Name a more obvious industry plant

Name a more obvious industry plant

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Lol yeah he has to be. That fucking Billboard race baiting stunt is what propelled it to mega status. Some PR wiz cooked that up.


Good for him. He deserves to milk this until it's dry. Fuck rapfags and countryfags, let then seethe.

Lil peep

this 100%

something felt off as fuck to me in his nardwuar interview

Also fuck her PR team for getting Purrp's video removed.

oh wow, that's stupid
why would they remove that just because someone is criticizing a shit pop artist

At least Billy Ray isn't a one hit wonder anymore

Achy Breaky Heart wasn't even his own song. It was a cover.

>the only times billy tasted fame is aping off someone else
Fucking lmao

it aight.. he gets his from pimpin out his wastoid daughter

he just seemed nervous/awkward, and he couldnt speak with the fucking grills

Her fans have a gigantic siege mentality.

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slayyyter was made in a lab to jock charli/PC music and rake in the gay money

>social media-savvy zoomer aggressively memes a catchy novelty song until it becomes a hit
No major label or PR firm would waste money on something a child could do in his bedroom for free



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lil nas x is sexy

that was easy

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He is not trying to look underground and indie, so its fine, billie on the other hand....

>'billie doesn't have a team of industry professionals behind her, it's just HER AND HER BROTHER'
Her brother is an industry professional...

gangnam style and interscope records..., hmm lets check what record label our gay lil nig is signed to oh gee willikers the song was released in june but he was signed to columbia back in march that's three months of industry push... child could do in his bedroom.

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Hes milking his hit song so damn hard. Its always changed in some small way and hits the top of youtube trending everytime.

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is there a reupload some where?

I can't wait till whites stop looking for niggers for entertainment.

why do you think he's gay

Not only that, he's doing all kinds of publicity stunts. Like when he announced that he came out as a gay man.