>Around 5 Hip Hop albums are currently archived in the Library of Congress for being culturally, historically, or aesthetically important
>Only one Metal album has been inducted so far
Why do Metal fans give Hip Hop so much shit when Hip Hop was able to accomplish more in a shorter lifespan than Metal?
Around 5 Hip Hop albums are currently archived in the Library of Congress for being culturally, historically...
Other urls found in this thread:
Because of pic related
Hip hop has been far more relevant to culture than metal and it’s not arguable
>Drayton was born in Roosevelt, New York and grew up in nearby Freeport, two communities within the Town of Hempstead.[6] He taught himself to play the piano and began playing at the age of 5.[7] A musical prodigy, he sang in the youth choir at his church and mastered the piano, drums, and guitar at an early age.[8] According to Chuck D, Drayton is proficient in fifteen instruments.[5]
This, and I like metal.
Hip-hop's lyrical themes are intrinsically more grounded in reality and social commentary than metal's are.
What metal album is inducted?
Metallica's black album or some shit?
Master of Puppets
>genre that doesn't want normies
>isn't recognized publicly
its literally this lol, do you expect a bunch of 50-something normie boomers to put fucking filosofem in the archives?
>>genre that doesn't want normies
Is this what metal fans actually believe?
Urbanite bug men who promote hip hop who look down on metal because it appeals to suburban whites.
Hip hop is only in there because of the meme that is all inclusivity
I’m sure Jerry Foxhoven would love to receive some of that
I spend too much time on pol. It’s weird coming here and seeing logically responses
Because metal is rarely about having a message where as lyricism is an integral part of hip hop. Metal fans shit on hiphop for the lack of technicality usually.
Even if you hate rap and hip hop culture and blacks in general, this is pretty hard to argue against
>Metal fans shit on hiphop for the lack of technicality usually.
The irony coming from a genre inspired by rock and blues music.
What are those 5 hip hop albums?
And hiphop is descended directly from multiple complex classical compositions played simultaneously, right?
No, it literally just lifts rock music entirely and calls it "sampling", adds some mumbling black man, and some electronic blippity blaps.
Why jay z? That's probably the only one I disagree with being archived.
>descended directly from multiple complex classical compositions played simultaneously, right?
As if early Rock was like this too.
Even early rock is better than literally any hip hop
I'm just countering your assertion metal "must be simple because early rock was simple". Rock diverged wildly into some fairly complex directions on one end with jazz fusion and prog, and in incredibly basic directions like punk and rap.
How are you determining this?
> And hiphop is descended directly from multiple complex classical compositions played simultaneously
yeah... jazz...
always love it when whites then they know what they're talking about. you got your music from US, dummy. we own you.
There are no whites on Yea Forums
>hip hop
>descended from jazz
Are you actually a retard or do you just pretend to be one on Yea Forums
Literally the only connection between jazz and hip hop is "black people are involved". If you're a /pol/ tier racial identitarian and that's enough for you, go back to /pol/.
Stop shilling. Jews run this government, and they force whitey to worship niggers in order to cause dissent. Hip-hop is for simpletons. Lets not pretend otherwise.
lmaoooo. you clearly have no knowledge of hip-hop at all you moron white. go back to listening to metal dumbass.
I’m just saying saying shitting on a genre for its “lack of technicality” is ironic when the genre that inspired it is inherently basic. Beginner guitarists are usually taught Black Sabbath songs
Metal>hip hop but based on the criteria for induction it would make sense that more hiphop records are in. The records don't have to sound good they just have to be relevant to be inducted
>muh fuggin bix nood muh dick, but unironically
What a thoughtful and intelligent post, fellow human! You're convincing me more every day that you're an equal!
I dunno why this is hard for you, "rock" is not some monolithic construct you can dismiss as "basic". It ranges from incredibly basic to incredibly complex by artist and genre.
>all Sabbath songs lack technique
>It ranges from incredibly basic to incredibly complex by artist and genre.
Literally the same thing can be said about Hip Hop. Or do you think Biz Markie and Clipping are comparable?
Not trying to say that.
>white trash resorts to racism when beat
i'm the guy you call a nigger because im fucking your white girls. love to shit on whites.
eat a dick
That's not what the Tinder stats are saying
Anyway you're surely a ginger who try to race bait on a music board in the middle of the summer
The most technical metal is more technical than the most technical hiphop from what I've heard. Idk if technicality can be measured though. Also fuck all the race baiters ITT go to /pol/. /pol/ isn't just for white supremacists it's for anybody that wants to bitch about race for hours
>reeee whitey white man bad whitey dumb reeeee whites reeee
>lol dumb nigger
jesus fucking christ
what's the point of even trying with people like that around
Because it's Cuckgaufags who decide this stuff.
Jazz exists because of the European composition tradition/12 note scale. Also nice LARP as a POC, white boy.
>Hip hop has been far more relevant to culture than metal
I guess it's more relevant to urbanities, not the rest of us.
Metal was very culturally relevant...in the 1980s. It's retreated into its shell since that time and lacks a mainstream presence so you can understand why this happens.
>The most technical metal is more technical than the most technical hiphop from what I've heard.
Hip Hop usually doesn’t involve acoustic instruments like Metal. So the comparison isn’t the same.
The whole anti-fame, anti-rockstar, anti-playing to anyone but the faithful attitude. Thing is, rappers embrace fame, getting rich, and having a media presence which metal hasn't since the first Bush was president.
The arrangements are aswell, and I would even wager the vocals but not the rhyme schemes or lyricism
There's a few albums like maybe Paranoid and MOP that could qualify for the Library of Congress but most didn't have enough of a normie presence.
wh*tes are a race of estrogenized bitter cuckolds, what do you expect
who cares about some retarded library anyways
>Because metal is rarely about having a message
This is a troll, right?
Hip hop originally came from disco, which came from funk/soul, which came from gospel. Different lineage than blues/jazz/rock
>but most didn't have enough of a normie presence.
Aren’t they best selling albums though?
Metal is either:
a) fantasy wizard dragon gnome bullshit
b) horror movie style extreme violence GORE BROOTAL HARDCORE KILL RAPE everything
Or some combination thereof. Not socially relevant or conscious whatsoever, just laughably juvenile """kvlt""" bullshit
Hip-hop incredibly enough started thanks to the 1977 New York blackout.
>nignogs in NYC 'hoods looted music shops and made off with thousands in expensive DJ equipment
>they forgot to steal any records to go along with them so when they got bored of their P-Funk or whatever albums, they started doing things like record scratching to make interesting sfx
And that's how it began.
Oh yeah I actually read that ages ago in some pop music history book. Today's hip hop and pretty much everything after Run DMC is completely removed from the corny sugar hill disco rap roots though
Kraftwerk did it first burger.
I know having no cultur at all is a shame for your huge ego but stop stealing everything.
Kraftwerk was the beginning of techno and house which poor black factory workers in Detroit and black fags in Chicago then created.
>grrr I'm ten times more gangsta than you
>grrr life in the hood sucks
>grrr Imma slang that ho
>grrr I wear tons of bling and drive a Lambo
You were saying?
>Kraftwerk was the beginning of techno and house which poor black factory workers in Detroit and
By the end of the 70s the kids in Detroit were getting bored of George Clinton and figured he'd already said it all. To be fair George Clinton was getting bored of George Clinton by that point as well.
so does hip hop lol
Certain flavors of hip-hop are approved by soi bugmen. The cheesy backpack Dre kind of hip-hop was never liked by them even though it was huge and had a crossover audience.
I thought Kraftwerk had more to do with synths than modifying samples though. that’s not really the same thing at all.
I guess he's referring to Afrika bambaataa's planet rock which was built off a Kraftwerk sample.
Most people over 15 get over metal and listen to something else.
Metal is just as empty, generic, unoriginal and soulless as billboard pop music, if not worse. Metalheads think manchildren screaming to power chords are Mozart level geniuses when in reality they're much less talented than many hip hop producers
Cuckgau plz.
Death black grind and some other forms of extreme metal have substance although no social or politically conscious value most of the time. Other metal is shit
They're like EDM--the stuff is designed to dance/mosh to and you have to go to live shows to appreciate it.
>t. actual retard
How can you honestly think that Metal as a genre is "soulless" especially compared to the vapid, completely skill-free genre that is "hip-hop"?
Listen to some classic metal, ingrate.
Lol are you fucking serious? Pop metal from the 80's is literally the exact thing he was talking about if not worse since it's actual pop chart music.
I'm not talking about pop metal from the 80s.
So many angry nerds ITT. Keep it going, boys. The river of tears is delicious.
I prefer hip hop over metal and even I know hip hop has way more nerd fans of the two genres. shit's annoying honestly.
It's why I stopped going to /pol/ altogether. It is seriously worse than Yea Forums at this point.
I love metal and I stand by what I said. If you listen to metal for the message you're probably a helpless rifflet. The only time metal should he listened to for lyrics is the broken English like sodom or sarcofago
Hip-hop is just far more in the main stream. Both genres have meaningful lyrical content and soul while some of each genre is just bullshit. Hip hop is easier listening while metal takes some getting used to but i find it to be the most interesting and diverse.