How many anons on Yea Forums does this describe

How many anons on Yea Forums does this describe

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probably 0
why would anti-sjw posters listen to TPAB

I only play STALKER and that game as warring factions and post-Soviet themes

mu is all liberal faggots sooo

Probably a fucking lot, actually. The far right wing gamer YouTuber Razorfist said Henry Rollins was one of his idols. Paul Ryan said his favorite band was Rage Against the Machine. Gavin McInnes' favorite band is Crass.

Or Animals
Or Black Flag

Fucking stupid post, OP

>if you like anything remotely political you need to also listen to the shitty political opinions of retard game devs
lmao nope

Feels good to only listen to indiscriminately violent music. All y'all fags deserve to die.

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>dude you don't listen to people that disagree with you? Wow fragile right wingers!
>dude you listen to people that disagree with you? Wow retard right winger

>Or Animals
>Or Black Flag
yea they would

video games are for faggots
the "the npc meme" meme is for faggots
and on par with the fox song
dsa karens make shitty didactic propaganda
normal people don't give a fuck about any of this stupid shit and never will
fuck you
post better threads
i'm your dad
we're both disappointed in you

based poster who doesn't listen to music because ring eifg okosmu doensto oxo

>if you have far right beliefs you shouldn't listen to left wing musical acts*


Fair point. Honestly I'm left-leaning but I have a lot of very conservative views, so I can agree with most leftist and conservative musicians. I will admit I have a pretty low tolerance for fascism, evangelism, and authoritarian leftist white/male guilt stuff.

if you're a neo nazi you should listen to industrial techno and become maoist
also stick this guy's vinyl records in a paper shredder
key his range rover

I think politics in video games is good when it's not one-sided and contrived. I kind of enjoy video games the same way as I would a book or a TV show, I enjoy music more like I would a painting.

If I don't agree with the politics in a song that I'm listening to (which is rare honestly) I can at least appreciate it for the artistic statement that it is.

If a video game is just shoving contrived and badly-written strawmen into the story then it's not enjoyable. Fallout: New Vegas is an excellent example of a game that has nuance, it's sort of morally gray in a good way. Fallout 4's factions are black and white morally and the game suffers from it.

There's also Russell T Davies' Doctor Who seasons vs Stephen Moffat and Chris Chibnall's Doctor Who seasons. The later DH seasons (Moffat and Chibnall) try really hard to force diversity and make a political statement that it turns out really terrible, while the earlier seasons (RTD) have way better female and minority characters that aren't forced into the show. It's basically forced diversity vs actual diversity.

That's my take, maybe I'm putting too much effort into it.

they wouldn't have anything to listen to besides country, shitty black metal, shitty oi punk, and morrissey solo

the people saying that dont listen to kendrick and most likely dont listen to black fag either

What a nightmare

Only SJW's care about politically aligning with their favorite musical artists.

untrue, no /pol/tard would listen to IDLES or Le Tigre
just go into /metal/ and bring up RABM and see

Black Flag was a white man's band and they warned about the Brazilification of America. Illegal immigrant dicksuckers fuck off.

hey now, the worst beach boy is a magafag too

>"White Minority", while commonly misinterpreted as borderline racist,[5] is actually an attack on white supremacy and a mockery of racism [6] In the same interview, they underlined that their songs were rather personal than political.[6]
>[5] George Gimarc, Punk Diary: The Ultimate Trainspotter's Guide To Underground Rock, 1970–82, Backbeat Books, 2005
>[6] Tonooka, Tim. "Black Flag : We are tired of your abuse, try to stop us it's no use". Ripper Magazine. Archived from the original on May 19, 2014. Retrieved January 30, 2013.
Even granting that Black Flag was right-wing in it's political commentary, it still doesn't contradict the central point of OP's image

LMAO they only said that shit to get the leftist mobs of 1980s off their backs. That shit predicted America's fate with 100% Nostradamus precision.

> playing video games
Imagine doing something as worthless as this
> caring about the political philosophies of musicians
Senpai, I’m just listening to the production, instrumentation, songwriting, and vocals — most lyrics are cringe AF

You do know when people say that, they don't mean no politics whatsoever across the board should be in games. Trying to say that is what they mean is a gross misrepresentation of the point. Nobody likes pandering show off politigarbage in their vidya, games can have politics laced stories and not be retarded. The difference between the left and the right on this issue is the left wants to plaster their misled thoughtless ideas all over the game and whack off to how much it affirms their world view and pat themselves on the back for what a stunning masterpiece work of art they've produced. Also like others said, nobody who holds that opinion is listening is Kendrick fucking Lamar or Black Fag

Listening to music is pointless too, ya fucking idiot

>they don't mean no politics whatsoever across the board should be in games
that would be better, this trend of MUH STORY is fucking lame

>far right
dude's a pro-wall libertarian though...

If I listen to a bit of everything and I don’t LARP as an activist in my spare time, am I still a fag?

Hit it on the head.
Isn't it interesting that "having something to say" and freely expressing are practically mortal enemies of one another?

Yes, because you felt the need to ask.

Shit I can’t argue with that, I’m going to listen to trap and screech talking points for woke coins

You sure love to jump into the heads of people you never met or knew, huh? It must be really difficult taking everything they write in a 1:00 song (written within a genre defined to be inflammatory and rebellious) at face value to be sincere but then disregard straightforward testimony and actions from the very person (who performed within a genre stringent on personal authenticity and disregard for social rejection) who wrote the song as scared attempts to cover his own ass from supposed hordes of angry leftists (even though followers of the punk movement constantly embraced radical expressions of ideology from performers and fans alike????)

>all this denial about Black Flag's devotion to the white power movement

Nah, I'd say its leftists (40%), thrn moderate left (30%) and then 30 per cent fash or at least racist pieces of shit.

t. Anarcho-communist.

>t. Anarcho-communist.
commit suicide

it's a million shitty soshul demmacwats and like a small handful of magga tweens that migrate around the site
non politics poasters are cool though thanks for not shitting the board up

rip user

hey magageek what's shaking

Hate this picture because there's no correlation. forcing political memes into video games to push an agenda/virtue signal isnt the same as someone expressing their political grievances through song. you can like the latter and dislike the former.

>t. Anarcho-communist

kek more like
>t. 14 years old

and that's a far-right position

Your mom's cottage cheese ass on my dick.

>wanting to keep your country alive
>far right

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I cannot name a single right winger who would have low enough of self respect to listen to Kendrick Lamar.

You can't enjoy music without agreeing with its themes? Tf is wrong with you?

It’s shitty music that only got praised because of its leftist themes. So no, I don’t enjoy shitty music.

I mean okay, if you thought it was bad that's fine. I lean right and I enjoyed it. To dismiss it solely because of its politics is pretty retarded.

hate ANimals, prefer Kid A/the bends to OKC, never listened to black flag, dont care for TPAB

robocop is 10/10 action kino tho, and has nothing to do with politics. Its just a parody of post apocalyptic scifi

I can totally get liking leftist music if it’s actually good. I fucking love Henry Cow and Robert Wyatt despite them being full blown commies. But I have no love for Kendrick or the entire rap genre honestly.

I think Bioshock (the first one) is another good example because it takes Ayn Rand's concept of objectivism to its logical extreme, and the end result is complete insanity

Fair opinion.

lol, i'll show you a far right position

if i ever saw a nazi or trump supporter at a concert i'd punch them straight up no question asked

You wouldn't do shit you gay little bitch. If you saw a swastika shirt at a concert you'd just stare at him and then go home and post a 3 paragraph long rant on facebook about white supremacy and Trump's Amerikkka.

go try it right now mein fuhrer go wear your racist shit in public and see what happens
fuck you motherfucking inbred waste



In a purely self-defense situation I would fucking wreck any antifa that were messing with me.

if i ever saw a trump supporter in real life i would punch their lights out non negotiable

what you're gonna send him to the imaginary gulag?
he's going to weenie hut gulag After The Revolution bud? he's getting the wall? you're gonna beat him up at the talent show? standing ovation? poggers dude really liking these gaming threads on Yea Forums

Can any of you kids define "right" or "left"? Hint: it has nothing to do with sucking corporate cock unless youre a lemming.

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I would shoot you for that.

Your precious brown people(maybe you're brown, poopy poo-poo brown) are way more likely to be inbred than whites.

yeah? would you? and then what?
guns are getting banned next presidential election
just wait
the majority of americans want it
we need to stop mindless killing within our borders
were also getting a free immigration act with canada and mexico like the eu
were not gonna be stuck in the past for much longer buddy


you can tell they're all low t virgins who became leftists because they want their student debt paid off

I'm The left's values are equality/egalitarianism, along with progress. The right's values are hierarchy, along with tradition/preservation.

Obviously, equality and progress don't necessarily have to go together, nor do hierarchy and tradition, but that's why the American political paradigm is both limiting and starting to fall apart.

I would shoot you, you would die.

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your days are numbered as a white male in america
the tides have turned against you

Hey bro don't you have an epic MDE discord to share dank redpills about Jews brainwashing white women not to have sex with gamers like you? Aren't you that political movement that started because you saw girls and minorities in your precious vidya and preventing "gaming journalism" (pfft...) from being corrupted by feminism? You know, the political movement that whines constantly about birth rates, "degeneracy" of women, and "cuckoldry": the alt right, /pol/, the donald, the redpill, you motherfucking weirdo shutin acne ridden dweebs. Look in the mirror for 5 minutes and soak it in instead of blaming the outside world.
You couldn't shoot a beer bottle pussy redneck larper

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>White president
>Majority population is white
We're fine

That's what you think fattie tranny.

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nice reaction image white boy
everybody hates you
white people hate other whites
white people hate themselves
its over
your women belong to us anyway

I shot a load into your moms fat ass.

None, because Yea Forums is a music board and not a video game board. Take it to

Nice cope nigger.

>redneck larper
and you're not some faggot college kid with a paid for degree + apartment larping as a communist revolutionary?

yeah okay katherine
go get some sleep

What's this Katherine meme all about?

If i saw anyone at a concert i would throw broken spark plugs through random windows of cars parked near the venue, then piss through them into the cars.

T. Ego anarchist

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Smash Mouth predicted global warming and you didn't listen. Wake the fuck up you /pol/ fags debating this muh racism CNN tier nonsense. Think about the real issues they're hiding from you.

It's a cool place and they say it gets colder
You're bundled up now, wait till you get older
But the meteor men beg to differ
Judging by the hole in the satellite picture
The ice we skate is getting pretty thin
The water's getting warm so you might as well swim
My world's on fire, how about yours?
That's the way I like it and I never get bored

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You should go out and try to make some friends.

how's life in exile bones


>walking on the sun
Holy shit

Hello, I am a Trump supporter. Please find me and kill me in real life.
Fuck You

>t. Anarcho-communist.
well crafted bait

>t. tranny

fucking juicy

Stop being salty that some people do what they want while you're priding yourself on low standards to associate with sperglets just as desperate for validation as you. Good, clean, mundane fun!

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hey nazis guess what in the real world yo u are fucking done d o n e donzo the future is ours full socialism aoc x500 buckle up racists, it's time to reap what your ancestors sewed. 200+ years of oppression will not be left forgotten. good luck to your children, if you incels even get that far. fuck yall pussy faggots.

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damn homie based

No, I mean stop reading Stirner and fantasizing about electrocuting people. You've been sitting in front of a computer screen too long. Go outside. Meet people.

I'm so tired of this stupid strawman. Dilate, have sex, etc.

>"we need to stop mindless killing within our borders"
>threatens to punch half the country for voting Trump
holy shit this is rock bottom

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>when the trump niggers take ur bait

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being pro wall and libertarian are two opposed positions though, open borders is a highly libertarian position

>being an unironic chapocel
damn i wish i was so cool

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Trumpniggers are not friends of us. They're usually poor rednecks and neets who want welfare for being white and only hate mexicans because they take their shitty low wage high school diploma jobs. We have no use for them in true meritocracy. The welfare dependent underclass will be culled by natural selection in a just world without government intervention.

>admitting to having a small dick
Do these people know when to close their mouths?

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chapo fags are fucking stupid

cumtown fags are cool tho

a government serving it's citizens via protecting them from invasion is not mutually exclusive to libertarianism.
It's strange you see a nation as nothing more than a job fair.

I am outside 99% of the time, including now. I read books outside, too. Waste of life projecting your cookiecutter patheticism onto others.

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>>Majority population is white

less than 50% of babies being born for years now have been white

we're at like 53% non-hispanic white as a whole

just wait for the 2020 census

The second you attach an ideology, it becomes a fucking government. Just because you don't call it one doesn't make it not one.

What you mean by brazilification?

>just go into /metal/ and bring up RABM and see
To be fair, that's mostly because there are about 4 actual RABM bands and they're all absolute dogshit

we are absolutely fucked in america
france, sweden, canada, and the uk are also particularly pretty bad demographic wise
i live in a large city majority non white and i'm a 100% white person, full anglo blood, the prejudice is everywhere and there's definitely double standards for minorities vs whites despite the fact whites aren't even the majority in the city anymore

Everyone gets turned into a disgusting mutt.

you know henry rollins is staunchly leftist and anti-racist, right?

based far-right /pol/ retard

Shut the fuck up retard. Just because they made james bond black doesn't mean white people are being targeted with racism or some shit. Fucking go outside and fuck some white girl already you stupid faggot.

Liberals want to make it illegal to be white and have cultural relevance so those statements aren't dissonant at all
Not having black artists as your favorite music is an act of cultural dissent
pay more attention

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(don't actually fuck white girls he's trying to pull one over on you)

yeah 80% of our population lives in cities and suburbs and they're basically all non-white largely

whites are maybe like 30% in the good part of chicago, maybe 70% if you count the very upper crust in a few neighborhoods, its like this in every large city, suburbs are whiter but still plenty of nonwhites

/pol/tards think the fact they live in a rural 90% white community in a flyover state means america is white because they haven't realized how small and depopulated their shithole small towns are and have never visited a city

don't even reply to these chapocels
they're schizo tranny self hating white guilt ridden wastes of life

>france, sweden, canada, and the uk are also particularly pretty bad demographic wise

they are getting there, but even the worse ones (the UK and france and germany) are still only like half as bad as the USA and are only really as nonwhite as we were in like the 80s/90s or so, they're still like 70-90% white

america is literally not white, i'm saying this AS a white man

im not a /pol/ retard like you but yeah there's nothing wrong with being white and wanting your country to be white, its generally just a better society that way

america has always been a mutt country, oh well

Except video game politics fucking suck.
>most of the time a subtle jabs at capitalism that wouldn't be noticeable to most of the people who listen to it
>when it is blatant, it's usually done with enough tact that even someone on the right can enjoy it if they aren't some fucking autistic pol-tard that'd be killed off if the 4th reich actually came to be.
>video games
Twitter trannies love to fucking pull the "WHAT ABOUT METAL GEAR!?! THAT GAME IS POLITICAL AND YOU LOOOOVE THAT!!" and that's because the political references are just fucking subtle enough and play it and not feel like the game is trying to force a message down your throat, just like how I can put on Animals and enjoy the album, despite it's obvious and overtly anti-capitalist themes. They are there and if you think fucking anyone is denying that, you're a fucking retard. The issue has never been "politics", it's just that gamers are fucking retarded and don't know how to articulate what they're trying to say until they've already been proven to be a retard. When they say "stop putting politics in my vidya" what they mean is "stop putting tacky, obvious, and hyper-topical faux woke political propaganda that will be outdated in half a decade into my vidya"

Also this picture is litterally just that one shitty StoneToss comic only with the poltiks reversed.

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Why do communists exclusively use memes made by nazis?

they don't build, only steal and destroy

>liberals want to make it illegal to be white


what the fuck are you talking about video games rulez


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I only play games by Icepick Lodge.

there is literally nothing wrong with being racist

Rollins isn't Black Flag. Greg Ginn is.

based and truthpilled

I'm not really up on modern AAA titles - can you give me some examples of some faux-woke games so I can get caught up on the topic?

because the npc is a lefty who hate lib SJWs

You must be joking

white boys who browse /pol/, complain about sjws and black ppl listen to
>prog rock
>future funk
>liberal white oriented black rap (kendrick lamar, asap rocky, tyler the creator, kanye west, death grips, Run the Jewels)
>alt-rock in the likes of radiohead, talking head and the smiths, swans
>80s popular music, Yacht rock, boomer meme music
>memes music
>video game soundtracks

It is not politics that is annoying in video games, it is the same message being said over and over again to the point of insanity. There have been good games with political messages and good games without, but if you are going to make a point that your game is equality friendly it isn't as special as you may think

we don't listen to jews or niggers unless it's ironic

you just do what other faggots on the computer tell you and don't really think about it

Absolutely BASED!
Apart from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and My Summer Car, I don't play video games.

What did Robocop and Black Flag ever do to you?

illiterate gamers don't understand nuance
we have to teach them
draw over old memes and teach them

A lot.

And for the tards taking the albums in OP's pic literally fucking think about the point he's making

>hates sjws
>likes tpab
Can you at least make your memes less shit

Where do people with fairly large uncut penises lie politically ?


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I am big and uncut and I am radical individualist

his reasoning for wanting the wall was pretty convincing though

>stonetoss comics
Real chads read wormwood

What really pisses me off is that the need for the wall has become so dire only because self congratulatory humanist bullshit artists refused to even consider that they're not going to overcome every obstacle with the power of kindness and spiritual awokedness.

t. Butthurt tranny

>reading wormwood
Nice projection but it’s not going to stop stone toss being shit
Now dilate

Black Flag weren't blatantly political, most of their songs were about personal issues.

movies and music are art. vidya gaems aren't

The difference between music and games is quite stark.

In music people lay out their positions quite often.
In computer games they strawman opposing positions then give you goodboy points and achievements for making the "right decision".

The former feels more honest, I can happily exist with people disagreeing with me, what I don't like is people using fictional worlds/settings to try and prove their political positions to be correct.

Both music, movies and books are more personal and intimately connected to the mind of one artist. It makes it more art than the disjointed products that most video games end up being.

>most movies
>not disjointed products

You can be agaisnt racism, anti-government or what not without wanting to shove in minorities and LGBTQ-whatever into everything, thing is when they do it in videogames it just feels like virtue signaling, and this is often confirmed by the developers themselves on twitter or interviews. It feels dishonest as fuck.
I don't listen to black flag or rap in general but the political messages in animals, ok computer and robocop are well presented, subtle enough and to be honest, justified. In any modern videogames is just "WE HAVE MINORITIES, COME AND GET YOUR MINORITIES".
I still don't really give a fuck about politics in any kind of media as long as I enjoy it, and videogames that deal with politics are usually brain dead generic garbage.

You can't shit on people for "getting triggered by everything" and then shit on them for not being triggered by things

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It's easier to have a movie line up perfectly according to your own artistic vision than a video game but yes, movies can be very disjointed.


Fuck communism

shut up retards

all the seething chapocels itt lmao

Does it matter? Good art is all up to the viewers interpretation/has a message that is beyond politics, the distaste for the whole "sjw in muh vidya" thing is cause that shit ain't up for interpretation and holds no value. OK Computer is about the distaste and disconnection from modern technological society, robocop is a critique on americas obsession with consumerism, i can see both sides enjoying these works. TPAB, Animals, and black flag on the other hand? eh, doubtable, also this image is just a shit rippoff of that one stonetoss comic


I don't see why people complain so much about minorities having children whenever you can have 12 kids. Stop complaining and raise citizens for tomorrow.