This is what is considered "complexity" in rock music
ok... is that not complex?
Yes. What a joke of a genre.
you can't tell me this isn't a monty python sketch
wiggles tier nonsense for art school british twat psueds to wank over
it reminds me of like the fucking wiggles
Cardiacs are a treasure, Tim Smith is a genius, and OP is a faggot.
Fortunately, people like you on this board are greatly outnumbered.
This will never be your home. Why are you still here?
good song
zoomers and yanks dont get it, never read a proper book in their lives or able to comprehend anything beyond jungle mumblings
Look at you faggot, you consider a manchurian cuneiform messageboard "home"
Go jerk off to your RYM ratings.
this was meant for you
This actually is really cringe, wow. RYM likes this shit.
Is this British Mr. Bungle?
>Maybe if we play in an insufferable quirky fashion. It will hide how bland and boring our songwriting really is.
Dang, thanks for finding that video in much higher quality than previously available.
I dunno man, Mr. Bungle had some catchy fucking hooks in their music. Not picking up any strong melodies from this though.
pleb filter working as intended
op = cringe
don't reply to me
Nevermind, I just listened again and I fucking love it.
Mike Patton has cited Cardiacs as an influence, and so have Radiohead, Blur, and Napalm Death
>haha im going to say I like this objectively terrible music to piss off, OP. that will show him!
Mental illness.
implying that is a bad thing
implying that the pythonesque absurdity isn't obviously deliberate
>cherrypicking dork-core cardiacs
>not posting savant-level genius cardiacs
yes, bands can release more than a few songs