black metal record? You have my attention.

even more SÖI then

t.braindead simpleton that only enjoys muh metalz

t. basedbrain onionboy

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>t.braindead simpleton that only enjoys muh metalz

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This collab track with Primitive Man guy sounds like Celtic Frost, nice

Guy i finally got a metal gf :) Her favorite genres are Symphonic, 80s Power, and heavy metal. She can also tolerate death metal :3

t. triggered pleb sub 50-iq socially inept fat neckbeards


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Rent free.

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Symphonishit. POPwer Metal.

I’m happy for you, user, though.

How big is her (his) clitoris (penis)?


Shartanon, come analyze what your fellow schizo is trying to convey

Underage retard who doesn't even know how to use Yea Forums screams into the void.

>"Heh, these newbies don't compare to a real epic 4channeler, like me"

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I can't do high pitched black metal vocals anymore.
I want to fucking shoot myself.

Transition to guttural caveman

Stop deep throating dicks man

deepthroat more dicks man

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>more like Swans
>this is a good thing
cringe Swans is overrated garbage

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Swans are just a shit Godflesh

she has better taste than most of this general

FWIW the one before this is Godflesh worship


Just posting the best Judas Priest album.

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not saying much

What an incredibly shit take

>not also söylent

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>muh the band is popular so I shall hate it

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it's not because Swans is popular, its because they fucking suck (ironic that you use a soi picture, considering most Swans fans look like pic related)

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>it's not because Swans is popular, its because they fucking suck (ironic that you use a soi picture, considering most Swans fans look like pic related)

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Quantos was so much better.
Most IB songs are just so unmemorable.

only thing i've heard from this band is the collaboration with water torture, i'll check it out

A bit based.

Why is this thread 90% sòy memes? What's with the absolute state of /metal/?
Fucking hell lads, you're better than this.

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amerifat hours /metal/ is hell


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damn how tf did u get that pic of me

ok nerd

most americans are still at work, these are peak euro hours retard


>implying people who post here have jobs

>atmospheric black metal

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>thrash metal

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we keep the thread alive, when only europoors are online the threads die

i change my mind i want the chartfag back
fuck this general

>Deathspell Omega

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Honest thoughts on Cradle Of Filth /metal/?

Really bad, but pretty funny at times.

Crashing this thread. With no survivors.

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>Honest thoughts on Cradle Of Filth /metal/?

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Exactly, he's the chad I didn't know I needed to destroy these disguting, retarded, fat, ugly united statian posters of /metal/

What's the Frank's Wild Years of metal?

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Hey, at least I admit I like faggotry metal, unlike those Power Metal cunts

what are your favorite bands, user?


>Exactly, he's the chad I didn't know I needed to destroy these disguting, retarded, fat, ugly united statian posters of /metal/

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the ones with corset qt3,14s

>he wants the thread to be ruined by schizoposting

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>Exactly, he's the chad I didn't know I needed to destroy these disguting, retarded, fat, ugly united statian posters of /metal/

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>tfw cracking a cold one and listening to Thin Lizzy

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How do I make my band be less melodeath?

replace melodic leads with slam breakdowns


>muh hooks
>tomb mold sounds like atheist and cynic
>doesn't know what heat death means

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die screaming

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im trying to find black metal i like but strugling so far i like
>sigh- heir to dispair
>hammerheart- bathory

neither of thes are straigh black metal but does anyone have orther black folk metal suggestions

Try this

serpent ov old

>black folk
Try these, bro

Ungfell - Mythen, Maren, Pestilenz
Graveland - Immortal Pride
Nokturnal Mortum - Гoлoc cтaлi

>bands with wolf in their name
You brought this upon yourself user

oh god this is terrible

>tomb mold show is sold out
Fuck are they that popular?

>soi mold

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That’s what happens when your whole discography is solid as hell

They're like one of the biggest bands in metal recently, how is that a question you have to ask

thanks anons! ill give em a listen

hey faggots rec me some objectively good metalcore

here have some riffs:


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>i'm a basement-dwelling neet so you must be too


Go put some metal musician to AIportraits

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Golly gee, Mr. Federal Agent, that sure sounds swell!

You are correct, wolves rein supreme.

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Bro, you just posted cringe.


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Didn't go to well

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Hey it turned out pretty good

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this is fun

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kys faggot

never been on reddit. Even then I highly doubt anyone there listens to them

someone post Filosofem gondola please

Need elven gf

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This one?

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I hope you all dont become homogenized to purely metal anons, its cool but maybe you might like a lil bit of cypress hill every now and again, no ?

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New fread

metal supremacy forever

Post-Punk is my secondary genre.

I listen to electronic and indie rock, too t bh